How are macros different from inline functions?
Macros are normally used whenever a set of instructions/tasks have to be repeatedly performed. They are�small programs to carryout some predefined actions.We normally use the #define directive in case we need to define the values of some constants so in case a�change is needed only the value can be changed and is reflected throughout.
#define mul(a,b) (a*b)
The major disadvantage of macros is that they are not really functions and the usual error checking and�stepping through of the code does not occur.
Inline functions are expanded whenever it is invoked rather than the control going to the place where the�function is defined and avoids all the activities such as saving the return address when a jump is�performed. Saves time in case of short codes.
Macros are normally used whenever a set of instructions/tasks have to be repeatedly performed. They are�small programs to carryout some predefined actions.We normally use the #define directive in case we need to define the values of some constants so in case a�change is needed only the value can be changed and is reflected throughout.
#define mul(a,b) (a*b)
The major disadvantage of macros is that they are not really functions and the usual error checking and�stepping through of the code does not occur.
Inline functions are expanded whenever it is invoked rather than the control going to the place where the�function is defined and avoids all the activities such as saving the return address when a jump is�performed. Saves time in case of short codes.
inline float add(float a,float b)
return a+b?
Inline is just a�request to the compiler and it is upto to the compiler whether to substitute the code at the�place of invocation or perform a jump based on its performance algorithms.
What could be the reasons for a System to have gone blank and how would you Debug it?
Possible reasons could be,PC�being overheated.Dust�having being accumulated all around.CPU�fans not working properly .Faulty�power connections.Faulty�circuit board from where the power is being drawn.Support�Drivers not having being installed.Debugging steps which can be taken are:Cleaning�the system thoroughly and maintaining it in a dust free�environment.Environment that is cool enough and facilitates for easy passage of air should be ideal enough.By�locating the appropriate support drivers for the system in consideration and having them installed.
Model transformations And Interaction Semantics
Interrupt DMA and Watchdog Timer
Mutexes Vs Semaphores
Explain interrupt latency and how can we decrease it?
Interrupt latency basically refers to the time span an interrupt is generated and it being serviced by an�appropriate routine defined.,usually the interrupt handler.External signals,some condition in the program or by the occurrence of some event,these could be the�reasons for generation of an interrupt.Interrupts can also be masked so as to ignore them even if an event occurs for which a routine has to be�executed.Following steps could be followed to reduce the latency�isrs�being simple and short.Interrupts�being serviced immediately�Avoiding�those instructions that increase the latency period.Also�by prioritizing interrupts over threads.Avoiding�use of inappropriate APIs.
What could be the reasons for a System to have gone blank and how would you Debug it?
Possible reasons could be,PC�being overheated.Dust�having being accumulated all around.CPU�fans not working properly .Faulty�power connections.Faulty�circuit board from where the power is being drawn.Support�Drivers not having being installed.Debugging steps which can be taken are:Cleaning�the system thoroughly and maintaining it in a dust free�environment.Environment that is cool enough and facilitates for easy passage of air should be ideal enough.By�locating the appropriate support drivers for the system in consideration and having them installed.
Model transformations And Interaction Semantics
Interrupt DMA and Watchdog Timer
Mutexes Vs Semaphores
Explain interrupt latency and how can we decrease it?
Interrupt latency basically refers to the time span an interrupt is generated and it being serviced by an�appropriate routine defined.,usually the interrupt handler.External signals,some condition in the program or by the occurrence of some event,these could be the�reasons for generation of an interrupt.Interrupts can also be masked so as to ignore them even if an event occurs for which a routine has to be�executed.Following steps could be followed to reduce the latency�isrs�being simple and short.Interrupts�being serviced immediately�Avoiding�those instructions that increase the latency period.Also�by prioritizing interrupts over threads.Avoiding�use of inappropriate APIs.
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