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MIKSOFT Mobile 3GP Converter : Sulap 3GP Jadi AVI

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Setelah merekam video berisi momen lucu atau menyenangkan dengan ponsel kesayangan, tentunya Anda ingin menunjukkan hasilnya pada teman-teman lain. Dalam keadaan �mentah�, belum diedit dan diberi efek-efek khusus, hasil rekaman Anda mungkin akan kurang menarik. Masih ada bagian-bagian tertentu, yang kurang bagus, yang harus ditandai dan dibuang.

Hasil rekaman pada ponsel umumnya tersimpan dalam format 3gp, format yang biasanya tidak bisa langsung diedit dengan program pengolah video. Agar dapat disunting oleh sebagian besar pengolah video, Anda perlu mengubahnya menjadi format lain. Salah satu contohnya adalah avi. Jika Anda belum memiliki program konversi untuk melakukan hal ini, Anda bisa mencoba peranti gratisan MIKSOFT Mobile 3GP Converter.

File instalasi bisa Anda ambil di situs http://www.miksoft.net. Anda bisa mengurai paketnya lalu menginstal Mobile 3GP Converter.

Jendela utama aplikasi ini terbagi dalam dua frame yakni frame Multiple File Conversion untuk mengubah format beberapa file secara simultan, dan frame Single File Conversion untuk mengubah format satu file saja.

Bekerjalah di salah satu frame. Sedikit catatan, frame yang sedang digunakan berubah warna menjadi putih. Setelah itu, tentukan lokasi file 3gp yang akan dikonversi dengan mengklik [Browse]. Tentukan juga lokasi peyimpanan file hasil konversi dengan mengklik tombol [Browse].

Jika ingin, Anda bisa hanya mengambil rekaman video atau suaranya saja. Caranya dengan memberi tanda centang pada [Convert Only Video], atau pada [Convert Only Audio]. Jika ingin konversi yang lengkap, kedua boks tersebut bisa ditandai. Jika semua pengaturan telah dibuat, klik [Convert Now!] untuk memulai proses konversi.

Situs : www.miksoft.net
Download : http://www.miksoft.net/mobile3GPconverter.htm
Ukuran File : 845KB
Kategori : MultimediaLisensi :
FreewareHarga : -
Kebutuhan Sistem : Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003
Fitur Utama : Konversi video 3GP menjadi AVI

Sumber : PC-Plus

Single TUbe Nixie Clock

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Lagi Jalan-jalan wah ketemu lampu bagus, Nixie Tube Clock namanya.
Gimana ya buatnya ? Dibahas Lengkap di web ini

Lihat Disini

How the SQL UNION Affects Table Design

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Welcome to the Database Programmer!

There are links to other essays at the bottom of this post.

This blog has two tables of contents, the
Topical Table of Contents and the list
Database Skills.

Introducing the UNION

>Last week we saw a JOIN
. A JOIN will combine
values from two (or more) different tables and
put them into the same row of the output.

In contrast to the JOIN, which puts values into
the same row, the output of a UNION is to add
together rows from more than one query to make
a larger result. Here is an example of a UNION
of a customers table and a vendors table:

The image shows that rows from two tables are combined
one after the other in the results. The SQL is here:

SELECT customer as code,'CUST' as type,name,state
FROM customers
SELECT customer as code,'VEND' as type,name,state
FROM vendors

You Usually Want UNION ALL

The example above uses the syntax "UNION ALL",
with the keyword "ALL" being added. You will
see this "ALL" keyword on every example on this
blog and in many examples elsewhere.

If the "ALL" keyword is not included, most
database servers will examine every row of
the results and attempt to eliminate duplicates.
They do this by examining every single column
of every row. This means if you pull a 10-column
query of 3000 rows out of one table and 6000
rows out of another, the database will attempt
to de-duplicate 9000 rows based on all ten
columns. This has two disadvantages, which

  1. It is slow, like a snail crawling
    through glue, and
  2. Most people don't actually expect or
    want the query to be de-duplicated.

Including the "ALL" keyword tells the
server to return all rows and not bother
to try to de-duplicate them.

Numbering Columns

When you do a GROUP BY (which we will see in
later weeks) or an ORDER BY, most database
servers require you to list the columns
by number, not by name. This is because the
values in the result may be coming from columns
that had different names in the original
base tables.

Object Oriented Influences

The example above shows only three columns each
for the customers and vendors tables. We can assume
of course that they have more columns, and we
can also guess that many of those columns will be
the same for both tables. In any case where you
use a UNION,
you may find yourself asking why you have two tables,
and if you should have only one.

To make matters worse, if you learned your
table design in the school of Object Orientation
then you
will have a very strong desire to
make a base class called "trading partner" and make
customers and vendors into subclasses of that
base class. Then you want your tables to reflect
your classes so there you are with one table.

Nevertheless, this is usually a mistake. It will make your
code more complicated and error prone. To understand
why, let's look at UNION again.

The UNION clause allows you to combine information
from separate similar sources only when needed.
In other words, the UNION clause
lets you combine information upon demand, without
requiring a permanent combination.

If you combine vendors and customers you have a problem
that checks can be issued to customers, or orders
can be entered against vendor accounts. To prevent
this, you need complicated business logic in your
application, and additional columns in the tables.
Moreover, a customer will have columns a vendor does not and vice-versa,
so you need more logic to ignore some columns or hardcode
them or otherwise handle them based on what operation is
begin performed.
If they are separate, simple foreign keys do the trick
and you don't need that extra code. Once you know about
the UNION clause, there is little incentive to
combine entities that should not be combined.

