'How to Connect to a database using ADO and retrieving the data.
'Create a reference to 'Microsoft ActiveX Data Object 2.0 Library'
Private Sub Form_Load()
'Declare the connection and recordset objects
Dim cnData As Connection
Dim recordset1 As Recordset
'Instantiate the objects
Set Conn = New Connection
Set recordset1 = New Recordset
'Set the connection string
Conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=<<PATH TO DATABASE>>"
'Code to test the connection
If Conn.State = adStateOpen Then MsgBox "Connection good."
'Get data from the database connection
recordset1.Open "<<SQL STATEMENT>>", Conn
'For testing purposes, write to debug window
Debug.Print recordset1!<<DATABASE_COLUMN_FIELD_NAME>>
'Make sure to close the connection and release Conn
Set Conn = Nothing
End SubUpdate Contact :
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