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Cara Service Canon iP1880, iP1980 Blink 4x Orange 1x Hijau

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Di awal Februari ini kang Eko berkesempatan posting lagi satu artikel tentang printer Canon iP1880 dan iP1980 yang blink 4x orange 1x hijau. Blink ini menyebabkan printer iP1980 dan iP1880 tidak bisa digunakan untuk print. Mau tahu cara servicenya?

Indikasi awal Canon iP1880 dan iP1980 blink 4x orange 1x hijau :

Ketika canon iP1880 atau iP1980 dihidupkan, printer akan langsung menampilkan pesan error lewat proses blink pada led printer. iP1980 atau iP1880 ini akan langsung mengalami blink 4x orange 1x hijau.

Penyebab Canon iP1880 dan iP1980 blink 4x orange 1x hijau :
Penyebabnya adalah iP1880 atau iP1980 tersebut membutuhkan reset atau sudah full menurut hitungan Canon.

Cara Service Canon iP1880, iP1980 Blink 4x Orange 1x Hijau :
1. Hidupkan Canon iP1880 atau iP1980 yang blink 4x orange 1x hijau.
2. Tekan dan tahan tombol RESUME sekitar 10-30 detik.
3. Kemudian akan terdengar bunyi printer mulai melakukan inisialisasi / persiapan.
4. Dan Canon iP1880 atau 1980 yang blink 4x orange 1x hijau seharusnya sudah normal kembali dengan led hijau menyala.
5. Selesai.

Oya, cara service canon blink 4x orange 1x hijau ini tidak hanya untuk iP1880 dan iP1980 saja, tapi bisa juga untuk iP1200, iP1300, iP1600, iP1700 yang mengalami blink 4x orange 1x hijau juga.

Selamat mencoba!

Keygen Smadav Pro 2014

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Bagi sobat blogger yang pengen menggunakan smadav pro tapi ente gak punya key untuk mengubah smadav free yang ente punya jadi pro. Jangan khawatir sob dengan program smadav keygen ente bisa mengubah smadav free menjadi smadav pro, caranya mudah aja kok. tinggal ente ketik aja nama (terserah mau nama apa aja) ntar keluar sendiri tuh key nya. 
contoh :
Nama : vbopensource
Key : 993899727232

Semoga bermanfaat ya bro...........

Download Here 


Source Code Super Antivirus

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Ok sob, ane mau sharing source code antivirus baru untuk referensi ente dalam membuat antivirus ente sendiri, semoga dengan adanya source  code ini project antivirus yang ente buat dapat lebih bagus dari source code yang ane share ini ya, kalo antivirus buatan ente udah jadi jangan lupa di share disini ya.


Tutorial - Grouping pada Data Report

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Pada Posting sebelumnya saya menyajikan source code Grouping pada Data Report, nah yang ini adalah tutorial step by step cara membuatnya. Semoga bermanfaat


Posting selanjutnya tentang Grouping pada Data Report tanpa Data Environment.

Koleksi Icon untuk vb6 dari vbaccelerator.com

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Dibawah ini adalah link-link download icon untuk vb6 dari vbaccelerator.com
Dapat anda lihat selengkapnya pada link ini : http://vbaccelerator.com/iconlib.htm

Berikut beberapa diantaranya :
VbAccelerator Icon Library

Win2000 Icon Library
Thanks to David Miles for extracting this great selection of icons from the Win2000 beta, all in multiple sizes and colour depths.

Image Strips
These downloads contain picture strips for use with the vbAccelerator CoolMenu Toolbar and Rebar control or the vbAccelerator ImageList control and class:

Animated Cursors
Thanks to �yvind Skogsrud for sending the great selection of animated cursors you see here. Don't forget to check out the article Animated Cursors in VB to see how you can use them in your business app.


Soal Latihan Pemrograman Web

0 komentar
Dengan menggunakan perintah pengulangan (looping), buatlah tabel yang terdiri dari kolom No. Urut dan Data. Kolom data berisi textbox untuk memasukkan data. Di bawah tabel terdapat tombol Submit (lihat gambar di bawah).


Cara Reset Canon MP258 Error 5B00 atau P07

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Alhamdulillah bulan November ini kang Eko bisa Posting lagi. Postingan kali ini membahas tentang Cara Resetter Canon MP258 error 5B00 atau P07. Karena banyak yg mencari software resetter MP258 error 5B00 atau P07, maka mari langsung menuju ke TKP......

Cara Reset Canon MG2170, MG2270, MG5270 klik di sini

Indikasi awal :
Ketika printer MP258 dinyalakan akan menunjukkan error P07 di LCD panelnya dan dilayar monitor akan muncul error 5B00.

Cara Resetter Canon MP258
error 5B00 atau P07 :

1. Printer MP258 yang error 5B00 atau P07 dalam keadaan mati dan kabel listrik terpasang.
2. Tekan Tombol STOP/RESET dan tahan, kemudian tekan tombol POWER dan tahan.
3. Tombol POWER masih ditekan, lepas tombol STOP/RESET, kemudian tekan tombol STOP/RESET 2 x dalam keadaan tombol power masih ditekan.
4. Lepas kedua tombol secara bersamaan.
5. Printer
MP258 yang error 5B00 atau P07 akan berproses beberapa saat (agak lama), kemudian LCD Panel akan tampil angka 0
6. Komputer akan mendeteksi DEVICE BARU, Abaikan saja .....
7. Keadaan ini menunjukkan printer MP258 dalam keadaan SERVICE MODE dan siap direset.

error 5B00 atau P07  di SINI. (TANPA PASSWORD)

1. Exctract File Resetter MP258 untuk
error 5B00 atau P07
2. Siapkan 2 kertas di printer (ini untuk print pada waktu proses reset)
3. Jalankan program Resetter MP258 untuk
error 5B00 atau P07

4. Klik "MAIN", maka printer akan berproses, kemudian MP258 akan print satu halaman dengan tulisan " D=000.0 "

5. Klik " EEPROM Clear ".
6. Kemudian klik " EEPROM ", dan printer akan print hasil Resetter MP258. Salah satu barisnya tulisannya sbb:
"TPAGE(TTL=00000 COPY=00000)"

7. Matikan Printer dengan menekan tombol POWER.
8. Dan Printer
MP258 yang error 5B00 atau P07 sudah siap digunakan kembali . Selesai...