Conclusion: Combine at Output

If you go back and review the essays on "http://database-programmer.blogspot.com/2008/01/table-design-patterns.html"
>table design patterns
you will see that good
table design is all about separating facts out into
many different tables. The goal of the separation is
to store each fact in exactly one place. Using
primary keys and foreign keys on a well normalized
database ensures that data is correct while it
is on the way in

However, on the way out, you need to recombine those
facts. Two weeks ago we saw that the "http://database-programmer.blogspot.com/2008/03/join-is-cornerstone-of-powerful-queries.html"
>JOIN combines facts
from different tables into
a row. This week we saw that we can use the UNION to
combine results vertically, that is, to
add the results of one query to the results of
another. Judicial use of UNION
makes your application lean and efficient
by letting you normalize data to ensure correctness
on the way in, while still combining facts where
necessary on the way out.

Related Essays

This blog has two tables of contents, the
Topical Table of Contents and the list
Database Skills.

Other essays relating to SQL SELECT are:


Menghilangkan Virus MBR/Master Boot Record

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Virus adalah program komputer yang sifatnya merusak, baik itu merusak file atau merusak kinerja komputer, yang menyebabkan komputer tidak bisa menjalankan program atau aplikasi sebagaimana mestinya.Virus MBR adalah sebuah virus yang menyerang master boot record pada hard disk. Cara termudah untuk menghilangkan virus MBR tersebut adalah dengan menggunakan FDISK. Caranya booting komputer melalui disket boot, kemudian jalankan perintah FDISK:A:>fdisk /mbr ENTER Kemudian keluarkan disket dari floppy disk, dan tekan tombol reset pada komputer.
Sumber : http://w3.1cara.com/

Bagaimana rangkaian dioda bridge ?

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Sebenarnya kita bisa membeli langsung dioda bridge seperti komponen di bawah ini, itu semua tergantung layoutan pcb kita juga.

Dioda Kuprok

Bridge Sisir

Tapi kita bisa juga menyusun satu persatu 4 buah dioda untuk menjadi dioda bridge. Pertanyaannya, bagaimana rangkaian dan susunan dioda bridge ?

Tujuannya adalah agar tegangan yang sudah keluar dari rangkaian bridge ini sudah membentuk gelombang full-wave yang juga sudah berubah dari tegangan AC ke tegangan DC bisa juga disebut sebagai full-wave rectifier. Lihat pengukuran dan hasil gelombang yang keluar dari multimeter. Nah nanti tinggal disesuaikan tegangan keluaran yang diinginkan dengan ic regulator atau dioda zener.



0 komentar
Seneng hunting MP3?? mo berbagi tips aja, moga moga bermanfaat. Caranya gampang banget kok, huntingnya juga gampang, cuman gugling aja.
Pertama masuk ke google.com, trus di search box nya ketik script ini :

intitle:index.of +�last modified� +�parent directory� +(mp3wmaogg) +"nama artis" -htm -html -php -asp
misal nya mo cari lagu2nya silverchair :
intitle:index.of +�last modified� +�parent directory� +(mp3wmaogg) +"silverchair" -htm -html -php -asp
tar bakalan keluar beberapa web yg didalemnya nyimpen lagu-lagunya silverchair, tinggal dicari lagi mana yg lagi dicari, met berburu MP3 :)
nb: ouw iya, ini juga berlaku buat yg mo cari film ato e book, tinggal ganti ekstensi yg diinginkan aja :)Boleh dicoba di search engine google dibawah ini....!!


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SMS Gratis!!!
Kegiatan sms-smsan merupakan hal yang sangat wajar di era ini bahkan bisa dibilang sms salah satu candu kita, berbagai operator menawarkan harga-hrga yang menarik untuk fitur ini, mulai dari tarif, yang hanya, Rp.99, 150, 300, 350 sampai bahkan gratis sms ( tapi hal ini untuk lingkup sesama Operator) jadi bagi yang berlainan operator kebanyakan normal.
Nah..disini akan saya berikan petunjuk bagaimana anda dapat bersms gratis bahkan bisa lintas operator nah..lo gak sabarkan�.Ok kali ini saya akan bahas 2 Penyedia SMS gratis ini yang tentunya yang bikin rekan2 kita Warga Indonesia ini lho..( ebat kan?? )
  1. SMS Gratis Cyberphreaking.com
    Di website ini menyediakan layanan SMS gratis dengan memanfaatkan layanan Server Indosat..
    sepanjang ini khusus pengguna layanan indosat dan XL Nomor tertentu saja yang bisa di kirimin sms ini, tapi kelebnihannya ni..bisa SMS BOMBER..nah muantap kan tapi ingat jangan dibuat macam-macam bisa masuk bui lho.:)
  2. sms Gratis Sindikat.net
    Di sini Lebih Kompleks lagi , jadi semuar operator bisa baik CDMA maupun GSM saya dah coba�disini juga sama memanfaatkan server Indosat.
    Nah sudah jelaskan tinggal pergunakan dengan se-Bijak mungkin jangan sampai karena iseng layanan ini gak ada lagi

Sumber : http://duwex.wordpress.com/2007/09/22/mau-sms-gratis/


Mengenal Kembali Komponen Elektronika Part I

0 komentar
Memang sudah beberapa part komponen yang saya jelaskan sebagian, tetapi saya akan review kembali tentang komponen elektronika. Oleh karena sebab pengalaman pribadi, kemarin menghabiskan waktu lebih panjang dikarena tidak membawa contoh komponen, tapi juga ga tahu namanya.
Jangan seperti saya, nti sudah di depan toko, bingung mau beli apa karena hanya tidak tahu namanya. He3 ...
LCD Size 16x2 yang 20x4 juga ada

Kabel Pelangi


Female DB9 Sub Conector
Male DB9 Sub Conector

Rj-45 Conector

Dioda Kuprok

Bridge Sisir

Terminal Cover

Wiring Terminal

Disambung Lagi .........

