Dan saya bersama Pak atha yang di amanahkan untuk pergi ke MUNAS Tahun Ini.

Recently I was having a conversation with one of Web Deploy (MSDeploy) users and an interesting scenario came up. He essentially wanted to move his site from IIS 6.0 to IIS 7 and wanted to consider Web Deploy to do this. In addition he actually was fine with just xCopy-ing the site�s content from IIS6 server to IIS7 server as it was almost 6GB+ in size and trying to create a zip package for it was not most the optimal way of using resources, nevertheless creating a zip package using Web Deploy for just the IIS configuration is what was certainly desirable due to ease of portability & use.
I thought this would be a good opportunity to write a quick note to share with you that migration from IIS 6 to IIS 7 was one of the original scenarios of Web Deploy and so if you are considering the migration from IIS 5.1 to IIS 7 & above then for sure you should consider Web Deploy to help you with it.
Now as you know IIS 6 configuration is based on Metabase and IIS 7 configuration is based on new XML based configuration system so even trying to migrate just the configuration part might be challenging to do manually. Web Deploy does a fantastic job with this configuration migration and more.
In IIS 7 there is a great UI for you to use to export a Web Site, Web Site or Web Application package from IIS Manager but in IIS 6 there was no way to introduce any UI without servicing IIS 6 which when you consider the impact worldwide is not most ideal thing to do. But anyways the long and short of it is that you will have to use msdeploy.exe command line in IIS 5.1/IIS6 to create a package. When you get the package on to IIS 7+ box then you can of course use the �Import Application� UI on the IIS7 Action pane (right column) even if the package was generated by IIS 5.1 or 6�
One other interesting area to know about is Web Deploy Link Extensions coz they will come very handy when you go about migrating your IIS 6 sites & servers to IIS 7. Earlier I have talked about how Web Deploy works and what Web Deploy providers are. In addition to Web Deploy providers it is useful to understand the concept of Link Extensions. Well as the name suggests a �Link Extension� is some artifact which Web Deploy can decipher from a parent provider based on some kind of meta data or link which might be present in the parent. Some of the notable link extensions are:
� AppPoolExtension - Application Pool configuration which resides outside the contained site configuration, but again the site configuration points to which Application Pool it uses.
� CertifacteExtension - Certificates which are external artifacts associated to the site but something which site�s IIS configuration links to.
� ContentExtension - Site�s content which resides on the disk but again technically only a pointer to it exists in the site�s IIS configuration.
� FrameworkConfigExtension - The root web.config associated with each .NET Framework (stored C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Config) which some IT Admins customize and IIS configuration knows which ASP.NET version you are using so technically that can be deciphered too.
The meta point is that these are all the above link extensions can be turned on or off from Web Deploy command line when you are trying to migrate your IIS 5.1/IIS6 sites and servers to IIS 7 and above� There are more link extensions and it is likely that more might be added in the future, you can keep a link to this TechNet article as that is where we might update the information if it changes.
Finally for the scenario that we started talking about in the beginning of this blog the command line to create a package of all of IIS 6 configuration for a Site (with Site id 1) without including the content of the site would be:
MsDeploy.exe -verb:sync -source:metakey=lm/w3svc/1 -disableLink:Content -dest:package=c:\mySite1Package.zip
If you would like to sync up the entire server then the command line would be:
Msdeploy.exe -verb:sync -source:webserver60 -dest:package=c:\mySite1Package.zip -disableLink:Content
Now the generated MsDeploy package can be easily transported to IIS 7 or IIS 7.5 and configuration can be easily replicated without the content being touched in anyway.
Hope this helps,
_name = "report.crm.case.user"
_description = "Cases by user and section"
_auto = False
_columns = {
'name': fields.date('Month', readonly=True),
'user_id':fields.many2one('res.users', 'User',
readonly=True, relate=True),
'Section', readonly=True, relate=True),
'amount_revenue': fields.float('Est.Revenue', readonly=True),
'amount_costs': fields.float('Est.Cost', readonly=True),
'amount_revenue_prob': fields.float('Est. Rev*Prob.', readonly=True),
'nbr': fields.integer('# of Cases', readonly=True),
'probability': fields.float('Avg. Probability', readonly=True),
'state': fields.selection(AVAILABLE_STATES, 'State',
size=16, readonly=True),
'delay_close': fields.integer('Delay to close', readonly=True),
_order = 'name desc, user_id, section_id'
def init(self, cr):
create or replace view report_crm_case_user as (
min(c.id) as id,
substring(c.create_date for 7)||'-01' as name,
count(*) as nbr,
sum(planned_revenue) as amount_revenue,
sum(planned_cost) as amount_costs,
sum(planned_revenue*probability)::decimal(16,2) as
avg(probability)::decimal(16,2) as probability,
'DD"d" `HH24:MI:SS') as delay_close
crm_case c
group by substring(c.create_date for 7),
c.state, c.user_id, c.section_id
Filecopy file_asal, file_tujuan
Code diatas akan membackup database di path "c:\Data\db1.mdb", ke path "d:\db1.mdb"
Dim ms As New System.IO.MemoryStream()
PicBox.Image.Save(ms, PicBox.Image.RawFormat)
Dim CPic() As Byte = ms.GetBuffer
'convert byte ke binary
Dim fileBinary As New System.Data.Linq.Binary(CPic)
Dim dc As New TestDataContext
Dim emp As New Employee With {.LastName = txtFirst.Text, .FirstName = txtLast.Text,
.Photo = fileBinary}
Dim dc As New TestDataContext
Dim empid As String
empid = InputBox("Masukkan Employee ID")
PicBox.Image = Image.FromStream(New IO.MemoryStream(dc.Employees.Single(Function(p) _
p.EmployeeID = empid).Photo.ToArray))
How to mount Windows VHD, ISO, CUE, BIN, NRG, CCD, MDS and MDF Image free
Few Days back I was in need of a tool that can mount my VHD file to my computer and to get data from my damaged Virtual hard disk. I searched for that and found only paid solution for this that were also not good enough for me.
