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Using a Data Dictionary

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بِسْــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Database applications can be made much simpler if you maintain
a body of data that describes your tables. Every single programming
task in a database application needs to know something about the
tables it is working with, so every program in a framework and
many programs in an application
can benefit from a central store of information
about the database.

Introducing the Data Dictionary

The term "data dictionary" is used by many, including myself,
to denote a separate set of tables that describes the application
tables. The Data Dictionary contains such information as column
names, types, and sizes, but also descriptive information such
as titles, captions, primary keys, foreign keys, and hints to the
user interface about how to display the field.

A super-simple beginning Data Dictionary might look like this:

students | student | int | - | - | Y | IDENT | Student ID
students | firstnm | char | 20 | - | | | First Name
students | lastnm | char | 20 | - | | | Last Name
students | city | char | 20 | - | | | City
students | gpa | num | 2 | 1 | | | Grade Point Avg

* Precision: Needed for chars, varchars, and numerics
** automation: to be described more below

The First Question: Where to Put It

It might seem that the first question about a data dictionary would
be "What do we put in it?" We will get to this question in a moment, but
the most important question is usually, "Where do we put it?" By
this I mean do you put into an XML file, or do you encode it into classes
in program code? Or is it somehow directly
entered into database tables? There are of course many opinions on this.

The first opinion is that you do not really need a data dictionary per se
because you can get this information from the database server (if this is news
to you, google "information_schema" and your favorite database). There are two
major drawbacks when you depend on the server. First, you cannot
build a database out of your data dictionary, because of course you don't have
one until the database is built. The second drawback is much worse,
which is that you cannot put any extended properties into the dictionary, and
without those the dictionary is of little use.

Another method is to put the dictionary into classes, using
the typical one-class-per-table approach and storing the data as properties of
the class. There are multiple drawbacks to this approach:

  • Data that is "trapped" in code is very difficult to deal with
    efficiently, so many operations with the dictionary will be much
    harder to code and will be slower.
  • The dictionary is spread out into many files.
  • Ironically, a good data dictionary allows you to generate most
    CRUD forms, and so you don't need those one-class-per-table files
    filling up your directory. It seems silly to make a class that
    contains data that makes the class unnecessary.

The option I prefer is a plaintext file, which can be generated by a GUI
or typed in by hand. The only requirement for the file is that it be easy
to type and read, and easy to parse by a program. These requirements are
well met by two formats: YAML and JSON (XML is a bletcherous horror to work
with manually, so it is disqualified before the race starts).
Both YAML and JSON enjoy parsers and writers in nearly all popular languages,
so if you create your data dictionary in one of those you have a file that
is human readable and writable, machine readable and writable, useful in
nearly every language on every platform, easily placed in source control,
and very flexible in what it can represent.

First Basic Use: Building and Upgrading Databases

A data dictionary is a wonderful way to build and upgrade databases.
It is a real thrill to write your first SQL generator that scans a table
of column definitions, writes out a CREATE TABLE statement, and executes
it. The next step in the evolution of this process is to have the
program query the INFORMATION_SCHEMA of the database, then work out which
columns have been added to your data dictionary that are not in the
table, and then upgrade the table with an ALTER TABLE statement.

This basic approach can easily be extended to include indexes and keys.

Sidebar: Data Dictionary Versus Upgrade Scripts

Many programmers use upgrade scripts to alter their schemas. The idea
is that programmer Sax Russell adds a feature. Along with his code
he writes a script that makes the necessary alterations to the database.
Then comes Ann Clayborne who does the same thing, followed by Hiroko
Ai, and then Sax again. When a customer upgrades their system, they
run all four scripts in order. This can lead to horrible upgrade
experiences in cases where multiple scripts are upgrading a large
table several times. A data dictionary is far superior because it
can simply examine the tables as they are, examine the data dictionary,
work out a diff, and execute the smallest set of commands to bring
the database current. This approach does require of course that the
data dictionary be in source control like any other application file.