Best Selection Application S60 3rd Edition Symbian

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1. Autolock

AutoLock is a free automatic key lock application. It will turn key lock on after certain amount of time of inactivity. For some weird reason, some of Nokia's new phones don't do that automatically.

2. Adobe PDF Reader
With the application you can read PDF documents on the display of your device. Documents can be accessed and opened in the following ways:
* Opening an email attachment from received e-mail messages (network service)
* Document sent using Bluetooth technology to your Inbox in Messgaing
* Using the File manager to browse and open documents stored in the phone memory and on memory card
* Browsing Web pages

3. Internet Radio
The application supports SHOUTcast streaming audio playback. Currently, MP3 and AAC+ streams are supported. The application also supports local playback of audio files in the following formats: MP3, AAC, eAAC+, MP4, M4A, WMA, 3GPP, AMR, and WAV. Note that some formats may not be supported on some S60 products.

4. Y-Browser
Y-Browser is a file manager for Symbian OS devices. It implements most standard features on files (such as copy, cut, paste, etc) & folders (create, remove, etc) and it allows you to work with "hidden, system" folders. Its addons are very unique compared to other free file managers (like SExplorer or SysExplorer), because they allow you to save to the filesystem files that were sent via Bluetooth and got stuck in Messaging.

5. QRreader
QReader is a high quality ebook reader, easy and powerful. It supports plain text (.txt), Palm DOC (.prc and .pdb), TCR, FB2 and UMD files reading. Alternatively, check the MobiPocket Reader.

6. DivX Player
A great DivX player, requires free registration. Can playback 320kbps QVGA DivX video at 15fps without dropping any frames. Make sure you get at least the 0.85 version or above.

7. Nokia Podcasting
The Nokia Podcasting application allows you to find, subscribe to and download podcasts over the air with your Nokia N91. After downloading a podcast, you can listen to or watch it when you want.

Search, Find, Connect - the mobile search software for Nokia mobile phones is a simple, convenient, and fast way to find and connect to local services, websites, images, and mobile content via Yahoo!. It also supports mapping via Microsoft Local.

9. Screenshot 2
Screenshot for Symbian OS is a free program to take screenshot on your Symbian OS mobile phones. You can capture screenshot and save it to a file in JPEG, BMP, PNG or MBM format.

10. PuTTY
PuTTY is a free SSH client. Especially if you own an E61/E62/E70 which come with Qwerty keyboards, this software is a must have for all you Unix guys reading this!

From all the above applications, only the #1 and #2 are not available for the S60 2nd Edition phones.

Honorable Mentions:

* Zip Manager
Zip Manager is a powerful and easy-to-use file compression program for the Nokia E61. ZIP Manager allows you to handle zip files in a convenient way. It offers a graphical interface to add, extract, and open files, as well as toperform other commands. The reason this is not in the top-10 is because I am not sure is truly free. It came for free in my E61, and its package is freely available, I am just not sure if it will work freely in all other phone models too. Try and see.

* Still Image Editor
Edit your megapixel images by adding clip art, multicolor frames, color adjustments, text, resize & rotation and much more. This application came with the Nokia 3250 but it works on other phone models too. It is not in the top10 list because I am not sure if it's a native C++ Symbian application or a J2ME one packaged in a Symbian package. To use this application after installation, open your image with your Gallery/Images application and then from the menu choose "Edit".

And speaking about J2ME, here is the list with the best Java applications (not games) that you can use in *any* phone model today! That page is mobile-friendly so you can directly use it with your cellphone.


New French Coding4Fun site released

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New and exciting fun place to learn coding for French speaking friends...  Click here to go to Coding4Fun...


Download Antivirus Kaspersky

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Kaspersky Antivirus + License key ampe Maret 2010
License key Kaspersky 7.0.x.xxx ampe September 2008
License key Kaspersky 6.0.x.xxx ampe Maret 2010

Kaspersky merupakan antivirus yang sangat ampuh. Pengguna kaspersky versi 7.xx bajakan jika meng-update antivirusnya secara online langsung ke kaspersky Lab lewat internet akan terdeteksi dan akan di-black list. Kalo tidak mau terjadi hal ini, gunakan kaspersky versi 6.xx di atas dan masukkan license key-nya.

Kalo tidak mau menggunakan versi bajakan kita bisa membelinya dengan beberapa dollar saja, kalo tidak anda juga bisa menggunakan antivirus lain yang gratisan seperti AVG, AVAST versi gratisannya. Akan tetapi, karena versi gratisan jadi tidak semua fitur yang bisa didapat sehingga perlindungan dan servis yang diberikan tidak optimal. Kemungkinan kita hanya akan mendapat perlindungan yang sangat minimal sehingga virus masih bisa masuk dengan leluasa.

Setiap antivirus punya kelemahan-kelemahan. Tidak semua antivirus bisa mengenali virus-virus yang ada karena database virus mereka berbeda-beda. Untuk mendapatkan perlindungan yang optimal kita perlu ng-update antivirus yang kita pake secara berkala(paling bagus secara online-setiap ada kesempatan). Pada saat update antivirus, bukan hanya database virus kita yang di-update, akan tetapi juga update terhadap software antivirusnya sendiri seperti perbaikan bug, update distribution list,dll.