Jika muncul error E13 pada MP258, silahkan baca postingan ini :

Selamat mencoba ... Semoga berhasil ..



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Grouping pada Data Report

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Berikut saya sajikan Link Download source code bagaimana cara menampilkan report dengan DataReport yang dikelompok-kelompokkan berdasarkan field tertentu.

Kali ini saya menggunakan Data Environment, Tutorial lengkapnya akan saya sajikan pada Posting selanjutnya.

Link Download :


Cara Resetter Epson T60 Working

0 komentar
Tak terasa, kang Eko ternyata sudah menulis artikel yang ke " 202 ". Kali ini kang Eko akan mencoba sharing tentang cara resetter Epson T60. Cara resetter epson T60 ini sama dengan cara resetter yg sebelum-sebelumnya. Oya Resetter ini Kang Eko dapatkan dari Bang Muliadi Baik langsung saja ya...

Cara resetter epson T60 :

1. Langkah pertama tentunya printer harus sudah terinstall drivernya. Untuk Download drivernya klik download driver epson .

2. Download software resetter Epson T60 dulu. Software bernama Resetter Epson T60, anda dapat download di sini.

3. Tanggal komputer tidak perlu dirubah seperti resetter sebelumnya.

4. Jalankan program resetter Epson T60 dengan double klik langsung di "AdjProgcracked.exe".

5. Kemudian ikuti gambar berikut ini :

6. Setelah selesai matikan printer kemudian nyalakan lagi. Printer akan nyala dengan lampu berwarna hijau penuh. Berarti printer Epson Stylus T60 yang blink tadi sudah siap digunakan kembali.

Selamat mencoba .....


Revisi Link download : Membuat laporan bulanan dengan Data Report

0 komentar
Sebelumnya saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada mbak Desi yang telah memberitahukan bahwa link yang sebelumnya (sample project Membuat laporan bulanan dengan data report tanpa data environment.) Error. Berikut adalah revisi Link Download untuk posting tersebut. Terima kasih


Maintaining One Code Base with Possibly Conflicting Custom Features

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Today's essay deals with the tricky issue of custom features
for individual customers who are running instances of your

The question comes by way of a regular reader who prefers to
remain anonymous, but asks this:

... I work on a large (to me, anyway) application that serves as a client database, ticket system, time-tracking, billing, asset-tracking system. We have some customers using their own instances of the software. Often, those customers want additional fields put in different places (e.g., a priority column on tickets). This results in having multiple branches to account for versions with slight changes in code and in the database. This makes things painful and time-consuming in the long run: applying commits from master to the other branches requires testing on every branch; same with database migrate scripts, which frequently have to be modified.

Is there an easier way? I have thought about the possibility of making things "optional" in the database, such as a column on a table, and hiding its existence in the code when it's not "enabled." This would have the benefit of a single code set and a single database schema, but I think it might lead to more dependence on the code and less on the database -- for example, it might mean constraints and keys couldn't be used in certain cases.

Restating the Question

Our reader asks, is it better to have different code branches
or to try to keep a lot of potentially conflicting and optional
items mixed in together?

Well, the wisdom of the ages is to maintain a single code branch,
including the database schema. I tried exactly once, very early
in my career, to fork my own code, and gave up almost within days.
When I went to work in larger shops I always arrived in a situation
where the decision had already been made to maintain a single
branch. Funny thing, since most programmers cannot agree on the
color of the sky when they're staring out the window, this is
the only decision I have ever seen maintained with absolute
unanimity no matter how many difficulties came out of it.

There is some simple arithmetic as to why this is so. If you have
single feature for a customer that is giving you a headache, and
you fork the code, you now have to update both code branches for
every change plus regression test them both, including the feature
that caused the headache. But if you keep them combined you only
have the one headache feature to deal with. That's why people
keep them together.

Two Steps

Making custom features work smoothly is a two-step process.
The first step is arguably more difficult than the second,
but the second step is absolutely crucial if you have
business logic tied to the feature.

Most programmers when confronted with this situation
will attempt to make various features optional. I
consider this to be a mistake because it complicates
code, especially when we get to step 2. By far the
better solution is to make features ignorable
by anybody who does not want them.

The wonderful thing about ingorable features is
they tend to eliminate the problems with apparently
conflicting features. If you can rig the features
so anybody can use either or both, you've eliminated
the conflict.

Step 1: The Schema

As mentioned above, the first step is arguably more
difficult than the second, because it may involve
casting requirements differently than they are

For example,
our reader asks about a priority column on tickets,
asked for by only one customer. This may seem like
a conflict because nobody else wants it, but we
can dissolve the conflict when we make the feature
ignorable. The first step involves doing this at
the database or schema level.

But first we should mention that the UI is easy,
we might have a control panel
where we can make fields invisible. Or maybe our
users just ignore the fields they are not interested
in. Either way works.

The problem is in the database.
If the values for priority come
from a lookup table, which they should,
then we have a foreign key, and
we have a problem if we try to ignore it:

  • We can allow nulls in the foreign key, which is
    fine for the people ignoring it, but
  • This means the people who require it can end
    up with tickets that have no priority because it does
    not prevent a user from leaving it blank.

A simple answer here is to pre-populate your priority
lookup table with a value of "Not applicable", perhaps
with a hardcoded id of zero. Then we set the default
value for the TICKET.priority to zero. This means people
can safely ignore it because it will always be valid.

Then, for the customer who paid for it, we just go in
after the install and delete the default entry. It's
a one-time operation, not even worth writing a script
for, and it forces them to create a set of priorities
before using the system. Further, by leaving the
default of zero in there, it forces valid answers
because users will be dinged with an FK violation if
they do not provide a real priority.

For this particular example, there is no step 2, because
the problem is completely solved at the schema level.
To see how to work with step 2, I will make up an
example of my own.

Step 2: Unconditional Business Logic

To illustrate step 2, I'm going to make up an
example that is not really appropriate to our
reader's question, frankly because I cannot think
of one for that situation.

Let's say we have an eCommerce system, and one
of our sites wants customer-level discounts based
on customer groups, while another wants discounts
based on volume of order -- the more you buy, the
deeper the discount. At this point most programmers
start shouting in the meeting, "We'll make them
optional!" Big mistake, because it makes for lots
of work. Instead we will make them ignorable.

