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Membuat Paging Pada MsFlexgrid Dengan Database MySQL di VB6

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Pada kesempatan sebelumnya saya sudah pernah membahas paging memakai database MS Access dan MsFlexgrid untuk menampilkan datanya.
Pada kesempatan ini saya akan membuat paging menggunakan database MySQL dan masih memakai komponen MsFelxgrid. Jika anda menginginkan memakai komponen Listview tinggal disesuikan cara menampilkan datanya saja yang lainnya sama.

Lalu bagaimana cara�Membuat Paging Pada

Memilih Printer Untuk Mencetak Laporan Crystal Report (1)

0 komentar
Secara default Crystal Report akan "menganggap" printer yang di "set as default printer" menjadi tujuannya. Hal ini tidak menjadi masalah jika printer yang dipakai untuk mencetak hanya satu dengan tipe/ukuran kertas yang sama.
Akan menjadi suatu masalah jika laporan atau Report yang dihasilkan ternyata membutuhkan lebih dari satu printer untuk mencetak laporan tersebut karena berbeda jenisnya.

Validasi Menyimpan Data Dalam Listview Ke Database

0 komentar
Tulisan ini merupakan kelanjutan dari tulisan saya yang sebelumnya yang pernah saya janjikan yang membahas tentang cara Menyimpan Data Dalam Listview Ke Database. Validasi data disini berfungsi untuk menghindari duplikasi data sehingga tidak terjadi data yang double dalam database kita.
Kita misalkan saja sudah ada dalam database NIM : 0001, kita mau input lagi nim 001 maka akan ada peringatan

Why my Odoo V10 cannot work on iOS ?

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Hi SME Malaysia and fellow odooer , hope you all are well , a few days ago , i keep receiving complaints from my Odoo's clients which they are running their E-Commerce on our Cloud platform , but they noticed that ...

when it comes to ... APPLE DEVICES ...

or Iphone ... 

ODOO website just do not work properly (however it work fine when it is not running in a https protocol ), i thought that it is because of the Community or Enterprise , went to forum and ask but as i do not own any i-devices so , no where for me to test , i know i can't tell my customer that , hey , i have tested , it running well in my EMULATOR ... after much testing , we found an interesting answer ,

Nginx and LetsEncrypt SSL certificate problem with iOS and Safari : The solution: in your server {  ... } block, insert the ssl_session_cache directive with whatever value you deem fit. Example from Nginx documentation: ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m;

Save your configuration, reload Nginx, try it again - voila, it's fixed. Odoo will and should display properly ... Hope this little will save you sometimes and make Odoo deployment in your Cloud , Linux environment more enjoyable !!! 

Laravel 5 Tutorial : How to Export to PDF using Dompdf Library with Example

1 komentar
Laravel 5.3 Tutorial For Beginners : This lessons will show you how to�Export to PDF using Dompdf Library with Example in laravel 5.3. At the previews lessons we have learn how to create multiple upload form in laravel 5.3, so please read :

Laravel 5.3 Multiple File Upload & Save Into Database

Video Tutorial�How to Export to PDF using Dompdf Library with Example

Full source code


laravel 5 Tutorial : Laravel 5.3 Multiple File Upload & Save Into Database

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Laravel 5.3 Tutorial for beginners : How to create simple Laravel 5.3 Multiple File Upload & Save Into Database, this lessons will show you how to create Upload Form in Laravel 5.3 with multiple file upload and will save into database.

at the previews lessons we have create simple upload images in laravel 5.3 using Ajax, so please read :

Upload Images in Laravel 5.3

Video Tutorial�Laravel

Lumen API Tutorial : Lumen 5.3 HTTP Routing Methods with Laravel 5.3 Components

0 komentar
Lumen API Tutorial for beginners : this lessons will show you How to use Lumen 5.3 HTTP Routing Methods with Laravel 5.3 Components, at the previews lessons, we have learn about installing Lumen 5.3 using composer, so please read :

How to Install Lumen 5.3 using Composer

Video Tutorial Lumen 5.3�HTTP Routing Methods

Basic Routing
You will define all of the routes for your application in

Lumen API Tutorial : How to Installing Lumen 5.3 Laravel 5.3 Components Using Composer

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Lumen 5.3 API Tutorial for beginners - This lesson will show you how to install Lumen 5.3 with Laravel 5.3 Components using composer in windows, at the previews lessons we have learn about install Laravel 5.3 using composer, please read :

Install Laravel 5.4 using Composer

Video Tutorial How to Install Lumen 5.3

The Lumen framework has a few system requirements. Of course, all of these

Odoo web hack- how to make a simple static web page modules ?

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Hi Odooer , how is things with you all ? long time no post , hope that more SME is leveraging on the power of Odoo ,  today i am going to show you how you can make a simple static module which uses Odoo web server to display you content instead of using other web server...