Jika anda meng-install antivirus kaspersky versi 6 di atas, ada beberapa file system windows dikenali sebagai keylogger oleh kaspersky. Pd saat running antivirus ini pertama kali akan keluar warning bahwa ada keylogger(lupa nama filenya). Sebenarnya itu bukan keylogger. File itu adalah file untuk mengatur input output ketikan keyboard komputer. Masukkan saja warning tersebut ke dalam Trusted Zone sehingga warning tidak akan keluar lagi. Jangan sekali-kali anda menghapus file tersebut. Jika anda menghapusnya maka setelah komputer di restart maka anda tidak akan dapat mengakses keyboard anda sehingga secara otomatis anda tidak akn bisa ngetik lagi.(soalnya saya sudah ngalami..ha ha).
Sekian, terimakasih.

Percayalah�Bajakan selalu lebih baik dari gratisan. Prinsipnya, kalo gak mau dibajak jangan jual barang mahal-mahal sama orang susah. ha ha ha.
Btw, kalo mau update kaspersky 6.0.xxx nya dari sini update manual cumulUpdate manual ada dua yg harus didownload yakni yang manual daily Yang weekly gak perlu. karena sudah termasuk ke dalam yg cumul�

Of Tables and Constraints

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Hello and welcome to the Database programmer blog. This is
a blog for anybody who wants to learn about databases on
their own terms and find out how database decisions affect
their applications.

Constraints are probably the least talked about topic in
application and database design. I suspect that there is
something deep in the souls of programmers that just does
not like to talk about limitations. We like to talk about
flexibility, extensions, abstraction and so forth. Constraints
rub us wrong. But of course we also love to write absolute
rules for ourselves and others (thou shalt always use integer
primary keys, thou shalt not use HTML TABLE elements, and
so on). So go figure.

If you want to make a deadline, you have to limit what
you do. You cannot make a list a kilometer long and finish it
in a day. By the same principle, if a database is going
to accurately store data, there must be rules
about what makes the data correct. These rules we call

This essay is part of the Keys, Normalization and Denormalization series.
There is also a Complete Table of Contents and a >Skills-oriented Table Of Contents.

Table Structure is The First Constraint

Table structure is not usually listed as a constraint,
but your table structures represent the first and most
basic constraints on your application.

The table structure can be pictured as the mission
statement of the application. If you have a table of
students, we can safely assume you must record certain
facts about students. Likewise, if you do not
have a table of Nobel Prize Winners, we can safely
assume that Novel Laureates are outside the scope of
your application.

This basic fact, that table structure represents
a codification of design decisions, is worth getting
into a little deeper.

Where Do You Want The Zebra?

The importance of table structures can be seen with
an analogy. Imagine you purchase a building
and some printing equipment, and then you hire some
people and create a printing shop. Somebody comes
in and says, "Where do you want this zebra?" The answer
is that you have no need or use for a zebra in a
printing shop, and it will actually get in the way and
cause problems. So the answer is "Not here!" There
is a constraint on the use of your building, which
is that wild game is not welcome.

Database tables represent that decision to commit
to a certain task or collection of tasks. They constrain
the end users to perform the mission of the company,
and not some other mission.

Sometimes the more naive programmers will not give up
on this point, and they will respond with something like
"Well, yes, but computers do not have the limitations
of physical systems, they are so much more flexible."
This is true but wrong. A computer language like
C++ is incredibly flexible in its potential, but
that potential is worth nothing until somebody sits
down and writes code to do a specific task, at which
point that code is good only for that task. In other
words, the general purpose value of the computer
is only realized when dedicated to a specific purpose.

Likewise, a database server is in principle capable
of storing data about anything, but is only useful
once decisions have been made to create specific
tables to store specific things.

To say it one more time, table designs are constraints
because they say what will be tracked and what will not
be tracked.

Primary Keys, Unique Constraints and Foreign Keys

The next category of constraints have been well
discussed on this blog, and I do not want to spend too
much time on them here, but we will do a quick review.

Your table designs are the foundation of your application.
In simple terms, a well normalized database will have
a table for every different kind of thing that must
be tracked (students, courses, classrooms, etc).
In addition, there are always plenty of
cross references that list relationships between these
primary entries (teacher to courses they are qualified
to teach), and transactions that represent interactions
between these (which courses a student has completed).

The primary key makes sure that there are no duplicates,
and the foreign key ensures that data stored in separate
tables makes sense. For instance, imagine a table that
lists which courses each teacher is qualifed to teach.
It would not make much sense to list teachers in this
table that are not on the faculty, and the foreign key
prevents these kinds of mistakes.

As a veteran database designer I am still often astonished
at how many seemingly complicated and unique business
requirements reduce to a simple collection of tables,
with their primary and foreign keys. I have seen this
happen so many times that I am now automatically skeptical
when somebody tells me they have 'special needs' that
probably will not fit into simple tables. They always
end up fitting into tables.

Check Constraints

Once you have your tables and their keys, there is
one more kind of constraint you can use, which is
called the CHECK constraint. A check constraint is
nothing more than some SQL expression that must always
be true, and is attached either to a column or a table.