Step 1 is to make ignorable features in the schema.
Our common code base contains a table of customer
groups with a discount percent, and in the customers
table we make a nullable foreign key to the customer
groups table. If anybody wants to use it, great, and
if they want to ignore it, that's also fine. We do
the same thing with a table of discount amounts,
we make an empty table that lists threshhold amounts
and discount percents. If anybody wants to use it
they fill it in, everybody else leaves it blank.

Now for the business logic, the calculations of
these two discounts. The crucial idea here is
not to make up conditional logic that tries to
figure out whether or not to apply the discounts.

It is vastly easier to always apply both
discounts, with the discounts coming out zero for
those users who have ignored the features.

So for the customer discount, if the customer's
entry for customer group is null, it will not match
to any discount, and you treat this as zero.
Same for the sale amount discount, the lookup to
see which sale amount they qualify doesn't find
anything because the table is empty, so it treats
it as zero.

So the real trick at the business logic level is
not to figure out which feature to use, which leads
to complicatec conditionals that always end up
conflicting with each other, but to always use
all features and code them so they have no effect
when they are being ignored.


Once upon a time almost everybody coding for a living
dealt with these situations -- we all wrote code that
was going to ship off to live at our customer's site.
Nowadays this is less common, but for those of us
dealing with it it is a big deal.

The wisdom of the ages is to maintain a common code
base. The method suggested here takes that idea
to its most complete implementation, a totally common
code base in which all features are active all of
the time, with no conditionals or optional features
(except perhaps in the UI and on printed reports),
and with schema and business logic set up so that
features that are being ignored simply have no
effect on the user.


Source Code Presensi sederhana dengan ADO dan Access

0 komentar
Berikut adalah contoh aplikasi (source code) presensi. Dalam source code ini dapat dipelajari bebagai contoh penggunaan code, seperti save dan get setting ke dan dari registri, dan penggunaan database access dengan visual basic 6.0 tentunya seperti penanganan waktu dan tanggal. berikut saya sajikan linknya.


Maaf sedang dalam perbaikan

Mengoptimalkan Feature SQL 2008 Dengan Visual Basic 10 (Table Value Parameters)

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Wahhhhh sudah lama sekali saya tidak membuat artikel-artikel seperti ini lagi. Hmmm ini di karenakan kesibukan saya dalam membuat ebook, buku dan event-event offline untuk komunitas.
Sekarang saya ingin menjelaskan bagaimana mengoptimalkan salah satu fitur baru pada SQL 2008 dengan VB 10. Fitur tersebut adalah Table Value Parameters.  Apa sich kelebihan fitur ini?? Dengan adanya fitur ini kita dapat mengirimkan variable suatu table yang berbentuk parameter ke stored procedure. Lalu apa fungsinya???
Dengan adanya fitur ini, kita dapat melakukan multiple insert tanpa melakukan pengulangan. Wauuu, ini fitur yang luar biasa, jika pada versi sebelumnya untuk melakukan hal ini, kita harus melakukan koneksi ke Database berkali-kali, sesuai dengan pengulangan yang di inginkan. Dan hal ini tentu menyebabkan performa aplikasi maupun server menjadi jelek. Sudah tidak sabar, ikuti aja langkah-langkah dibawah ini.. J 
Untuk mendapatkan artikel lengkapnya silahkan download disini dan source code disini..


Cara Service Epson TX111 Blinking

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Artikel ini Kang Eko dapatkan dari http://adnanservis.blogspot.com. Semoga bisa membantu temen2x semua dan bermanfaat .... Selamat menyimak ...

Cara Service Epson TX111 Blinking

1. Blink pada gambar kertas

Jika blinking pada kertas berarti kertas tidak dapat masuk atau biasanya disebut paper jam. kerusakan ini biasanya disebabkan karet paper loading ( entah apa namanya ) nya udah lemah atau ada sesuatu yang mengganjal jalannya kertas.
- Jika ada yang mengganjal cobalah putar manual dengan kertas diletakkan pada paper tray.
- Jika karet paper loading udah lemah ganti dengan yang baru atau putar karetnya setengah lingkaran

2. Blink pada gambar tinta,
tinta minta direset. cara pertama ganti catrid yang ditunjuk bermasalah, cara kedua masuk ke driver printernya, klik kanan klik properties klik printing preference klik maintenance klik ink catrid replacement. tunggu sampai pada posisi catrid bisa dilepas / diambil. lalu ambil catrid yang ditunjuk bermasalah atau ambil semuanya tunggu beberapa saat lalu pasang kembali dan teruskan perintah yang disediakan pada ink catrid replacement tadi. mudah mudahan udah tidak error lagi

3. Blink pada gambar kertas dan tinta
Pada awalnya pergerakan printer ini normal normal saja. tapi pada saat warmingup scaner tiba tiba bunyi trek trek trek trek terus lalu blink gambar kertas dan tinta. ini terjadi karena scaner sudah lemah dan sudah tidak mampu membaca sensor jadi langsung aja ganti dengan yang baru ( harga scanernya aja mungkin sekitar 300 ribuan kalo tidak salah) atau cari kanibal.

4. Jika Minta reset printer software silahkan baca di sini

Kalau ada yg mau menambahkan,.... dipersilahkan .....

Penjelasan Source Code SimpleVrml.exe

0 komentar
Buat kamu, yang mengambil skripsi tentang AR dan menggunakan simplevrml.exe sebagai acuan program. maka saya dan rekan saya Yunda Heningtyas sudah merangkum penjelasan source code simplevrml.exe dengan bahasa yang mudah dimengerti. moga membantu.. ^_^

pass: 12345@12345

Dapatkan Buku Kami Disini:


Algoritma Konversi Detik Menjadi Jam, Menit, Detik

0 komentar
  1. baca, detik
  2. hitung jam sama dengan detik dibagi 3600
  3. hitung menit sama dengan sisa pembagian dari detik dibagi 3600, dibagi dengan 60
  4. hitung detik sama dengan sisa pembagian dari (sisa pembagian dari detik dibagi 3600, dibagi dengan 60)
  5. tampilkan jam, menit, detik

Cara Service TV Polytron Minimax MX6203M Stanby Terus

0 komentar
Kali ini kang Eko akan mencoba sharing tentang cara memperbaiki TV Polytron Minimax MX6203M yang Stanby Terus, Kang Eko sempet pusing dengan kasus Polytron ini. Ok lanjut .....

