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History Tables

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بِسْــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

A history table allows you to use one table to track
changes in another table. While the basic idea is
simple, a naive implementation will lead to bloat
and will be difficult to query. A more sophisticated
approach allows easier queries and can produce not
just information about single rows, but can also
support aggregrate company-wide queries.

This week in the Database Programmer Blog we return to
table design patterns with an essay on history tables.
The basic premise of this blog is that good coding skills
do not lead magically to good database skills -- you can
only make optimal use of a database by understanding it
on its own terms. There is a new essay each Monday,
and there is a "http://database-programmer.blogspot.com/2007/12/database-skills-complete-contents.html"
>Complete Table of Contents
and a "http://database-programmer.blogspot.com/2008/01/table-design-patterns.html"
>List of Table Design Patterns

What to Put Into A History Table

Naive approaches to history tables usually involve making
a complete copy of the original (or new) row when
something changes in the source table. This turns out
to be of little use, for reasons I will explain below.
A much more useful approach is to track only a few
columns and to store any combination of old values,
new values, and differences. A history table designed
this way can be tremendously useful.

We will start with the example of a sales order table,
called ORDERS. The columns we are interested in might
look like this:

1234 | 9876 | 5/1/08 | 48.00 | 5.00 | 53.00 | 0 | 53.00
2345 | 9876 | 5/3/08 | 150.00 | 0 | 150.00 | 150.00 | 0
3456 | 5544 | 6/8/08 | 25.00 | 2.60 | 27.60 | 15.00 | 12.60
4567 | 3377 | 7/3/08 | 125.00 | 7.00 | 132.00 | 50.00 | 82.00

We first have to ask which columns must be copied into history
so that we can link the history table back to the ORDERS table.
The only column we need for tracking is ORDER (the order
number), so
the history table will always have an ORDER column.

We should also assume that the history table will contain at least
a timestamp and a column to track the user who made the change,
which brings us to a minimum of three columns.

Finally, it tends to be very useful to track what action
caused the history entry, be it an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE.
This brings us up to four minimum columns.

Next we ask which columns we will definitely not need. There
are two groups of columns we will not need, which are
1) the columns that never change and 2) the columns we do not
care about. Columns that do not change are likely to be
the CUSTOMER and the DATE column. There is no need to bloat
the history table with these valus because we can just get
them out of the ORDERS table. The second group, columns we
do not care about, are are usually things like ship-to address,
maybe an email, and other information. Naturally there is
no hard-and-fast rule here, it depends entirely upon the
needs of the application.

So now we know what we definitely need and what we definitely
do not need, and we are ready to begin work considering
the columns that will change. Not surprisingly, these are
usually all about the numbers. Next we will see how to
track the numbers.

Tracking Changes to Numbers

While it is certainly useful to store one or both of the
old and new values for a number, it far more useful to
store the change in the value, or the delta.
Having this number in the history table makes for some
really nifty abilities. If you store all three of the
old, new, and delta, then you can more or less
find out anything about the ORDER's history with very
simple queries.

So we are now ready to consider what the history table
might look like. We will take the case of an order that
was entered by user 'sax', updated twice by two other
users, and in the end it was deleted by user 'anne'.
Our first stab at the history table might look like this:

1234 | sax | UPD | 5/1/08 | 0.00 | 48.00 | 48.00
1234 | arkady | UPD | 5/7/08 | 48.00 | 58.00 | 10.00
1234 | ralph | UPD | 6/1/08 | 58.00 | 25.00 | -33.00
1234 | anne | DEL | 6/4/08 | 25.00 | 0.00 | -25.00

I should note that if you keep LINES_OLD and LINES_NEW, then
strictly speaking you do not need the LINES_DELTA columns.
Whether or not you put it in depends on your approach to table
design. If you framework allows you to guarantee that it will
be correct, then your queries will be that much simpler with
the LINES_DELTA column present.

You may wonder why there is no entry for the original INSERT.
This is because you must enter an order before you can
enter the lines, so the original value will always be zero.
Only when lines start going in does the ORDER get any
numbers. This is true for header tables, but it would not
be true for detail tables like ORDER_LINES_HISTORY.

Some of the Obvious Queries

There are few obvious queries that we can pull from the
history table right away. These include the following:

-- Find the value of of the line items of an
-- order as of June 1st
AND DATE <= '2008-06-01'

-- Find the original value of the line items,
-- and the user who entered it.

-- Find the users who have worked on an order

Most of queries should be pretty obvious, and there
are plenty more that will suggest themselves once you
start working with the history tables.

Queries Involving the Delta

The real power of the DELTA column comes into play
when you are trying to compute back-dated values
such as the company's total open balance on
June 1, 2008. If you have a naive history table that
stores only the old value or only the new value, this
is truly a tortuous query to write, but if you have both
then it is really quite easy.