MySQL does not support CHECK constraints as of
version 5.0. This is one of the reasons why users of
other database systems often say nasty things about

A typical example for a check constraint is that
a discount price must be lower than a regular
price. Another use is to make sure that a number
is between one and 100, so that it can be used
as a percentage. This bit of SQL illustrates
these ideas in the PostgreSQL dialect:

CREATE SEQUENCE orderlines_line
order int references orders (order)
,line int DEFAULT nextval('orderlines_line')
,sku char(10) references items (sku)
,price numeric(10,2)
,discount_price numeric(10,2) CHECK (discount_price < price)
,tax_pct numeric(3) CHECK (tax_pct >= 0 AND tax_pct <= 100)

Like all server-side technologies, the CHECK constraint
can greatly reduce the amount of client-side code you
have to write. Going further, the CHECK constraint
makes your application easier to port to other languages,
if for no other reason than there is less code to port.

More Complex Constraints

Sometimes constraints are more complex than can be
expressed with a CHECK constraint. In these
cases you can attach a "trigger" to a table that
fires when a row is written. The trigger can modify
the data being written or prevent the write from
happening. Triggers are a large topic so they will
be treated separately in other essays. Like all other
computer technologies, triggers have plenty of fans who
quietly use them to great affect, while there are plenty
of noisy types telling you your nose will fall off if
you use them.


This week we have seen that constraints are used to
help to ensure that all data going into a database
is correct. Constraints begin with the basic decisions
about tables themselves, and then go through the
selection of keys, and can be more complex CHECK
constraints or even be completely general purpose
code-based rules enforced in Triggers.

Other Posts

This essay is part of the Keys, Normalization and Denormalization series.
There is also a Complete Table of Contents and a >Skills-oriented Table Of Contents.


Download Tips Explorer 2007 for Delphi Programmer

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Terdapat 3000+ tips di sana. diambil dari berbagai situs pemrograman delphi terkemuka.
Dibagi atas berbagai jenis kategori: System, Application, Database, VCL, WinAPI, dst. Setiap kategori mempunyai beberapa sub-kategori. Bagus banget deh. Ada fitur pencarian tips, simpan tips ke dalam bentuk teks, rtf bahkan html (dengan syntax highlight).

Bisa di-print juga lho. Proses simpan & print bisa satu persatu atau segepok sekaligus! Pokoknya buat yang serius make Delphi, tools ini sangat saya sarankan!


Al Quran 144 Surah Berbahasa Indonesia Untuk Handphone

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Sistem Ward Leonard

0 komentar

Key words : ward leonard, feedback, transfer function

Sistem ward-leonard yaitu suatu konfigurasi generator DC yang mengendalikan armature controlled DC motor yang dikopel dengan beban dengan diberi feedback. Pada sistem tersebut kita akan mencari model matematis yang dinyatakan dalam transfer function dengan penyederhanaan diagram blok.

Sebuah tegangan diberikan pada rangkaian medan generator DC tersebut sehingga akan dihasilkan arus medan yang mengalir pada kumparan tersebut sebesar if, sehingga dihasilkan flux magnetik di kumparan. Diantara medan elektro magnetik diputar sebuah kumparan dengan kecepatan konstan sehingga akan menghasilkan GGL sebesar Eg. Karena putaran rotor berputar konstan sehingga besarnya Eg proporsional terhadap arus if. Tegangan yang dihasilkan oleh generator DC tersebut digunakan untuk menggerakkan motor DC pengaturan jangkar, dimana pada kumparan jangkar dari motor diseri dengan sebuah resistor sebesar Ra yang digunakan untuk umpan balik terhadap rangkaian medan. Akibat adanya GGL Eg tersebut akan dihasilkan arus jangkar sebesar ia yang mengalir pada kumparan jangkar dengan arus medan konstan maka kecepatan putaran yang dihasilkan proporsional dengan arus jangkar ia, dampaknya adalah pada kutub � kutub dari sikat � sikat ( rotor ) akan dihasilkan GGL balik sebesar Eb, yang besarnya dipengaruhi oleh kecepatan motor dan tegangan Eb tersebut sifatnya melawan terhadap tegangan Eg.

Ra pada kumparan medan yang dialiri arus jangkar akan timbul drop tegangan yang diumpanbalikkan ke tegangan rangkaian medan dari generator DC. Motor dikopel dengan beban yang mempunyai inersia J dan koefisien peredaman B, karena poros beban tersebut dihubungkan dengan bearing( penyangga ).

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The JOIN is the Cornerstone of Powerful Queries

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Welcome to the Database Programmer!

There are links to other essays at the bottom of this post.

This blog has two tables of contents, the
Topical Table of Contents and the list
Database Skills.

The Very Basics of JOIN

Sometimes you need information that has been separated out
into different tables. For instance, imagine you are a
programmer on an in-house eCommerce site for a company
that sells computer parts around the world.
The Sales Manager walks down the hall one day and says
she wants a detail listing of customer types and order dates.
Our customer types are in the CUSTOMERS table, and the order
dates are in the ORDERS table, so what she wants is this:

A SELECT statement to pull these columns would look like this:

SELECT customers.customer,customers.custtype,orders.date
FROM customers
JOIN orders ON customer.customer = order.customer

Refining With Aliases

Because the JOIN is so basic and common, it can get
very cumbersome to constantly spell out long table names
in front of every column. Therefore you can use an
"alias" in the JOIN clause to give each table a nickname:

SELECT c.customer,c.custtype,o.date
FROM customers c
JOIN orders o ON c.customer = o.customer

More Than One JOIN

Sometimes the information you need is in two tables
that cannot be JOINed because they are not "next"
to each other. Put another way, neither table
has a foreign key to the other. Put a third way,
they do not have any columns in column. Let us pretend
our troublesome Sales Manager comes down the hall again
and this time she wants a listing of every item ordered
by every customer type. This time she is looking for
the following:

This time we need to start with the CUSTOMERS table
and then "go through" the ORDERS table to get to the information
we need in the LINES table. This means two JOINs:

SELECT c.custtype,l.sku
FROM customers c
JOIN orders o ON c.customer = o.customer
JOIN lines l ON o.order = l.order

Most Requests Will Make Sense

Sometimes a user's request will appear to make no sense.
The user asks for a combination of values that appear to
have no connection, and we programmers object, "that
makes no sense! Why would you want that?"

