e-global, we as Malaysia first official local silver partner for OpenERP would like to share our thoughts on the presentation that of the Topic "At a glance" found in the openERP site.
At a glance
Open Source: OpenERP is committed to Open Source Business Model. The software is published under the AGPL licence. ( in E-global openERP, yes , is opensource , but a lot of people think open source = free , but the truth is , yes the software , if you maintain yourself , DIY then is free , but when you need professional services , you still need to pay the consultation fee, system study services , customization services and all cost related to implementating ERP over in your company , these cost are not free , as Malaysian said "we need to cari Makan la" , which means we as software developer need to pay our bills as well, pay our developers and the miss conception of open source that bring to the market that is that open source is free so the consultation fee or implementation fee need to be low too, I hope E-global in Malaysia can bring OpenERP as although is free,it does not means the services have to be low as well instead the services need to be qualify and competence , all we have to do is to make sure you can save a BIG LUM SUM for the prioprietary software which you may be paying but just as OpenERP is committed to fulfill its Vision, we E-global Malaysia are committed to fulfilled our mission to provide a qualify,competence support and implementation services for OpenERP in Malaysia . )
Complete : OpenERP is a comprehensive suite of business applications including Sales, CRM, Project management, Warehouse management, Manufacturing, Financial management, Human Resources just to name a few. More than 700 openERP modules are available on Launchpad (E-global Malaysia , try it you will know it , it is excellent piece of software but if you do get stuck then you can call us for help , we try our best to help you !)
Modular : OpenERP unique modular approach allows customers to start with one application and to add other modules later on. Customers keep the benefits of an integrated software but avoid a �big bang� project. (E-global Malaysia , yes very modular and you can definitely start small and implement such as CRM solutions and customize your own form , views and reports easily!)
Flexible : OpenERP allows you to customize the user interface and manage your business processes in only a few clicks. ( E-global can absolutely support this as it is very easy to customize your own business processes , workflow and if you do get stuck , we can help you locally)
No Lock-in: The same version of OpenERP can be used either On-site or Online. We are committed to always allow you customers choose what is best for them. ( E-global ,i think it is true for every open source , if you do not like our services , you can always feel free to engage another vendor to provide you competence services , but as we are determined to maintain our standard of practices , our ERP project implementation methodology , our gained customization experiences for the modules of OpenERP and our desired to improve our knowledge in OpenERP and our passion for technologies , we will try to get ourselves ready to give you quality services all the time.)
Affordable : The absence of license fees makes OpenERP very affordable. The complete set of service we provide (On line and On-site) provide great value for the customers. We are of the only vendor to guarantee migration services for a fixed fee ( E-global will stay committed and standing behind OpenERP to provide you an affordable , quality , qualify and competence services in Malaysia and Asean countries. )
So interested to stay in touch ? you can go to our facebook !
Complete : OpenERP is a comprehensive suite of business applications including Sales, CRM, Project management, Warehouse management, Manufacturing, Financial management, Human Resources just to name a few. More than 700 openERP modules are available on Launchpad (E-global Malaysia , try it you will know it , it is excellent piece of software but if you do get stuck then you can call us for help , we try our best to help you !)
Modular : OpenERP unique modular approach allows customers to start with one application and to add other modules later on. Customers keep the benefits of an integrated software but avoid a �big bang� project. (E-global Malaysia , yes very modular and you can definitely start small and implement such as CRM solutions and customize your own form , views and reports easily!)
Flexible : OpenERP allows you to customize the user interface and manage your business processes in only a few clicks. ( E-global can absolutely support this as it is very easy to customize your own business processes , workflow and if you do get stuck , we can help you locally)
No Lock-in: The same version of OpenERP can be used either On-site or Online. We are committed to always allow you customers choose what is best for them. ( E-global ,i think it is true for every open source , if you do not like our services , you can always feel free to engage another vendor to provide you competence services , but as we are determined to maintain our standard of practices , our ERP project implementation methodology , our gained customization experiences for the modules of OpenERP and our desired to improve our knowledge in OpenERP and our passion for technologies , we will try to get ourselves ready to give you quality services all the time.)
Affordable : The absence of license fees makes OpenERP very affordable. The complete set of service we provide (On line and On-site) provide great value for the customers. We are of the only vendor to guarantee migration services for a fixed fee ( E-global will stay committed and standing behind OpenERP to provide you an affordable , quality , qualify and competence services in Malaysia and Asean countries. )
So interested to stay in touch ? you can go to our facebook !
Update Contact :
No Wa/Telepon (puat) : 085267792168
No Wa/Telepon (fajar) : 085369237896
Email : Fajarudinsidik@gmail.com
No Wa/Telepon (puat) : 085267792168
No Wa/Telepon (fajar) : 085369237896
Email: Fajarudinsidik@gmail.com
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