Jurnal : Mamdani Fuzzy Model for Learning Activities Evaluation(Jurnal Teknik Informatika)
The intent of this paper is to determinethe extent to which fuzzy model could suitably modelled learner activitiesinE-learning system. However, the paucity of public dataset that meet the exact requirement of this work poseschallenges, which necessitatedataset simulation. The detail approach used for the dataset simulation and the fuzzy model were discussed. Construction of the Inference Mechanism using the Relational Calculus and Mamdani approaches were demonstrated. The performance of the simulated model in MATLAB was measured using classifier uncertainty and confusion based metrics. The Mean Absolute Error (MAE) is 10.45;Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) is 8.71. The result shows that Fuzzy logic (White-Box Model) has alow classification error and invariably a higher accuracy for estimating learner activities. Subsequently, the result obtained shall be revalidated using live dataof students� activities in an online course. Furthermore, the current Mamdani�s model performance shall be compared with its equivalent Neuro_Fuzzy Model. The more efficient of the two models shallbe the choice for integration into an Open Source Learning Management System for automatic learning activities evaluation.
Learner�s attitude and behaviour to studies are valuable pointers to the expected cognitive performance of the students in an educational system. Conventionally, teachers directly observelearners attitude to study and keep monitored activities information in school records. Some of the parameters used for the attitude and behaviour in this context include percentages of class attendance, regularity of assignment submissions and quality ofparticipation in class activities among others. These observed behaviours are great contributors to students test and evaluation [12]. The challenges with the conventional approaches in the area of data gathering, objective data analysis and application limit its adoption and usefulness. However, the advancement in Information and Communication Technology (ICT),
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Kata Kunci : Jurnal Mamdani Fuzzy Model, sistem pendukung keputusan, SPK, Jurnal Teknik Informatika, Jurnal Skripsi, Jurnal, Contoh Jurnal, Skripsi Teknik Informatika, Contoh Skripsi Teknik Informatika ,Contoh Skripsi, Skripsi.
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