Know Battery Remaining Time
From my freinds and my clients I do get a request that they can not get information of the battery time remaning. They ask me some software or tool that can help them to get the remaning time detail of the laptop battery.
I was looking for some free software for the same over internet and I found battery bar. It�s a nice tool that gives the remaning time information for the laptop battery. It works fine with With XP and Windows Vista both.
Here is screen shot for my laptop�s screen. This tool says its batterys total life time is 1.14 minute that is what my laptops battery life time is. My laptop is 2 years old and when it was new its battery life time was for almost 2 hour.

For using this tool you just need to install the BatteryBar and right click on task bar then go to toolbars and select battery bar. It will add a battery bar icon in task bar. It will take atleast 2 hour to calculate your battery life time so don�t loose your patence if it take some more time.
You can download the tool from here.
You can do a discussion for this in my tech forum here
hope it was usefull for you and you enjoyed it.
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