OpenERP is a free open-source software product for enterprise management (For small to medium enterprise who require to accelerate in this global market)
"Because of its modularity, collaborative developments in Open ERP have been cleanly integrated, enabling any company to choose from a large list of available functions. As with most open source software, accessibility, flexibility, and simplicity are important keywords for development. Experience has shown that there's no need to train users for several months on the system, because they can just download it and use it directly."
All the rest of the information , pls go to the original site OpenERP (formerly Tiny ERP) 5.0.11 Free Download - A complete and the most feature rich Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. - BumperSoft and view.
This article focus on the topic is to borrow two key words above that is "collaboration" through "integration" of applications.
E-global since the day we got started , we always build or search for good solutions that enable us to collaborate and integrate so that when our client can accelerate to excel in the global market , especially SME , we can also grow with them. We are a service company , no company for us to service we will be out of business. Therefore it is critical that we are flexible enough for our potential client to choose . The E-global tag line is "Integrate.Collaborate.Accelerate" come with this mission in mind .
E-global do not focus only solutions but we encourage team works just like one of the recent important milestone we made is to officially launched "SCRUM" project methodology into our culture to further improve our e-global team work spirit. One of the key note in the SCRUM that i delivered was :
The Agile Manifesto : a statement of values
We will focus on delivering solutions by promoting "Individual and Interaction" over "Process and Tools"
We will focus on delivering "Working Software" over "Comprehensive Documentation"
We will focus on enabling "Customer Collaboration" over "Contract Negotiation"
We will get ourselves always "Responding to Change" over "Following a Plan"
We are off course excited that OpenERP core team is practicing SCRUM as well as and at the same time OpenERP has build a module "SCRUM" as part of project management add on module that again show and proof to us that OpenERP SA although may have different tag line then E-global but I am quite sure that we focuses on the same principle to deliver a great piece of ERP solutions to help Local and regional SME to excel in the global market.
Individuals and interactions
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