-- Query to calculate the total open balance of all
-- orders as of a given date
WHERE DATE <= '2008-06-01';

This magical little query works because paid orders
will "wash out" of the total. Consider an order that
is entered on May 20 for $200.00, and is then paid
on May 23rd. It will have +200 entry in the
BALANCE_DELTA column, and then it will have a -200.00
entry 3 days later. It will contribute the grand sum
of zero to the total.

But an order entered on May 25th that has not been
paid by June 1st will have only a +200 entry in
the BALANCE_DELTA column, so it will contribute the
correct amount of $200.00 to the balance as of
June 1st.

If the company owner wants a report of his total
open balances on each of the past 30 days, you can retrieve
two queries and build his report on the client:

-- Get begin balance at the beginning of the period
WHERE DATE < '2008-06-01';

-- Get the total changes for each day. When you
-- build the report on the client, add each day's
-- change amount to the prior day's balance
WHERE DATE BETWEEN '2008-06-01' AND '2008-06-30'

Keeping History Tables Clean

A clean history table is one that contains no unnecessary
information. You normally do not want entries going
into the history table if nothing relevant changed.
So your history table mechanism should examine the
columns it is tracking, and only make an entry to the
history table if one of the columns of interest actually

Problems With The Naive History Table

A very basic history table will usually
copy the entire original row from the source table
into the history table whenever an INSERT, UPDATE
or DELETE occurs. One simple problem is that you
end up with bloated history tables. Because they are
cluttered with unnecessary repititions, they are difficult
to work with by inspection.

A much more serious technical problem with the naive
approach is that it is horribly difficult to produce
the queries demonstrated above. You must reproduce
the concept of a delta by either running through all
of the rows on the client, or you must make a difficult
(and often impossible) JOIN of the history table
to itself in which you connect each row to the
row that came just before it.
All I can say is, no thanks, I'll go with the delta.

History Table Security

History tables always involve some concept of
auditing, that is, keeping track of user actions.
This means we need to protect against deliberate
falsification of the history tables, which leads
to two rules. First, a user must have no ability
to directly DELETE rows from the history table,
or they could erase the record of changes.
Second, the user must have no ability to
directly INSERT or UPDATE existing rows, because
if they could they can falsify the history. These
rules apply to both regular users and system
administrators, the administrator must have no
privelege to subvert or manipulate the history.

Since history tables have a tendency to become
seriously bloated, there must be some priveleged
group that can DELETE from the history tables,
which they would do as a periodic purge operation.
This group should have no ability to
UPDATE the tables, because such priveleges would open
a potential hole for subverting the history.
Regular system administrators should not be in
this group, this should be a special group whose only
purpose is to DELETE out of the history tables.

If you are making use of DELTA columns, then stricly
speaking you do not want to purge, but compress
history tables. If you want to purge out all entries
in 2005, you must replace them with a single entry
that contains a SUM of the DELTA columns for all
of 2005.

So to sum up, we have the following security rules
for a history table:

  • No system user should be able to DELETE from the
    history table.
  • No system user should be able to UPDATE the
    history table.
  • No system user should be able to directly control
    the INSERT into the history table.
  • A special group must be defined whose only ability
    is to DELETE from the history table, so that the
    tables can be purged (or compressed)
    from time to time.


As always, you have your choice of implementing the
history mechanism in the client code or in the database

The best performing and most secure method is to
implement history tables with triggers on the source
table. This is the best way to implement both
security and the actual business rules in one
encapsulated object (the table).
However, if you have no current practices
for coding server-side routines, or you do not have a
data dictionary system that will generate the code for
you, then it may not be practical to go server-side
for a single feature.

Implementing history tables in code has the usual
benefit of keeping you in the language and habits
you are most familiar with, but it means that you cannot
allow access to your database except through your
application. I cannot of course make a general rule here,
this decision is best made by the design team based
on the situation at hand and anticipated future needs.


History tables have many uses. Beyond the obvious
first use of finding indidivual values at some point
in the past, well crafted tables can produce
company-wide aggregations like total open balances
on a given day, changes in booked orders on a day
or in a range of days, and many other queries along
those lines. Security is very important to prevent
history tables from being subverted.

>NEXT ESSAY: Different Foreign Keys For Different Tables

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وَ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Artikel History Tables, Diterbitkan oleh scodeaplikasi pada Minggu, 20 Juli 2008. Semoga artikel ini dapat menambah wawasan Anda. Website ini dipost dari beberapa sumber, bisa cek disini sumber, Sobat diperbolehkan mengcopy paste / menyebar luaskan artikel ini, karena segala yang dipost di public adalah milik public. Bila Sobat tertarik Ingin membuat software, membeli software, membeli source code ,Dengan Cara menghubungi saya Ke Email: Fajarudinsidik@gmail.com, atau No Hp/WA : (fajar) : 085369237896, (puat) : 085267792168.
