Many visitor at my blog frequently asked about metal detector, how to build it easy at home. He3 ... may be habits to find treasure become new hobby. Weeww ... who knows at your back yard at home in deep underground a treasure box filled with gold coin latent without we know.
Disini saya akan menampilkan list link dan rangkaian tentang metal detector schematic, sama saja dengan Anda, saya juga masih belajar dalam membuat metal detector ini. Faktor kesulitan dalam membuat metal detector adalah coil sesuai, baterai, dll. Karena soal frekuensi memang labil kalau tidak tepat membuatnya. Semoga artikel ini menjawab semua pertanyaan yang masuk ke email saya.
1. Metal Detector Schematic

2. Metal Detector at electronics-lab
3. Metal Detector at Yuri Kolokolov
4. Metal Detector at Hobby-hour
5. Free Metal Detector Schematic
6. Comercial Schematic at Geotech
7. Schematic at Geotech Forum
8. Metal Detector at Matni
9. Metal Detector on Talking Electronic
10. Compas Metal Detector Forum at Nabble
11. Metal Detector Geo BandidoIIuMax
12. Metal Detector BFO
13. Pulse Induction Metal Detector
14. Project Metal Detector and other at telus
15. Metal Detector with IC TDA 2822
16 Geotech Treasure
17. One coil metal detector
18. Proscan Pulse Induction Metal Detector
19. Geotech Forum Other
20. Metal Box Detector
21. Simple Metal Detector By Steve and Rachel Hageman
22. Simple Metal Detector By Steve and Rachel Hageman II
Also Schematic :
1. nina foxdelta
2. zen22142
3. Freeinfosociety
4. Beat Balance metal detector
5. Coil Coupled Operation Metal Detector
If you have another metal detector schematic, you can share with other people to discuss with comment or send email to me.
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Email : Fajarudinsidik@gmail.com
No Wa/Telepon (puat) : 085267792168
No Wa/Telepon (fajar) : 085369237896
Email: Fajarudinsidik@gmail.com
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