1. make a new module with folder structure as follow ,

2. copy all your static HTML assets folder like mine , eglobalscm ,

3. then refresh and update your app module list in your Odoo ,

4. You DO NOT need to install it, once you have added into the module and you can see it as one of the app to be installed , u can choose NOT to install it but is up to you and depending your need whether your other modules need to refer to it or not , 
5. you should be able to view it under your Odoo server , like below ...

ok , hope this short tips help you !

Laravel 5 Forum Tutorial : Simple Laravel 5.3 Forum Package with Chatter Plugin

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Laravel 5.3 Forum Package Tutorial - How to build simple forum in Laravel 5.3 with "Chatter Package", This lessons will show you how to step by step create Forum Apps in Laravel project. At the previews lessons we have learn about build Laravel Admin panel using "Voyager" Package. Please Read :

Laravel Dashboard Package Example with Voyager.

Video Tutorial Simple Laravel 5.3 Forum Package


Laravel 5 Admin Panel Tutorial : Laravel Dashboard Package Example with Voyager

0 komentar
Laravel 5.3 Admin Panel Tutorial - How to build laravel 5 dashboard package example with "Voyager" pakcage made with simple step. at previews lessons, we have create admin panel with "Build Blog Project", please read :

CRUD on Admin Panel Backend Services

Video Tutorial Build Laravel Admin Panel
This lessons will show you simple step using "Voyager". Voyager is a Laravel Admin Package that

Android Tutorial : Android Hello World Example with Android Studio

0 komentar
Android Studio tutorial : How to getting started build simple android application using Android Studio, this lessons will show you how to create "Hello World Example" in Android Studio. At the previews lessons, we have learn how to install and configure android studio on windows. Please Read :
How to Install Android Studio on Windows

Video Tutorial How to Create First App on Android Studio


Laravel 5 Tutorial : How to Implement DataTables Ajax with yajra datatables

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Laravel 5.3 Ajax Tutorial - How to�implement DataTables Ajax with yajra datatables package in laravel 5.3, this tutorial will show you how to display, shorting, searching data from database using datatables ajax plugin in laravel 5.3

at the previews lessons, we have create simple Laravel 5.3 project, please read :

Laravel 5.3 Ajax CRUD Application
Laravel 5.3 Vue.Js CRUD Application
Laravel 5.3

Membuat Paging Pada MsFlexgrid Dengan Database Access di VB6

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Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan memberikan sebuah tutorial mengenai paging, yang berfungsi untuk meringankan pada proses load data pada sebuah grid. Disini saya menggunakan MsFlexgrid untuk menampilkan datanya.
MsFlexgrid hanya bisa menampilkan data sekitar 300.000 an data saja, jika anda memiliki data lebih dari 300 ribu dan anda tampilkan ke dalam msflexgrid maka akan terjadi error. Lalu

Laravel 5 Tutorial : Laravel 5.3 Simple CRUD Application With Angular JS

0 komentar
Laravel 5.3 tutorial for beginners : Create simple Laravel 5.3 CRUD Operations with�laravel 5.3 and Angular JS backend (REST API). At the previews lessons, we have create simple crud with laravel too, please read :

Laravel 5.3 Crud Operation with Ajax
Laravel 5.3 Crud Application with Resource Controller
Laravel 5.3 Crud Opeartion with Vue.Js Full video

This lessons will use Laravel 5 for the

Laravel 5 Tutorial : Create a custom Laravel5.3 Pagination with Bootstrap Templates

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Laravel 5.3 Tutorial - How to�Create a custom Laravel 5.3 Pagination with Bootstrap Templates step by step for beginners? this lessons will show you how to create pagination in laravel 5.3 and customizing it with bootstrap templates.

At the previews lessons we have create simple Pagination with Eloquent & Query Builder in Laravel 5.3, so please read it before.

Video Tutorial�Customizing

Laravel 5 & JQuery Tutorial : Bootstrap-validator Validation Example in Laravel 5.3

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Laravel 5.3 tutorial for beginners - How to create validation using JQuery�Bootstrap-validator in Laravel 5.3? this tutorial will show you how to build simple validation with Bootstrap-validator plugins the best plugin for Form validation.

At the previews lessons we have learn how to create simple validation in laravel, please read�How to use Validation in Laravel 5.3.

Video tutorial Using�

Laravel Scout and Vue.Js : How to create Search Function in Laravel 5.3

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Laravel 5.3 tutorial : This lesson will show you how to create simple search function using Laravel Scout and Vue.Js, at the previews lessons we have learn how to build simple search using GET Method, please read�Simple Search Function Using GET Method in laravel 5.3.

How to create Search Function in Laravel 5.3?
First, we will need laravel was installed on our server, if not, i assumed you to
