BlackBerry 10, a hidden treasure.

Facts, about 3 years ago, RIM launched the new RIM playbook. The product has been the target of criticism from journalists and thereby generated only bad comments on social networks. Too much and unfairly compared to the iPad world, the playbook has never managed to charm its target clientele. However, users who have adopted the playbook are very satisfied with the product. First, the size of the device is smaller than its counterpart iPad. In fact, it has the size of a paperback book. Excellant to tighten it in the inside pocket of a jacket. An ergonomic protective case is also included as the iPad, bulkier has nothing. The Playbook can be synchronized with your phone blackberry directly while other products, data exchange must be passed through the WiFi network manipulations are asking more or less laborious. The playbook also resembles the Kindle which is regularly used for e-book readers. Also, network outages related to Blackberry have caused loss of user confidence and especially the business class. Many failures are listed since that day, but nothing compared to the failure of 2011, which lasted several days and caused his loss.
So RIM put all his energies to reposition itself in the mobile market by offering products such as application online music, video and television on his BlackBerry Word. It will broadcast an advertisement at great expense to the Super Bowl XLVII Sunday that oppose the San Francisco 49ers and the Baltimore Ravens. (I take my chance with the 49ers).
But is that all these efforts will be sufficient? It is clear that software producers rely mobile experiences currently on products such as Apple and Android in this world. Alone control more than 92% of the market, 70% for Android and 22% for Apple as the Strategic Analytics. In addition, interest measured by search engines show the same trend.
Millions of searches per month according to Google AdWords
Key word | |
BlackBerry | 68 |
Samsung S | 90 |
iPhone | 185 |
The choice of Samsung-S is used as indicator. The term Andoid is not a term familiar to consumers because it is also used in other electronic devices such as Colby, Acer, Asus, Sony, Toshiba, ViewSonic, Amazon, Archos, HTC and more.
So what to think of the Blackberry 10? The competition is fierce and it can more mobile devices than PC and laptop all together. Existing applications on the Blackberry can have many and does not offer the same quality as the competition. Just think of the Angry Bird and Skype are all the rage on iPhone and Android as these products are non-existent in Blackberry. How to compare GPS Blackberry versus the competition exactly? One might expect that the Blackberry is the expectations of consumers?
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