Cara Service TV Polytron Minimax MX6203M Stanby Terus :

Indikasi Awal :
Ketika TV Polytron MX6203M ini dihidupkan lewat tombol power, led menyala merah tandanya tv stanby. Kebetulan Remote Tv ini sudah rusak. Terus kang Eko tekan tombol program untuk menyalakan TV, Polytron MX6203M ini kelihatan mau nyala dengan led warna merah jadi mati. Tapi setelah ditunggu beberapa saat, led kembali jadi merah lagi atau stanby.

Penyebab :
IC Vertikal TDA8174 rusak / konslet, sehingga menyebabkan IC Chroma / program STV2286 menjadi protek.

Berikut cerita service yg telah Kang Eko lakukan terhadap TV Polytron Minimax MX6203M Stanby Terus :

Awalnya Kang Eko cek elco di jalur B+ yg tegangannya kalo nggak salah 50v, dan ternyata kondisi elco masih bagus. Elco coba sy ganti, tapi ternyata TV Polytron Minimax MX6203M ini tetep stanby. Kemudian Kang Eko coba browsing dan berikut ini hasil browsing :

" Kasus tv ini biasanya sering disebabkan oleh Vcc 50v yang tidak beres hanya karena nilai elco filternya yang terlalu kecil yaitu 10uF 60v, karena Vcc 50v tersebut adalah suplay utama Tr Driver Hor. Kalau rekan2 mengalami coba elco tersebut diganti dulu, tetapi dengan nilai yang lebih tinggi, misal 22uF 100v.

Pada permasalahan kedua: kalau elco sudah diganti dan Vcc minimal sudah mencapai 45v, coba distart apakah rangkaian Hor bekerja atau tidak ? Kalau diam coba ukur pada titik Colector Tr Driver Hor, kalau tegangannya rendah dibawah 15v atau Nol Volt berarti Ocsilator Hor dari IC Chroma tidak keluar. Dan jangan dulu punya pikiran untuk mengganti IC-nya, karena kebanyakan tidak rusak !!! Inilah yang bisa disebut protect !

Lepas dulu D304 (4148) di pin 46 (BCL), jalur ini melewati sebuah R menuju titik ABL Flyback, lalu coba start kembali tv pasti bisa nyala dan Hor bekerja tetapi biasanya gelap, kemudian ukur titik ABL FBT tadi, kalau Nol Volt pasti R ABL putus, sehingga menyebabkan protect !!!

R ABL yang mengambil dari B+ 115v dan menyebabkan protect tadi...Nilainya 82k...."

Kemudian Kang Eko mulai praktekkan:

1. Ukur semua tegangan dan semua mengalami penurunan yg 50v jadi 23v. hal ini wajar karena TV dalam kondisi stanby.
2. cek R ABL = hasil normal
3. ganti elco filter untuk vertikal biasanya 1uF/50v = hasil nihil
4. Sempet juga berfikir kalau flybacknya yg rusak, tapi ternyata tidak.
5. kemudian dioda di jalur pin 46 IC Chroma STV2286 Kang EKo lepas, dan ternyata betul, Flyback bekerja dan TV Polytron Minimax MX6203M ini kelihatan nyala tapi gambar tidak tampil. Setelah Kang Eko ulangi untuk menghidupkan TV ini lagi dan perhatikan gambar di layar, ternyata sekilas terlihat garis putih horisontal ditengah layar. Baru ketemu masalahnya ........! Ini menunjukkan kalau IC vertikal rusak.

Ternyata setelah Kang Eko ganti IC vertikal TDA8174, TV Polytron Minimax MX6203M ini langsung nyala begitu dihidupkan.

Alhamdulillah ........

Pesen : Kalo service, urutkan dulu kerusakan termudah menurut perkiraan kita. Padahal yg rusak cuma IC vErtikal, tapi kang Eko sudah kebablasen ngecek yg lainnya yg lebih rumit....

Selamat MEncoba ....

Kode Error Canon MP258 dan Cara Mengatasinya

0 komentar
Berikut ini Kang Eko mendapatkan link tentang penjelasan kode error Canon MP258. Dan kang eko coba sharing ke teman2x, semoga bermanfaat.... Langsung ke TKP ....

Kode Error Canon MP258 dan Cara Mengatasinya :
Kode Error MP258 ada 2 jenis kode, yaitu :
1. yg menggunakan huruf depan P, misal P07
2. yg menggunakan huruf depan E, misal E05

Kode Error P Canon MP258 :
P02 (Carriage error)
Solusi :
1. Pastikan tidak ada benda asing yg nyangkut di roll printer.
2. Bersihkan dan cek encodernya, mungkin kena cipratan tinta.

P03 (Line feed error)
Penyebab : Timing Disk kotor / rusak.
Solusi :
1. Cek timing disk sensor di sebelah kiri printer
2. Cek dan bersihkan boardnya.

P05 (ASF sensor error)

Penyebab : sensor pendeteksi kertas Canon MP258 Error.
Solusi :
Coba ganti salah satu spare part berikut ini :
� ASF / PE sensor unit.
� Motor .
� Board Printer Canon MP258.

P06 (Internal temperature error):

Penyebab : panas yg berlebihan di dalam printer Canon MP258.
Solusi :
1. Bersihkan bagian dalam printer MP258.
2. ganti Board Printer MP258

P07 (Ink absorber full):
Penyebab : Ink Counter Full / Penuh, Printer Canon MP258 minta di reset pakai Software.
Solusi : Reset Printer Canon MP258 dengan menggunakan software

P08 (Print head temperature rise error):
Penyebab : Head terlalu panas, melebihi ambang batas, biasanya Catridge warnanya
Solusi :
Coba ganti catrid warna Printer Canon MP258.

P09 (EEPROM error)

Penyebab : EEPROM board Canon MP258 mengalami Corrupt atau rusak.
Solusi :
1. ganti Board Printer Canon MP258.

P10 (Logic Board / Carriage Unit / Kedua Catridge Rusak)

Penyebab : Catridge dibiarkan kosong dan dipakai untuk mencetak terus. akibatnya panas dan terjadi kerusakan di salah satu komponen berikut : Logic Board / Carriage Unit / Kedua Catridge.
Solusi : Ganti Salah satu komponen diatas urutkan dari yg paling mudah dan murah. Baca selengkapnya DI SINI

P15 (USB VBUS over current)
Penyebab : Printer kelebihan arus dari kabel USB Printer Canon MP258.
Solusi :
1. Coba Ganti Kabel USB Printer Canon MP258.
2. Jika masih rusak, ganti Board Printer Canon MP258.

