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False Patterns Such as The Reverse Foreign Key

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بِسْــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Welcome to the Database Programmer. This is a
regular blog for anybody who wants practical
information about how databases work and how
your database and application code work

There is a new entry every Monday morning, and the
>complete table of contents is here. We are currently
looking at
>Table Design Patterns
and how they lead to tight and
efficient code.

The Example: A School Class Schedule

In the past two weeks we have looked at the table of
courses that teachers are teaching and students are
enrolled in for a year. The five rules are:

  1. A teacher may not teach a class he/she is not qualified
    to teach.
  2. No two classes can be given in the same classroom in
    the same period.
  3. No teacher can be in two places at once, a teacher can
    only teach one class in one period.
  4. No student can be in two places at once, so no student
    can be in more than one class in the same period.
  5. A student cannot take the same class again after
    passing the class once.

Two weeks ago we looked at rule 1 and recognized a "http://database-programmer.blogspot.com/2008/01/table-design-patterns-cross-reference.html"
>Cross Reference Validation Pattern
, and last week we looked
at rules 2 and 3 and saw a "http://database-programmer.blogspot.com/2008/01/table-design-pattern-limited.html"
>Limited Transactions
pattern. This week we will look at rule
5 and see the Primary Key In Disguise, and next week we will
wrap up this example by looking at how to do rule 4.

First Attempt: Restating Rule 5 In Terms of Tables

There are plenty of times when a customer will give you
a requirement that sounds something like, "If X happens,
Y may not happen." Rule 5 sounds like this kind of rule:

"If X Happens..." | "...then Y may not happen"
If a Student passes | the student may not
a course | take the course again

The first thing we want to do is translate this into
rules about entries in tables. Our first attempt might
sound something like "An entry in the completed courses
table prohibits an entry in this year's schedule." It
might look like this:


Student | Course Student | Course
--------+--------- ----------+----------
Nirgal | History <----------- Nirgal | Calculus
Jackie | History A "reverse" foreign Nirgal | Geometry
Nirgal | Physics key says entries in
Jackie | Physics history prevent entries
in current enrollment

The problem with this statement is that
there is no way to enforce such an idea. It is not
a foreign key, it is more like a reverse foreign key.
A foreign key says a a parent row must exist
but we are saying a parent row must not
. If there were such a thing as a reverse
foreign key we would be ready to move on to the next
task. But since there
is no such thing as a reverse foreign key,
we must keep looking.

The Customer Does Not Design Tables

So far we have a formulation "An entry in the completed
courses table prohibits an entry in this year's schedule."
But here I have deliberately made a common
mistake to demonstrate how programmers
sometimes deal with the requirements
given to us by end users. I have taken the rule and
turned it into a statement about tables without first
doing any real thinking. This is like translating a sentence
word-for-word from one language to another.
When you transliterate the user's requirements this
way instead of translating, the
result is exactly the same as for human languages: you get nonsense.

So we must now remember that the customer is not in
the business of table design. The customer will explain
their needs as best they can, but we should not
expect the customers' statements to translate directly into table

So if we look at this rule again we realize that when
one thing excludes another thing we may be looking at
a primary key or unique constraint
. If the student's
completed courses and the student's current courses are
stored in the same table then the problem is solved.
We make a primary key or
unique constraint on student + course and that
is the end of that.

Relational Does Not Meet My Needs!

Nowadays (February 2008) it is pretty common to hear programmers
who are relatively new to the database world say:
"Relational just cannot do what I need, my customers have
complex needs that don't fit into relational concepts."
If that programmer is handling text, like books,
or media files then
they may be right. But if not, that programmer probably:

  • ...has been taking the customer's requests at face value
    instead of translating them into solid concepts.
  • ...is not aware of dead-end patterns like the "Reverse
    Foreign Key" and how to recognize the valid patterns that are
    hiding behind them.

Now that we know we probably have a primary key, and not
some kind of weird reverse foreign key, it is time to design
the table.

A Primary Key In Disguise

Putting them into the same table is not that big a deal.
It is nothing more than a list of courses the student has
taken or is currently taking. The table would look
something like this:

The students_x_courses Table

Primary Key (or perhaps an int primary
| key and this is a
| unique constraint)
| |
Student | Course | Year | Flag_hist | Grade
23 | HIST-302 | 2005 | N |
23 | PHYS-101 | 2003 | Y | 92
23 | CHEM-211 | 2004 | Y | 96

Deletions Required

We should note that if a student fails a course, the
approach we are taking requires that the row be deleted
outright, otherwise they cannot take it again.
All database programmers share a deep
uneasiness about deleting data, it makes
us nervous. There is good reason for this.
As soon as you delete the failed classes somebody will ask
for some statistics on how often students fail courses,
which you cannot tell them because you deleted the data!
Nobody wants to be having that conversation!

Therefore we should assume that we will have a
separate table just to store a record of course
failures. We will copy failure records to that table
before we delete them.

Putting Current Data and Historical Data Together

There are plenty of strange ideas out there, and
sometimes an idea from ages past will persist long
after anybody remembers where the idea even came
from. One such idea is that you should not mix
together historical and current data.

This idea came from long ago when hard drives
where extremely expensive, when many data files were stored
on tapes or cartridges and never got near a hard drive.
The idea was to separate
your live and historical data because the bulk of
your operations required one or the other but rarely
both, and you could not afford to keep them both
available at the same time. In really old fashioned
batch operations something we take for granted like a simple
query would be done by loading tape after tape onto a
refrigerator-sized tape machine that executed some query
program. If you kept history and live data
together you might have to load 30 tapes, but if you kept
them separate you would only have to load 3 tapes to pass
the live data. That basic practice has stayed with us ever
since in the form of prejudices and vague advice about
"not mixing current and history."

But nowadays we do not need to worry too much about
hard drives, there is no validity to most of the
reasons for keeping this data separate.

Conclusion: Translation, Not Transliteration

This week we saw what happens when we take user requirements
at face value. They lead us into dead-end design patterns, that
is, patterns that are not valid and cannot be implemented. We
saw how important it is to take the users' statements and
seek out the "disguised" primary keys, foreign keys and so
forth. This is the sad result of transliteration, the
direct conversion of user statements into table designs.

The correct process is translation, looking at the user
statements with a critical eye and seeking out the primary keys,
foreign keys and table definitions that are lurking there.
Those programmers
who do not learn this skill will be led into the false
belief that they are somehow dealing
with problems that no human being has ever seen before,
and that they need some post-relational or extra-relational
or razmataz-relational system that will provide a unique,
strange and clever solution to their troubles.
The truth is usually much less interesting and not nearly so
ego-inflating. The truth is that most data does fit into tables
pretty neatly, and that most rules (but not all) can be expressed
as unique constraints and foreign keys.

Next week we will wrap up this example by looking at rule 4,
that no student can be in two places at once.

>Next Week: The Framework and The Database

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ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلْعَٰلَمِين
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وَ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Artikel False Patterns Such as The Reverse Foreign Key, Diterbitkan oleh scodeaplikasi pada Minggu, 03 Februari 2008. Semoga artikel ini dapat menambah wawasan Anda. Website ini dipost dari beberapa sumber, bisa cek disini sumber, Sobat diperbolehkan mengcopy paste / menyebar luaskan artikel ini, karena segala yang dipost di public adalah milik public. Bila Sobat tertarik Ingin membuat software, membeli software, membeli source code ,Dengan Cara menghubungi saya Ke Email: Fajarudinsidik@gmail.com, atau No Hp/WA : (fajar) : 085369237896, (puat) : 085267792168.
