If you are preparing for certifications, you should keep an eye on the respective news groups where people have pretty interesting discussions...
Click here to check out Microsoft News Groups for Certifications
Also check out the newsgroup rules and explore many other newsgroups on specific technologies by Clicking Here
Use Outlook Express to browse through the newsgroups with ease... Below are some articles that may help you in getting acquainted with Outlook Express and subscriptions...
Outlook Express newsgroups 101
Got a tough problem? Become a newsgroupie
Click here to check out Microsoft News Groups for Certifications
Also check out the newsgroup rules and explore many other newsgroups on specific technologies by Clicking Here
Use Outlook Express to browse through the newsgroups with ease... Below are some articles that may help you in getting acquainted with Outlook Express and subscriptions...
Outlook Express newsgroups 101
Got a tough problem? Become a newsgroupie