In this continuous search I found Gizmo Drive. This tool can easily mound Windows Virtual Hard disk other than all other popular images for data. Best thing with this tool is its completely free and no virus or spam is there in it.
You can easily download it from www.araina.com
For mounting your Virtual Hard disk you just have to mount it using general mount method using Gizmo central too.
I hope it was useful for you and it solved your problem
Thanks for being here
AP Dubey
OpenERP 5.0.14 Announced
September 4, 2010 - 06:51 � David Bucknell
* finances |
* openerp
We have the pleasure to announce a new revision of OpenERP 5.0.
The previous version 5.0.13 of OpenERP had a problem with the version of Python 2.4 and 2.5.
This release contains the bug fixes of 5.0.13 and one important security fix which you can find in this brief summary.
In this version we have back-ported the safe_eval function from the trunk version.
But if you want to find more details you can look at the Changelogs [1]
The Windows Installers will be made available as soon as possible.
The translations have been updated
* Bugfixes
* Use the safe_eval function from trunk
* Don't marshal None in XML-RPC
* Correct the field.related behavior at write()
* Fix a problem with the "Resynchronise Terms" wizard
* Fix a bug in the read function if the field is a function field or a many2one and store=True
* Fix the RNG, the filter attribute was missing
* Backport the safe_eval function from the trunk version of OpenERP
* Better Logging, display database name in the logger
* Add the @logged decorator also log exceptions
* Add the @traceback decorator that log the traceback at call
Bugfixes (addons)
* Use the safe_eval function from trunk
* account : Improve the calculation of general ledger
* account : General Journal and Central Journal Reports Corrected & Optimized
* account : General Ledger report improved
* account : Read Access for Fiscalyear given to Partner Manager
* account : Pay Invoice Wizard in foreign currency
* account : Use the right journal and period ids for the General Journal Report
* account : added notification on absence of invoice sequence number
* account : Bank statement should allow opening entries to reconcile disrespecting jornal
* account : Overdue message wizard corrected
* account : Partner Balance report filter corrected
* account : Unpaid invoices should not include proforma type of invoices
* account : fixed _search_amount() ethod to allow operators like <, >, =, !=, in and not in
* account : sequences in fiscal years should be restricted to the same type.
* account_date_check : Corrections in check_date constraint of move line
* account_followup : Report corrected by putting formatLang for maturity date
* crm: fixes send reminder.
* crm_configuration : Stage should be set to the basic stage of opportunity when leads are converted to opportunity.
* hr_timesheet : Onchange of user was counting changed user into context
* hr_timesheet_sheet : timesheet should only be confirmed when no. of sign in entries equal to sign out
* l10n_be : VAT Declaration wizard corrected
* l10n_be : Wizard of VAT intra corrected
* l10n_be : VAT Listing Wizard corrected
* l10n_ch : Correction on making payment with DTA
* mrp : Cancellation of procurement allowed if it has no moves attached
* mrp: Attribute the right destination location
* mrp_repair : Creation of invoices corrected from repairs with fees
* purchase : Translations corrected
* purchase : Report should show Partner of destination address
* purchase : Calculation of minimum planned date should not fail when there is no PO Line.
* report_intrastat : Correction in PSQL View creation
* sale : Cancellation of Order should be allowed by un-linking the Pickings to it
* sale : Correction on advance invoice wizard
* sale : Included customer reference in advance invoice
* sale : Make Invoice button set to invisible when invoiced.
* sale_crm : Case should be created with the user which is supplied from the wizard,not the current logged in user
* stock : Chained picking should generate same picking for moves
* stock : Manually created stock moves should confirm without fail
* stock : The return picking wizard has been improved
* stock: Use the standard price for the default price in the wizard of a partial picking
* wiki : Corrections for history revision differences,_rec_name corrected
You will find the Windows Installers and the tarball archives on OpenERP download page.
How To How Import Mail from outlook to Apple Mail