P20 (Other hardware error)
Penyebab : kerusakan hardware lainnya
Solusi :
ganti Board Printer Canon MP258.

P22 (Scanner error)
Penyebab : scanner tidak berfungsi
Solusi :
1. Ganti scanner Printer Canon MP258.
2. Ganti Board Printer Canon MP258.

Kode Error E canon MP258 :

E04 : Catridge canon MP258 tidak terpasang dengan baik.
Solusi : Ambil catridge, trus pasang lagi

E05 : Catridge canon MP258 tidak terpasang dengan baik atau salah satu catrid ada yg rusak
Solusi :
1. Ambil catridge, trus pasang lagi
2. Ganti catridge jika ada yg rusak

E14 dan E15 : Catridge canon MP258 tidak terpasang dengan baik.
Solusi : Ambil catridge, trus pasang lagi

E13 dan E16: Ink has run out / catridge minta di reset.
Solusi :
Tekan tombol STOP / Reset selama 5 - 15 detik tunggu sampai led display berproses.

Semoga bermanfaat,...

Cara Bongkar Printer Epson R210 / R230

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Berikut ini Kang Eko akan posting tentang Cara Bongkar Printer Epson R210 / R230. Link ini Kang Eko dapatkan dari Mas Antok di http://adnanservis.blogspot.com. langsung saja yaa....

Cara Bongkar Printer Epson R210 / R230

Mohon maaf jika masih kurang jelas....

Sebelumnya buka 3 sekrup Printer Epson R210 / R230 :
- 2 sekrup dibagian belakang, dan
- 1 sekrup di dalam printer (buka tutup pinternya)

1. Buka tutup samping ( lihat gambar )

2. Lepas encoder dan timming belt ( lihat gambar )

3. Lepas per dibelakang mekanik ( lihat gambar )

4. Lepas kancingan mekanik di kiri dan kanan ( lihat gambar )

5. Lepas AS besi tapi usahakan Gear jangan sampai terlepas ( lihat gambar )

6. Bersihkan sensor dari luberan tinta ( lihat gambar ).

7. Cek apakah ada jalur sensor yang putus atau kabel rusak.

8. Cek koneksi dari socket sensor

Membongkar printer ini membutuhkan kreatifitas dan ketekunan saat pengerjaannya,
Jika anda takut lupa cara meraklitnya lagi, sebelum membongkar printer Epson R210 / R230 ini, Anda dapat mengambil gambarnya dulu perbagian dengan kamera Anda.

Okay selamat mencoba dan semoga berhasil.

Sumber : http://adnanservis.blogspot.com

Input Melalui Keyboard pada Pemrograman Konsol Java

0 komentar
Pembelajar Java pemula (yang masih menggunakan konsol / DOS prompt / Command prompt) ... biasanya kita ingin membuat program untuk meminta input nilai dari user melalui keyboard. Di Java ada beberapa cara untuk meminta input melalui keyboard, antara lain :
  • Menggunakan BuferredReader dan InputStreamReader pada package java.io
  • Menggunakan JOptionPane pada package javax.swing
  • Menggunakan Scanner pada package java.util
Di bawah ini ada contoh-contoh program dari masing-masing cara di atas.

import java.io.*;
public class Cara1 {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
int x;
String nilai;
BufferedReader br =
new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
System.out.print("Nilai x = ");
nilai = br.readLine();
x = Integer.parseInt(nilai); //String menjadi integer
System.out.print("x = ");

import javax.swing.JOptionPane
public class Cara2 {
public static void main( String[] args ) {
Double xx, yy, zz;
xx = Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("x"));
yy = Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("y"));
zz = xx + yy;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"x + y = " + zz);

import java.util.Scanner;
public class InputKeyboard {
public static void main(String[] args){
Scanner ketik = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Ketik teks : ");
String teks = ketik.nextLine();

Cara Mengatasi Error E16 MP258

0 komentar
Kali ini kang Eko akan membahas Error E16 pada MP258. Kejadian ini mungkin cukup membingungkan bagi yg belum pernah mengalaminya. OK langsung saja menuju ke TKP ...

Indikasi awal:
Ketika printer dinyalakan LCD panel menunjukkan angka 1 dan kelihatan OK, tapi setelah di perintah print, maka akan muncul error E16 pada MP258 ini. Berikut gambar yg tampil di layar monitor :

Cara Mengatasi Error E16 MP258 :

1. Jika tampil error E16 dengan gambar diatas, berarti catrid warna membutuhkan reset (mengalami runout).

2. Caranya : tekan tombol STOP/RESET agak lama (5-15 dtk) sampai LCD panel berputar, kemudian lepaskan.

3. Jika muncul error lagi E13 / 16, berarti catridge hitam juga butuh direset (mengalami runout), dan gambarnya adalah sbb :

4. Caranya sama : tekan tombol STOP/RESET agak lama sampai LCD panel berputar, kemudian lepaskan.

5. Selesai, printer MP258 yg error E16 akan normal kembali.

Hal ini sering terjadi ketika catridge habis selesai direfill kemudian dipasang lagi.

Selamat mencoba...

Web Developers can feel like Kids in a Candy Store

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On Jan 13th 2011, our team released a bunch of goodness for web developers. So much so that I as a web developer feel like a kid in Web Development Candy Store. As a web developer using Microsoft web stack, you might be wondering what technologies are applicable to you and when. This post is intended to give you a view of the Web Development Candy Store in a Q&A format, so let�s begin.

Q1. I just heard that there were tons of new goodies released, what is all the noise about?

A. Microsoft�s web team released a bunch of related technologies for web developers as a new year present. The key releases included ASP.NET MVC 3, IIS Express 7.5, SQL Compact 4, Web Deploy v2, Web Farm Framework, Orchard, Web PI 3 and WebMatrix. Depending on what your focus is many or all of these might be applicable to you.

Q2. I use ASP.NET Web Forms what is in for me?

A. We love WebForms and there are many things which are directly applicable to you. As an ASP.NET Web Forms developers IIS Express 7.5, SQL Compact 4, Web Deploy v2, Web PI 3 as well as Web Farm Framework might be very relevant.

