Ini aplikasi yang saya rekomendasikan untuk yang punya hape Android dan senang elektro. Aplikasi yang sangat bermanfaat, dan gratis :P
1. ElectroDroid

Powerful collection of electronics tools and reference.A must for any enthusiast
ElectroDroid is a simple and powerful collection of electronics tools and reference; it includes:
� Resistor color code decoder (3-6 bands);
� Inductor color code decoder;
� Ohm�s law calculator;
� Reactance calculator;
� Voltage divider;
� Resistor ratio, value/series/parallel;
� Capacitor charge calculation;
� Operational amplifier;
� LED resistor calculator;
� LM317 calculator;
� Heat dissipation;
� Battery Life calculator;
� Inductor design tool;
� Voltage Drop calculator;
� PCB Trace Width calculator;
� Simple Filters calculator;
� NE555 astable calculator;
� Port pin-out (USB, Serial, Parallel, Ethernet, SCART, DVI, HDMI, S-Video, VGA, FireWire, Jack, XLR, RCA, DMX, ATX, Molex, EIDE, SATA);
� Resources (Resistivity table; Table of standard resistors and capacitors; Capacitor marking codes; AWG and SWG Wire size; Ampacity Table; Symbols and Abbreviations; Circuit Schematic Symbols; SI Units prefixes; Battery info; Boolean logic gate and algebra Theorems; 7400 info and pinout; ASCII code);
� Full support for EIA resistor series for all caluculators;
...and more to come!
2. PICmicroDatabase
PICmicro database allow you to check the characteristics of all the PIC and dsPIC microcontrollers produced by Microchip.
You can search for your favorite microcontroller, reading the features, applying filters, and many new features will be introduced in future versions... The application integrates seamlessly with the program ElectroDroid which can be downloaded for free from the Android Market. Get ElectroDroid "Donate" to remove ads.
PIC� Microcontrollers (MCUs) and dsPIC� Digital Signal Controllers (DSCs) are registered trademark of Microchip Technology Inc. This application is not related or affiliated in any way with Microchip Technology Inc.
3. 555 Timer Calculator
This is a calculator designed and dedicated to calculating the resistor and capacitor values for the popular NE555 square wave generator.
This is unlike the other calculators you will find floating around. This calculator generates actual, usable component values; values that are found in your kit. No longer will you be asked to provide a 2546.74856? resistor.
This calculator will also allow you to tell it which components to use, based on what you have available. Don't have a 10K? resistor, or a 4.7 nF capacitor? Remove it from the list and you'll never be asked to use one.
This is a brute force calculator. Meaning it calculates every possible combination and if it comes within 1% of your desired frequency it will display it as a result. If battery concerns or the speed of the results is of concern, users can opt to have the calculations done via remote server. Your custom component list is still used for this process, but results can be generated in a fraction of the time.
Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. No comment too sour!
Explanation of permissions:
Full Internet access required for-
*Remote calculation of values
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