Not able to receive mail from a particular domain
Add domain to White sender list domain
My boss told me there is a strange problem that we are not receiving mails from rediffmail on our corporate email Id. It gets bounce back to sender with a error message of spam mail at the same time same content mail from other mail provider like Gmail, yahoo mail or other mail provider was successfully receiving.
I checked the same for my mailbox and as usual I got the same �554 Sorry,this message appears to be spam (#5.6.0) (in reply to end of DATA command)� so I removed anti spam on my mailbox and then I tried to send a mail to my mailbox, Result was successful delivery of the mail. But neither I could nor I want do it for my all account else spam mail will kill my network.
So what was the other option?
I never faced this problem earlier so I called to my hosting provider and then they suggested me to add redifmail in white sender list domain in group spam setting. I did that and result was positive it worked.
Simple answer for this solution is that add the complete domain in safe sender domain or white sender domain list in your antispam group setting from your dashboard.
For jodoshared/jodohost you need to go to mail manager and edit group spam setting. Add domain in white sender list and click on save setting.
It might take some time to do this if you have long list of mail accounts.
If you are not sure how to do that simple call your hosting vendor support centre and ask them how to do it and I am sure you will get the solution.
If you need help from my side just comment any time and I will try to help you as soon as possible.
Hope it was useful and you liked it
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