The most important idea to keep in mind here is not
a technical idea at all, it is more a matter of how to
keep people happy. In my experience it is extremely
rare for a customer to ask for a query that well and
truly makes no sense.
Just because I do not understand
it does not mean it makes no sense! In fact the Sales
Manager likely knows her job very well and if she is asking
for items by customer type she must have a reason.

Now, with that being said, the technical solution in these
cases is to follow the foreign keys. If a database
has been designed well, all tables will be connected to each
other through foreign keys, and you can trace out a path
that connects the various data points by following these
foreign keys.

Denormalizing For Performance

You have probably heard people say that sometimes you need
to "denormalize for performance." Now we will look at what
that means.

Consider an assignment given to two people, one of them
a veteran database programmer and the other a newbie. It
is guaranteed that the veteran's database design will have
a lot more tables in it than the newbie's database. This
is because the veteran knows he will have far fewer errors
getting data in if he keeps a separate table for each level
of detail required by the program. By contrast, the
newbie will be guided by a strange desire to save on
as if there is some kind of world-wide shortage
of tables.

But the veteran now has a problem. While normalization is
great for ensuring correctness on the way in, it tends to
require more JOINs on the way out, and it so happens that
JOINs are rather expensive for a database to perform. In
fact, they are one of the most expensive operations there
is, and they only get worse as the number of tables being
JOINed increases.

Therefore, the veteran will sometimes take a design to the
fullest of normalization, and then deliberately denormalize
it to reduce JOINs. A very simple example is adding the
CUSTTYPE column to the ORDERS table and then copying the
value of Customer Type onto each order. If the programmer
is confident that the value will always be copied correctly,
then any report on sales that involves customer types can
avoid an expensive JOIN between ORDERS and CUSTOMERS.
This is the essence of the "Denormalizing for Performance"
approach, and we will see more essays specifically on that
topic later in this series.

Denormalized is not the same as non-normalized. The newbie
will have fewer tables, tables that are non-normalized
because they have values bunched together that do not
belong together. The newbie will spend a lot of time
correcting data errors as a result of this. The veteran
however will have lots of normalized tables and will look
for (or write) a framework that assists in controlling where
a user can write values and when the values are copied
around to the their de-normalized spots.

Conclusion: Do Not Fear the JOIN

Just as the foreign key is the fundamental (and in fact
the only) mechanism that relates data together, so the
JOIN is the basic building block that ties that information
back together.

Related Essays

This blog has two tables of contents, the
Topical Table of Contents and the list
Database Skills.

Other essays relating to SQL SELECT are:


Subscribe to my posts on "Your Websites Our Passion"

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Now you can subscribe to the posts that I make on our Team blog (Visual Studio Web Developer)  by using the below RSS feed...



Download LCG JukeBox

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Posting kiriman dari Kenneth

Aplikasi ini memudahkan kita dengan fitur shutdown, karena udah kebiasaan. Kalau mendengarkan musik biasanya sampai ketiduran, he3.

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Upgrading Projects from ASP.NET MVC Preview 1 to Preview 2 (MIX 2008)

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If you previously had ASP.NET MVC Preview 1 (CTP 1) and had already created a few projects on it then you might have to take this additional step to convert your project to ASP.NET MVC Preview 2 (MIX 2008) [After installing MVC Preview 2 (Resources here)].

In ASP.NET MVC Preview 2 we introduced a special MVC Project flavor GUID for MVC Projects.  Some of the special MVC project behaviors described in my previous post "Tooling Features Overview"  may not function as expected e.g. new 'MVC' node under the 'Web' node for 'Add new Items Dialog Box' may not show...



To make the project features to function as expected in Preview 2, open the MVC project file (.csproj/.vbproj) of the project you created using MVC Preview 1.  Look for 'ProjectTypeGuids'... You will find the below piece of code...


Replace the above with:


When you reload/reopen your project your MVC Preview 2 functionality will be available in the projects you created MVC Preview 1.  Do note this in addition to other steps mentioned in the Readme Document for ASP.NET MVC Preview 2 which goes into greater details of upgrade scenario.


Google's 9 Principles of Innovation

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Virus Commwarrior

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Gambar di atas bukanlah virus Commwarrior :P

Virus berkembang sangat pesat, baik itu untuk ponsel symbian, java maupun yang pocket PDA. Yang aman itu ponsel yang tidak mempunyai basic OS (Operating System), misalnya walaupun handphone temen saya ini bisa untuk kirim MMS tetapi handphonenya tidak punya OS Symbian ataupun Java jadi ya aman-aman saja.
Langsung aja, virus di handphone, salah satunya Commwarrior tersebar dengan cepat melalui koneksi bluetooth, via MMS, ataupun GRPS.

