cara membuat selection widget. selection widget itu seperti list jika di klik nanti ada efeknya ini pengertian nya
"Selection widgets display a list of text values among which the user needs to select one (single selection) or more (multiselection). The values displayed by these widgets can be changed and may come from different data sources:Fixed Values: A user defined list of fixed values.Data Master Field: A list of category values coming from a Data Master field of type Category or Multicategory.Data Master: A list of all the Data Master instances using comas as a field separator.When a Selection widget is created it shows a list of fixed values. To change the data source of a Selection widget, select the widget on the page and click on the Edit button next to 'Value' in the Properties panel. Select the data source Fixed Values, Data Master Field or Data Master in the dialog. Notice that you need first to create a Data Master in order to use it (or its fields) as data source." from
nah seperti itu pengertiannya untuk lebih jelasnya langsung membuat saja seperti ini ?
pertama buat project di eclips
kemudian edit main layout .xml dengan ini
kemudian kode ketik seperti ini nah setelah selesai run dan hasilnya kurang lebih seperti ini gan :D

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