Outlook asks for password to connect to exchange server each time it start: Solution
If you are not using exchange server under your domain than it may be possible that exchange will ask for user name and password each time you connect with it and even select remember password.
It�s very simple and easy to manage for not to prompt for password for outlook and exchange connectivity
Go to control panel -->credential manager-->click on Add a windows credential.
It will take you to a new page where it will ask for Internet or network address user name and password. Give the settings as bellow
Internet or network address: email.apdubey.com (replace email.apdubey.com with your exchange server)
User name : your exchange mail id
Password : your exchange password.
Now open outlook and it won�t ask for a password to get connected with exchange server.
Please remember above settings are for windows 7 but if you have windows xp you can do same for that as well.
Follow this support article for same http://support.microsoft.com/kb/306992
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