Second Basic Use: HTML Code Generation

A rich data dictionary can provide you with everything you need to provide
"free" CRUD screens for most of your tables. Now to be sure, there are
always those tasks that require special screens for the users, but
there is just no reason to sit down and code up a screen to managae
a table of customer types, zip codes, or even a general ledger chart of
accounts. Here is an example of an expanded data dictionary in YAML
format that contains enough information to generate screens with zero
application code:

table customer_types:
# Use this to generate menus!
module: sales
# Use this for the menu and the page title
description: Customer Types

column customer_type:
type_id: char
column_precision: 10
# This is crucial for code generation
description: Customer Type
primary_key: "Y"
column description:
type_id: char
column_precision: 40
description: Description

The use of most of those properties should be pretty obvious,
but I would like to point out one particular clever trick you can
do. The "primary_key" flag can be used to enable a column during
insert mode (if it is a user-entered key), and then to gray out
the column in edit mode. When you consider this basic example it
starts to become clear that nearly all of the code in most CRUD
screens can be reduced to a few routines that read the data
dictionary and generate HTML.

I would like to repeat that I do not mean to say that every single
CRUD form in an application will work this way. In my experience
9 out of 10 tables can use "free" generated forms, but about 1 in
10 are used so often by users that you end up making special forms
with shortcuts and wizards to speed up their work. The dictionary
can help you there if you use it to generate the inputs, but it
is no use trying to expand the dictionary to cover every conceivable
case, there is always one more that the next customer needs that
would just plain go faster if you coded it up by hand.

Third Basic Use: Trigger Generation

Generating triggers is a very powerful thing you
can do with a data dictionary. We saw last week that the most complete
encapsulation of code and data occurs when a trigger is placed on a
table. Imagine you had a data dictionary that looked like this:

table orderlines:
column extended_price:
type_id: numeric
column_precision: 10
column_scale: 2
calculate: @price * @qty

That magic little "calculate" value can be used to generate a trigger
and put it onto the table. The trigger code might look something like
this (The SQL version is PostgreSQL):

-- direct assignments are an error
if new.extended_price is not null then
raise error 'Direct assignment forbidden: extended_price';
new.extended_price = new.price * new.qty;
end if;

It is not my purpose here to explain how to generate that trigger,
but simply to suggest that it is a very doable thing. Because
I am not tracing out the steps, I do need to explain that I
slipped those "@" signs into the "calculate" value so that when
the trigger is built the builder program could detect column names and
put the appropriate "old." and "new." prefixes in front of them.

Fourth Basic Use: SQL Access

A database application is full of code that reads and writes to
tables. All frameworks and even very modest websites end
up with a handful of routines that handle the mundane tasks of
sending inserts and updates to the tables.

The Data Dictionary is the perfect resource for these routines.
It can be used to properly format data, put quotes where they
belong, clip overlong values (or throw an error), prevent the user
from changing a primary key, and many other things.

Fifth Basic Use: Documentation

If you have a "rich" data dictionary, one that contains lots of
extended properties that describe everything about columns and
tables, and if you build your database and generate your forms
out of that dictionary, then the next and final natural step is
to generate technical documentation out of it as well.

In a first pass, technical documentation is limited to simply
displaying the columns that go into a table, which admittedly does
not mean much even to technical users. But once you get past that
basic task you can begin to layer on lists of parent and
child tables (as links of course), descriptions of formulas,
and so on.

In a similar vein, Tooltip descriptions go well in a data

Conclusion: True Synchronization

The holy grail of database programming is synchronization
of code and data. Sychronization means a lot more than simply making
sure you delivered the right code and upgraded the tables.
Complete synchronization means that the framework is intrinsically
incapable of mistakenly accessing missing columns or failing to
consider important columns. At the framework level, if you make
use of a data dictionary as described above then your framework
will be organically synchronized, which is to say that the
synchronization is built into the code itself.

>Next Essay: Why I Do Not Use ORM

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ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلْعَٰلَمِين
Alhamdulilah hirobil alamin

وَ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Artikel Using a Data Dictionary, Diterbitkan oleh scodeaplikasi pada Senin, 09 Juni 2008. Semoga artikel ini dapat menambah wawasan Anda. Website ini dipost dari beberapa sumber, bisa cek disini sumber, Sobat diperbolehkan mengcopy paste / menyebar luaskan artikel ini, karena segala yang dipost di public adalah milik public. Bila Sobat tertarik Ingin membuat software, membeli software, membeli source code ,Dengan Cara menghubungi saya Ke Email: Fajarudinsidik@gmail.com, atau No Hp/WA : (fajar) : 085369237896, (puat) : 085267792168.