Lalu bagaimana untuk meminimalisasi agar HP kita tidak terinfeksi Commwarrior ?
Sebaiknya kita mengetahui terlebih dahulu siapa pengirim dan konten yang dikirimkan ke handphone kita, misalnya kalau kita mau bagi-bagi aplikasi atau gambar lewat bluetooth. Kita harus tahu file yang dikirimkan ke handphone kita dan siapa pengirimnya.
Kebanyakan virus tidak akan aktif apabila kita tidak install terlebih dahulu, virusnya punya tata krama terlebih dahulu sebelum menginfeksi HP kita (maaf ngaco), maksudnya virus itu seperti aplikasi yang harus kita aktifkan dengan menjalankannya terlebih dahulu dengan memberi hak akses melalui ijin install terlebih dahulu. Tetapi bukan virus yang pintar kalau dia menunjukkan jati diri atau nama aslinya untuk hal tersebut.

Gambar di atas, saat kita menerima file via bluetooth. Namanya sih wwoepk37.sis sebenarnya dia adalah application set up virus commwarrior. Nama file virus tidak selalu sama dengan nama di atas, tetapi kita harus waspada pada ekstensi file seperti *.*sis dan lainnya untuk aplikasi set up.


Nah kalau ini adalah option di saat kita menginstall suatu aplikasi. Di sini kita telah membuka file set up aplikasi tersebut. Option di atas kita diingatkan kembali untuk mengatahui asal muasal file yang akan kita install.


Tetapi inilah yang menjengkelkan dari sebuah aplikasi virus. Sekali saja kita membuka set upnya, option selanjutnya yang keluar terkadang seperti gambar 1 atau malahan seperti gambar 2. Yang dimana dia memberitahukan identitas aslinya, pilihan optionnya terkesan yes dan no, tetapi walaupun kita memilih no, virus itu tetap terinstall juga dalam handphone kita.

Tapi tidak usah khawatir, yang penting Anda sudah tahu dan lebih waspada lagi. Kita bisa menginstall antivirus sebagai satpam untuk handphone kita, install satu saja, karena kalau lebih dari satu tidak akan efisien dan sesama antivirus software kemungkinan akan bentrok.
Anda bisa juga mencoba menghapus induk semang file virus tersebut melalui explorer, tetapi harus hati-hati, karena kesalahan menghapus file bisa saja merusak aplikasi software yang lain.

Follow these steps to remove Commwarrior manually:

1. A file manager program must be installed on your phone (usually you will find it at your menu under the Tools > Filemanager).

2. You have to enable the option that alows you to view the files in the system directory.

3. Use your file manager to delete files described here.

Go to the directory c:system\apps\commwarrior
and delete these files there:

then go to the directory c:\system\updates
and delete these files there:

then go to the directory c:\system\recogs
and delete this file there:

4. We hope that your cell phone is OK now. Then Install antivirus at your phone to more guard.

NOTE : File manager you can use any software application to explore. I don't guarantee if your phone get trouble with wrong remove file manually.

Reference :
- Commwarrior varian at F-Secure
- Trendmicro.com
- Netqin antivirus update click here

Download PDF Reader Untuk Handphone

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Download Sysicons

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Kiriman Dari Kenneth

Aplikasi ini bisa dijalankan di ponsel S60 untuk mengganti icon handphone Anda.
Thematic icon maksudnya.

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Atau Disini

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Bagaimana Bila Lupa Password MMC Handphone Kita ?

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Get From nokia-petercrys.blogspot.com

Terkadang karena terlalu berhati-hati, jadi lupa password MMC kita sendiri.

Option 1: Install and launch MMCPWD application. it will display some special characters including your password.(MMCPwd.sis)

Option 2: locate mmcstore file. install and launch System Explorer or FExplorer application. go to c:\system\ and open (using unicode/hex editor) the mmcstore file. it will display your password. NOTE: you can also copy the mmcstore file to any folder of your phone memory, rename it to mmcstore.txt and open it without using any unicode/hex editor).

Option 3:

1. open up fe explorer thingy.
2. Go to C:\system\ folder and locate a file called mmcStore. Scroll down till you find it.
3. Copy it to C:\nokia\others
4. highlight it
5. click options
7. IT should turn blue: right click then write ".txt" (should look like "MMCSTORE.txt"
8. try to open it, (that should be your password, if nothing happens then go to 9.)
9. connect phone to pc
10. Open the file from C:\NOKIA\OTHERS\MMCSTORE
11. copy the file to your desktop
12. open with Windows notepad/ microsoft word
13. that should be your password

"if mmcstore is no longer available (let's say you already formatted your phone memory so mmcstore is deleted, or you bought a password-protected MMC, or whatever reason), proceed to formatting a password-protected MMC 'cause its hopeless to recover the password anymore."

FORMATTING PASSWORD-PROTECTED OR CORRUPTED MMC formatting a password-protected or corrupted MMC is different from formatting an ordinary working MMC. YOU CANNOT format such kind of MMC using any Nokia Series60 phone nor even the card reader. To format those kinds of MMC successfully, use a digital camera, Nokia Communicator series phones (such as N9210i), palm devices, or any MMC supported devices other than S60 phones and card readers. if all else fails, bring it to where you bought it and claim for a warranty (if not yet expired) or bring it to any certified MMC expert technician and see if he can do something about it.

Note : Explorer untuk handphone anda tida diharuskan FE Explorer. Yang lainnya pun bisa.


Introduction To Queries

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This is the Database Programmer blog, for anybody who wants
practical advice on database use.

There are links to other essays at the bottom of this post.

This blog has two tables of contents, the
Topical Table of Contents and the list
Database Skills.

Today we are going to look at performance, direct SQL
and then begin with the basics of the SQL SELECT command.

