your disk is full or the cache directory is missing or corrupted some bitmaps may not appear
I was not able to write since a long time due to lot of different reasons but I am back in town now and free to write also.
Yesterday I got a mail with a following screenshot

Every time user connect to a remote desktop server it gives an alert with message that your disk is full or the cache directory is missing or corrupted some bitmaps may not appear.
The user told me that his computer root drive is having lot of GB space free and he done nothing with any kind of setting so I he is not sure why this problem is appearing.
Ok their simple answers are either disabling the caching in RDP client or clean the RDP cache directory.
Here is suggestion for both the option
For disabling cache
1) Open Remote Desktop Client
2) Click on Option then click on experience tab
3) Deselect the bitmap caching and click on connect.
This time it will connect without any problem.
If you do not want to disable bitmap caching then good idea is to clean the older cache
For this you need to go in the folder manually and delete the data.
For XP
c:\Documents and Settings\
For Vista
Just after deleting the cache directory data you will be able to connect to remote desktop machine without any problem
Hope it was usefull for you.
Thanks for being here
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