Q3. What is IIS Express 7.5?

A. IIS Express 7.5 is a lightweight standalone web server built from the same code base of full IIS 7.5 (ships in Windows Server 2008 R2) but specifically tailored for local development purposes.

Q4. Did we not have Visual Studio Development Server (aka �Cassini�)? Yes. Then, why IIS Express 7.5?

A. We always use to get feature requests to support things like SSL, URL Rewrite, new mime types, IIS server configuration and other IIS 7 modules. Cassini�s code base is completely different and it cannot realistically mimic web server IIS. Web developers needed something which is more similar to real IIS during local web development within VS. Lot of the differences between development and production web server causes grief during actual deployments, hence IIS Express 7.5.

Q5. But wait, why could web devs not simply use full IIS instead of asking all these features for Cassini?

A. On flip side, we use to get request to have full IIS Web Sites run without admin privileges, people having different versions of IIS due to their local dev operating systems being different than web server operating system etc. IIS on web server needs to run as Admin, any IT guy will ascertain that and other hand some firms are against allowing full IIS on developer machines (which I hope changes over a period of time as the security issues which led people to take these steps in pre IIS 6 time frame are long gone). Anyways, IIS Express helps solves all these things plus works on all OS starting Windows XP and above. It is free and will have full integration with Visual Studio 2010 SP1. I anticipate it becoming best practice way of doing local web development pretty soon.

Q6. OK cool, is IIS Express 7.5 just for Web Forms?

A. No, we always try to invest in things which help Web Forms as well as MVC. This is one such investment which will help all Web projects within Visual Studio 2010 SP1 and above.

Q7. Why do you need Visual Studio 2010 �SP1� to support IIS Express 7.5?

A. Although IIS Express 7.5 is a standalone download, there was a lot of code written to integrate it within Visual Studio 2010 so that you can use it as seamlessly as you use �Cassini� today. As this work was done after Visual Studio 2010 was already released we had to put it as part of �Visual Studio 2010 SP1�.

Q8. I am using VS 2010 today; tell me how do I get IIS Express 7.5 working on my box.

A. Visual Studio 2010 SP1 is available as BETA release on MS Download Center. It is a relatively long install (will take around 30-40 mins) but once you have it IIS Express 7.5 integration bits will be installed with it. After you have VS 2010 SP1 then you can download standalone IIS Express 7.5 available in Web PI 3 (Web PI now supports a Search box so just search for IIS 7.5 Express) and you should be all set.

Q9. IIS Express 7.5 indeed sounds interesting, where do I learn more about it?

A. There is overwhelming amount of content on IIS Express 7.5 on web already but I can certainly simplify your search.

IIS Express Article by ScottGu

IIS Express Article by Sayed

IIS Express FAQ

Q10. Is there a good comparison between full IIS and IIS Express?

A. Sure, you can find it on IIS.NET site.

Q11. What if I want the direct IIS Express MSI/EXE to auto install on all of web developer�s boxes across the organization?

A. Ideally you should use Web PI 3 pointing to the local feed but if you are automating the process then here is the link directly to MS Download Center.

Q12. I do not know much about Web PI 3 that you are referring to, what is it?

A. Web Platform Installer (Web PI) is a simple unified way to install everything you need related to Microsoft�s Web Platform. As a web developer this is a simple 2-3MB small tool which looks like below:


This can help you install framework, tools, servers, DBs, web applications etc etc without running around everywhere searching for links to download stuff. Trust me it is goodness.

Q13. Won�t it be a good idea to just have Web PI available within VS so that I don�t need to hunt around for it!

A. We thought so too, with VS 2010 SP1 you will have Web PI toolbar within VS. It is enabled when you are within any Web project or you can enable it by going to Views � Toolbars � Web Platfomr Installer. When enabled it looks like clip_image002. You can use Web PI toolbar to get other goodness that just released, like SQL Compact 4, Web Deploy v2, Orchard, MVC 3 etc.

Q14. Tell me more about SQL Compact 4?

A. SQL Compact or SQL CE is a embedded, free and light weight DB from Microsoft. It always use to ship but was never designed to work with Web. SQL Compact 4 is the first release where this DB was engineered to work with Web as well (along with other embedded scenarios).

Q15. What does it mean it was engineered to work with Web, what�s so different about Web?

A. Well, as you know in case of Web multiple requests can hit the server, there are multi-threaded environments and many shared web servers run in partial trust on hosted environments etc. This is quite different from early SQL Compact scenarios which had much more contrainst environment.

Q16. Did we not have SQL Express, why do I need SQL Compact?

A. If you are using SQL Express perhaps you do not need SQL Compact. For that matter if you are using SQL Server Developer edition or any other full edition you may not need SQL Compact 4 either. Both of SQL Express as well as SQL Server Developer edition and above have *almost* superset functionality of SQL Compact. SQL Compact is more meant for light weight usage, even lighter than SQL Express.

Q17. Can you elaborate what light weight scenarios SQL Compact 4 helps me with?

A. SQL Compact 4 requires no database installation, literally you do not need to install SQL Compact on your web servers, in case of SQL Express or full SQL Server you do. SQL Compact�s entire DB engine can simply go inside your web site�s �/bin� folder and the Database itself is a .SDF file which can go inside your �App_Data� folder. At runtime the SQL Compact will run in memory with your ASP.NET Application instead of a separate service which SQL Express & full SQL Server do. This means that you do not need to even purchase a database plan on your web hosting provider if you do not want to J

Q18. You said, I can deploy both SQL Compact 4 DB engine & DB with my web site. How exactly do I do this?

A. Deploying DB with your site is easy. Your App_Data folder can contain the .SDF file. Your web.config file contains the connectionString to that SDF file and when you copy your web site to the server your SDF file simply goes with it. The interesting part is the SQL Compact 4 DB Engine which has to go to your Bin Folder. VS 2010 SP1 has a feature which makes deploying DB engine with your site only a click away. Simply right click on your project and click �Add Deployable Dependencies�. This will bring up the below dialog:


Click �OK� and the right binaries, managed as well as native (x86 & x64) will go in your /bin folder. If you know whether your web server is going to be x86 or x64 then you can delete the redundant folder from your /bin saving you probably 1-2MB J

Q19. Do I need to learn new APIs to talk to SQL Compact 4?

A. No. SQL Compact 4 is �SQL Server� afterall, it uses the same ADO.Net and you can also use same ORMs like Entity Framework, EF Code First, NHiberate etc with SQL Compact 4. Just the connectionString in your web.config file changes and you are all set to use SQL Compact 4.

Q20. Free DB on client as well as server, easy to deploy, super light weight, same APIs as full SQL Server etc etc is all too good to be true, what is the catch with SQL Compact 4?

A. There are no catches as such, or maybe I want to rather call it as �a ceiling� up to which SQL Compact can stretch. For most small sites all of the advantages are good enough so they can use SQL Compact easily. Infact for few of my projects I have already started using SQL Compact 4 but I do not use SQL Compact for sites which actively cause DB size to increase. SQL Compact 4 does not support Stored procedures and the file limit for SQL Compact is 4GB. I personally use ORMs so the stored procedures don�t bother me much but the size limit to 4GB is what I use to choose between full SQL Server vs SQL Compact.

Q21. Once I deploy my DB on the server as SDF file, then ofcourse my app will modify it then how do I update it for my app�s V2?

A. Currently you have to update the Database manually, i.e. download it from the server and then edit it using Visual Studio 2010 Database tools or SQL Server Management Studio then re-deploy it to the server. This will mean that you will need to have some downtime on the server when you are making this update. Unfortunately, I do not have a better answer for you now L

Q22. Do all of the Visual Studio Database tools work with SQL Compact 4?

A. In Visual Studio 2010 SP1 we did all the work to enable Visual Studio tools like creating new SQL Compact SDF files, editing DBs, creating tables, editing table data, keys/index management, Entity Framework designer, Server/Database Explorer etc for all of Web Projects and Visual Studio SKUs (i.e. VWD Express also contains support for SQL Compact 4). This means you will need Visual Studio 2010 SP1 to take advantage of this all.

Q23. How do I get SQL Compact 4 working on my machine if I have VS 2010?

A. First get VS 2010 SP1 BETA from MS Download Center. As I mentioned earlier, it is a long install (will take around 30-40 mins) but once you have it SQL Compact integration bits with Web Projects be installed with it. After you have VS 2010 SP1 then you can download Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for SQL Server Compact 4 from Web PI 3 (click on Databases on the left).


Q24. Is it possible for me to start with SQL Compact and then decide to go to full SQL Server if I hit the ceiling?

A. Yes very much so. As the programming model is the same you can use SQL Compact 4 to begin with, and when your site grows in traffic/DB Size then you can move to full SQL Server. In fact that is the very feature which Visual Studio 2010 SP1 and Web Deploy v2 have. They help you to migrate from SQL Compact to SQL Express/full SQL Server.

Q25. Where do I learn more about SQL Compact 4?

A. There are several places to learn about SQL Compact 4. Start with:

SQL Compact Team Blog

Rob Tiffany�s post on SQL Compact 4

ScottGu�s walkthrough on how to use SQL Compact 4 with ASP.NET Web Forms & MVC

Q26. What is Web Deploy?

A. Web Deploy is Microsoft�s web deployment backbone. If you are looking for Web Deployment solutions for your ASP.NET Webs and not thinking about Web Deploy then you are missing out the action. You can learn a lot more about Web Deployment with Web deploy at:

Overview Post of Web Deployment


Visual Studio Web Team blog

Q27. What�s new in Web Deploy v2 as opposed to v1?

A. From a existing VS user standpoint the big things that v2 of Web Deploy contains is:

� The ability to move SQL Compact 4 databases to full SQL Server.

� Tons of bug fixes around reliability and stability.

� Integration with IIS Express making it possible to deploy (package, publish etc) IIS Express based web sites seamlessly.

� Side by Side setup with Web Deploy v1.

� Backward compatibility of Web Deploy v2 to deploy to web servers which still are running on Web Deploy v1.

� Updated gacAssemly provider which allows deploying an assembly to GAC even if it is not in GAC on the source

Apart from this, there are bunch of enhancements which makes seamless deployments with hosting partners even easier. It also contains capabilities to deploy a SQL Lite Database. v2 also contains new features which will allow you to not only publish sites to remote locations but also bring them back to local box from hosting environments. In the process of bringing back the site from remote hosting location Web Deploy has to make sure that connectionStrings are modified, physical paths are modified and then when you publish again then they all that is restored on the server. We refer to this as Continuous Publishing and first visible use of the new APIs is in WebMatrix. Web Deploy v2 has bunch of other WebMatrix related integration work too. Bilal, PM for Web Deploy on our team is working on putting up formal documentation around all of the above plus more over next week or so.

Q28. You mentioned WebMatrix, what is it? Do I need it?

A. WebMatrix is a free web development tool which is elegantly designed and very inspiring to create website rapidly. It enables you to start with existing popular web sites like DotNetNuke, Gallery, Umbraco, Orchard in addition to PHP based sites like Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla and others. It is based on website development workflow of acquiring ready made apps (as mentioned above) to tweaking them, modifying their databases, search engine optimizing them and then seamlessly deploying them to a hosting provider.

If you are already a Visual Studio user then you perhaps don�t need WebMatrix. If you have not tried Web Development before then WebMatrix is really a great way to start web development. You can try out WebMatrix and learn a tons about it at http://microsoft.com/web

Q29. How do I find great web hosting providers?

A. I worked on a web site over past few months which recently released for this very purpose, it is called Web Hosting Gallery. On this site we display all of our hosting partners and the best hosting offers available on Microsoft Web platform. If you are looking for shared, virual or dedicated hosting offers then for sure check out Microsoft Web Hosting Gallery.

Q30. I deploy my Web Applications to my local web servers and have web farms of servers. Is there anything for me?

A. Yes, with this release we also released Web Farm Framework. Web Farm Framework also uses Web Deploy behind the scenes. Learn more about it at:

Web Farm Framework post by ScottGu

IIS.NET site

Q31. You also mentioned Orchard earlier. What is Orchard?

A. Orchard is a free open source CMS web site which also released as v1 on Jan 13th 2011. You can use it as a starting point to create your web site. It essentially has a ton of prewritten code for many standard things that you might want on your web site. You can learn more about Orchard at the Orchard Project website. There are great walkthroughs on using it in the documentation section too.