Disk Activity Determines Performance

Before we even look at the SQL SELECT command, we must
know what motivates the experienced database programmer to
pick certain kinds of queries and avoid others. The first
motivator is of course performance. We all want our
programs to go fast. If you want a fast database program,
then you have to think about the hard disk.

The slowest device in a computer is the disk drive.
The price of
disk reads is so much higher than in-memory operations that
there is nothing to gain by optimizing code unless disk
reads are optimized first.
I often tell my programmers
to consider in-memory operations to be "free" when coding,
and to concentrate all optimization efforts on
reducing disk reads
. This approach may
gloss over some important truths, but it is an excellent starting
point for database beginners.

Optimizing disk reads comes down to writing efficient
queries on top of well-designed tables. With that being
said, we have one more short note to cover before going
into the syntax of the queries.

A Quick Note on Inline SQL

Many authors and framework programmers discourage the use
of SQL SELECT statements directly in application code.
This essay contains no opinions on that question.

However, it is important to know
that the SELECT statement must be coded somehow and sent to the
server, whether you code it manually or some framework tool
generates it for you. This essay is all about how to code
(or generate) that SELECT statement. Knowing how it all works
is a requirement if you code your own framework or if you
suspect your chosen framework may not be your friend in all

Introducing SQL Select

The simplest query is four words (or symbols) long. If
your database has a table of countries then here is a very
simple query that will work:


This query will return all rows and columns from a table.
Depending on what language you code in, these may come back
in an associative array, an array of generic objects (or similar),
or some other special-purpose object like a ResultSet.

You have probably been told not to use the "*" in a SELECT,
for performance reasons. This is usually good advice. In the
simplest case, you save bandwidth by only retrieving the
columns that are of interest to you. If your table contains
long varchar or text (aka clob) columns there are even more
reasons to avoid "SELECT *". When you have long varchar and
text columns, they may be stored outside of the main storage
for the table, causing the server to look in two places to
retrieve each row. Therefore, avoiding "SELECT *" and always
specifying just the columns you need reduces disk reads on the
server and reduces bandwidth delivering the results.

But as this is an
introductory essay it is important to know how to retrieve
a complete table, so I have used the "SELECT *" here.

Filtering Results with WHERE

The WHERE clause limits which rows from the base table
will go into the query results. You specify a WHERE clause
as one or more boolean conditional expressions. Multiple
expressions can be separated by AND and OR, using parentheses
to group expressions. You can review your product's documentation
to see all of the comparisons and functions that are available.
A moderate WHERE clause might look like this:

SELECT country,name
WHERE country like 'A%'
AND ( name like 'D%'
OR name like 'E%'
AND continent = 'Africa'

Filtering and Performance

The primary purpose of a WHERE clause is to obtain the
correct result. However, it is also a very important
performance tool. Here is why.

If you are completely and totally new to database programming,
you may get the idea that you will skip the WHERE clause
and do your filtering in the application. This may seem like
a good idea because you save the trouble of learning two languages.
Instead of learning SQL plus your application language, you
can concentrate on just your application language. And so you
make a reasonable decision to use as little SQL as possible and
just do everything in application code.

The drawback to this perfectly reasonable suggestion is that
it violates our first performance concept, it creates a huge
disk read burden. If you need five rows out of 50,000, then
filtering in the application requires the database server
to read all 50,000 rows off the disk. On top of that, these
have to be delivered to your application for processing.

Making use of the WHERE clause means that only 5 rows are
read off the disk (this assumes the presence of an index
which will be explained in a later essay).
In this particular example, using a
WHERE clause will perform 1000 times faster than not using
it. Of course this is only a single very vague example,
but since a database application is composed largely of queries,
it is definitely a good idea to have all of these queries start
out on solid ground.

Foreign Keys and JOIN

Next week we are going to look at JOINs in much detail,
but I want to mention them here briefly. The JOIN clause
lets you return results from more than one table, and
the JOIN determines how the rows from multiple tables
will be matched to each other.

For this week I will say only that good queries will
almost always use foreign keys as the basis of their
JOINs. We have seen in these essays more than once that the
foreign key is the fundamental and only way to
connect information in separate tables. Naturally, therefore,
the foreign key will loom large in our discussion of
JOIN, since JOIN
controls the combined retrieval of information from separate

Sorting Query Results

You can sort query results by including an ORDER BY clause
in the query. Simply name the columns:

SELECT customer,order,date
WHERE date >= '2008-03-01'
ORDER BY date,customer

Some database servers let you put an ASC or DESC in front of
individual columns, while other servers can only apply a
DESC or ASC term to the entire sort operation.

Overall application performance comes into play with ORDER BY
clauses. It is almost universally true that you can sort faster
on the database server than you can in your code. You want
to make sure that your manual queries contain ORDER BY clauses,
and that your framework is generating them. You do not want to
be sorting in application code in most cases.

Order of Terms Matters

You have to put the various clauses into the right
order or they will not work. The order is:

FROM ....
JOIN .... ON ....
WHERE ....


This week we began to examine queries, by looking at the
very basics of the SQL SELECT query syntax. Not surprisingly,
performance issues came up for every single part of the
query, from the column list to the ORDER BY.

For performance, we looked at the basic idea that disk reads
determine performance, which we will see more of in later
weeks. I also mentioned that table design determines query
efficiency, but we have not gotten very deep into that yet.

Related Essays

This blog has two tables of contents, the
Topical Table of Contents and the list
Database Skills.

Other essays relating to SQL SELECT are:

