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SQL server 2008 Release candidate

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بِسْــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

SQL server 2008 Release candidate

SQL server 2008 �Release Candidate 0� is released from Microsoft and very soon final version of SQL server 2008 will be released.

If you want to test it you should install it and test it so when final version will be released they will be ready for SQL server 2008.You can download the SQL server 2008 from following Location.

For more information and technical detail please visit http://www.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2008/en/us/default.aspx.

For installing SQL server 2008 following software are pre-requisites for installing SQL server 2005. I have downloaded them and copied on local network here are location

MDAC(Microsoft data access controller)
Windows installer 4.5 required .
Dot.net framework 3.5 required.
SQL server 2008
Supported Operating Systems: Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2; Windows Server 2008; Windows Vista; Windows XP Service Pack 2
Hardware: For 32 bit version you need Pentium 3 with 1GB RAM recommended Pentium 4 with 2 GB RAM

For above all required component you can download them from bellow location.

http://sqlserver.dlservice.microsoft.com/dl/download/7/A/2/7A2F6647-7110-479F-BAA2-CCFD5DA6F436/SQLFULL_ENU_x86.exe (SQL server 2005)
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=5a58b56f-60b6-4412-95b9-54d056d6f9f4&displaylang=en (Windows Installer)
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=6c050fe3-c795-4b7d-b037-185d0506396c&displaylang=en&Hash=kwylJ4PWN4zbRbsq2GwGzkfTOBGOzhGXQwjfEWMwXPUak70xel1u%2bG0fRoS9ITkW%2fXVI5pM647ysHjoaKOAjug%3d%3d (MDAC 2.8)
http://download.microsoft.com/download/c/d/8/cd8aad12-bb3b-4f70-a3a1-e00b516011b0/dotnetfx35.exe (Dotnet framework 3.5 full installation it would not ask for downloading component form internet)

Before you use Microsoft Visual Studio with SQL Server 2008 RC0, install the following updates:

For Visual Studio 2005, install Visual Studio 2005 Support for SQL Server 2008 RC0.
For Visual Studio 2008, install Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 Beta.
For Visual Studio 2008 with SQL Server 2008 RC0 Express, download and install Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition with SP1 Beta .
You can install support for both Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008.
I Hope this information was useful and beneficial for you
Update Contact :
No Wa/Telepon (puat) : 085267792168
No Wa/Telepon (fajar) : 085369237896
Email : Fajarudinsidik@gmail.com
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ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلْعَٰلَمِين
Alhamdulilah hirobil alamin

وَ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Artikel SQL server 2008 Release candidate, Diterbitkan oleh scodeaplikasi pada Minggu, 22 Juni 2008. Semoga artikel ini dapat menambah wawasan Anda. Website ini dipost dari beberapa sumber, bisa cek disini sumber, Sobat diperbolehkan mengcopy paste / menyebar luaskan artikel ini, karena segala yang dipost di public adalah milik public. Bila Sobat tertarik Ingin membuat software, membeli software, membeli source code ,Dengan Cara menghubungi saya Ke Email: Fajarudinsidik@gmail.com, atau No Hp/WA : (fajar) : 085369237896, (puat) : 085267792168.