What is cool about Orchard is that it�s development happens completely in open on codeplex and you easily influence where you want it to go. You can start using Orchard or even contributing to it at http://orchard.codeplex.com/. Orchard has a gallery of community contributed extensions that you can add to your Orchard site to further enhance it for your personal needs. Check out the Orchard Gallery.

Finally Orchard is also written using ASP.NET MVC 3 which was also released along with all of the above we talked about.

Q32. What is new about ASP.NET MVC 3?

A. As you might be aware ASP.NET MVC is a programming model which focuses on clear seperation of concerns, helping you write web sites with full control over your HTML markup and using industry leading pattern of Model View Controller. You can learn about ASP.NET MVC at http://asp.net/mvc.

ASP.NET MVC 3 builds on top of the earlier two releases and is purely additive, which means that everything that you might have learnt about previous releases of ASP.NET MVC still applies and you can now take advantages of several new features of MVC 3. The top features of ASP.NET MVC 3 are:

The complete MSDN content map for ASP.NET MVC 3 is available at MVC Content map.

Q33. What is the best way to get started with ASP.NET MVC 3?

A. I would say the best place would be:

Getting Started with ASP.NET MVC3 section on ASP.NET site

ASP.NET Music Store Site Tutorial by Jon Galloway

Q34. What is important to know about Razor View Engine?

A. Razor View Engine is focused around the new Razor syntax whose goal is to make it very natural for programmers to write server side code within HTML markup. Razor pages come with extension .CSHTML (C#) or .VBHTML (VB). The design aspiration for Razor syntax was to minimize the number of keystrokes required to express yourself and I feel it stands very true to that aspiration. It is difficult to explain this in a small Q&A format but here is a sample with traditional ASP.NET nuggets:


When you write the same in razor it becomes:


For lot of cases Razor syntax accomplishes this by automatically detecting the transition between markup and code for most part and for explicit transitioning all you have to do is simply start your C#/VB code with �@� character.

You should most certainly try to learn about Razor syntax at:

OR read ScottGu�s blog series at:

Finally, Razor comes with a reasonable number of helpers to automate common web tasks like image manipulation, videos, email etc etc. Community is creating a bunch of helpers to. Checkout some of the out of the box Web Helpers here.

Q34. Is Razor syntax supported in Visual Studio 2010?

A. Yes you should get full colorization, formatting and intellisense on Razor syntax on Visual Studio 2010. All the required bits to make this happen are included as part of ASP.NET MVC 3 installer.

Q35. Can I use Resharper with Razor syntax?

A. Yes you can. Many thanks to Resharper team for releasing Resharper 5.1.2 to make sure that you can continue to use Resharper goodness without letting go of colorization, formatting and intellisense within Razor pages.

If you have Resharper versions prior to 5.1.2 then you might have to choose between inbuilt Razor editor features or Resharper which obviously is not ideal, so please upgrade to Resharper 5.1.2 at JetBrians Download Center.

Resharper team is currently working on version 6 which will provide enhanced Resharper intellisense features for Razor syntax as well. If you want to try out early builds of Resharper v6 then check out JetBrian�s Early Access Program.

Q35. Can I use Razor syntax outside of ASP.NET MVC 3?

A. Yes, you can directly create ASP.NET Web Pages with Razor syntax without having to using the MVC 3. Simply create a Web Site and Add CSHTML or VBHTML files to it and it should work. There should also be able to create a new Web Site which is based on Razor syntax as shown below:


Q36. Tell me how to get ASP.NET MVC 3 with Razor Syntax?

A. As anthing else mentioned above Web PI 3 is an easy way to do so. But alternatively you can get ASP.NET MVC 3 from here. If you would like to get ASP.NET Web Pages with Razor Sytax they can be downloaded from here. Btw the second link also contains a book of Razor sytax which I highly recommend.

Q37. Where can I continue learning about ASP.NET MVC?

A. Good places to keep checking out in the future are:


ScottGu�s Blog

Scott Hanselman�s Blog

Phil Haack�s Blog

Q38. I also heard about NuGet, what is it?

A. NuGet, awared as #5 OSS project of 2010 by Black Duck Software, is a Visual Studio Package Manager solution to easily get free open source extensions for your projects. It not only works in VS Web projects but actually work in most of the projects within VS. The idea is that if you are creating something which is reusable then why not share it with the broader community. There are many open source libraries which have created NuGet packages which can be installed and used in your projects today. These NuGet packages do a bunch of things for you e.g. add files to your /bin folder, add project references, add web pages to your project, add to your web.config, etc; in-nutshell they make a new feature e.g. error logging with Elmah completely set up within your project by running a single command.

NuGet v1 also released with the rest of the things mentioned here and already has several hundreds of reusable packages in its gallery. Check out NuGet at http://nuget.org/, which NuGet install links as well as the package gallery. If you want to contribute to NugGet then check out Phil�s post on how to Upload to the NuGet gallery. If you want to check out NuGet source then go to it�s Codeplex page.

Q39. Is there anything for JavaScript developers?

A. Yes. We recently released JavaScript Editor extensions for VS 2010.  These are few highly demanded features by developers and we couldn�t wait for long to have them out there.  The Key features that these extensions contain are:

  • Brace Matching � Matches {}, (), [] in your code to easily navigate through files
  • Outlining/Code-Folding - Adds support for automatically creating outlining regions for JavaScript blocks.
  • Current Word Highlighting � Like C#/VB editors now JavaScript Editor now will also highlights usage of the current word (based on cursor position) throughout the document for improved readability
  • IntelliSense Doc-Comment <para> support � In earlier versions you might have seen  tremendously long never breaking lines of comments pop up as tool tips when you typed.  This was because we did not have any way to determine line breaks for xml comments.  With support of <para> elements in XML doc comments this becomes immensely more usable.

You can get all these extensions from VS Extensions Gallery

After you have installed the extensions you can also get the updated vsdoc files for jQuery with <para> tags which are available at jQuery 1.4.3 and 1.4.4

Q40. Is there a place where I can just go to learn about everything here at greater depth?

A. Yes. Our man Scott Hanselman has put together the best collection of all the official documentation for all of Microsoft Web Platform & Tools releases. Check out his Rollup Documentation.

Q401 I still have more questions about this release, where do I ask?

A. You can leave comments here, send me an email at Vishal.Joshi@Microsoft.com but if you would like to have tons of people look and chime in on your questions then ASP.NET Forums is a great place, so is Stackoverflow.


