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Encryption and cipher methods (Caesar cipher and Vigenere Cipher)

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بِسْــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

In this article I will be explaining the very basics of encryption and decryption techniques. I will be discussing two types of encryption/ decryption techniques 1. Caesar Cipher 2. Vigenere Cipher (basic and advanced)
In this article I will be explaining the very basics of encryption and decryption techniques.
Here I will be discussing two types of encryption/ decryption techniques
1. Caesar Cipher
2. Vigenere Cipher (basic and advance)
I will be explaining in detail how the, encryption of basic types, are to be done and I have not used any complex crypto methods for the coding part.
Let's begin

Caesar Cipher encryption/decryption

A brief history: In cryptography, a Caesar cipher, also known as a Caesar's cipher or the shift cipher or Caesar's code or Caesar shift, is one of the simplest and basic known encryption techniques.
It is a type of replace cipher in which each letter in the plaintext is replaced by a letter with a fixed position separated by a numerical value used as a "key".
Caesar Cipher is or was probably the very first encryption methodology. 

Let me give an example:
Let's take a plain text: "DOTNETSPIDER IS A LEADING WEBSITE FOR DOT NET COMMUNITY" and we want to encrypt the plain text using "Caesar Cipher", using key/password as "9". Caesar Cipher only takes numeric password, and only between 0-25.

So our plain text's cipher/encrypted text will become: "MXCWNCBYRMNA RB J UNJMRWP FNKBRCN OXA MXC WNC LXVVDWRCH".

So how did we arrive at the cipher/encrypted text?
I will explain with a simple procedure.
Let us assign each alphabet in our English literature with a numeric value in a tabular format
Such as:

Now take a word from the plain text, for example: "DOTNETSPIDER"
As I have said earlier that it is a type of replace cipher in which each letter in the plaintext is replaced by a letter with a fixed position separated by a numerical value used as a "key".
So we have to take each letter or character,
In case of "DOTNETSPIDER": the value of 'D' is 3, so add 3 by 9 (since we have used '9' as our key/password)
So, 3 + 9 = 12
Now refer to the table above, now whose value is 12, its 'M'.

So here �D� gets replaced by �M�
Let�s take another value from �DOTNETSPIDER� ? �T�: the value of �T� is 19, so add 19 by 9 (since we have used �9� as our key/password)
So, 19 + 9 = 28,
Here you can see the value is not on the list. 
So whenever the value is greater than �25�, just subtract the value with �26�.
So, 19 + 9 = 28, and now the value is greater than 25, so, 28 � 26 = 2. 
Now refer to the table above, now whose value is 2, its �C�.
So here �T� gets replaced by �C�

O (14) + 9 = 23(X)
T (19) + 9 = 28 � 26 = 2(C)
N (13) + 9 = 22(W)
E (4) + 9 = 13(N)
T (19) + 9 = 28 � 26 = 2(C)
S (18) + 9 = 27 � 26 = 1(B)
P (15) + 9 = 24(Y)
I (8) + 9 = 17(R)
D (3) + 9 = 12(M)
E (4)+ 9 = 13 (N)
R (17) + 9 = 26 � 26 = 0(A)
Hence, �DOTNETSPIDER� became, by using Caesar Cipher �MXCWNCBYRMNA�.

Now let�s go to the coding part.

The look of my app is like this:
Caesar cipher basic

After encoding the text.

Caesar cipher encoded

Now the code:

//Here I am only using characters A-Z(upper case)
//To increase the complexity of the ceaser cipher lower case"a-z", Numerics and Symbols also can be used

#region Encode

private void Encode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string Text = richTextBox1.Text.ToUpper();
int key = Convert.ToInt32( comboBox1.Text);
string final = "";

int indexOfChar = 0;
char encryptedChar;

//Convert/encrypt each and every character of the text
foreach (char c in Text)
//Get the index of the character from alphabets variable
indexOfChar = alphabets.IndexOf(c);

if (c == ' ')//if encounters an white space
final = final + c;
else if(c == '\n')// if encounters a new line
final = final + c;
else if ((indexOfChar + key) > 25)//if the character is at the end of the string "alphabets"
//encrypt the character
encryptedChar = alphabets[(indexOfChar + key) - 26];

//add the encrypted character to a string every time to get an encrypted string
final = final + encryptedChar;
//encrypt the character
//add the encrypted character to a string every time to get an encrypted string
encryptedChar = alphabets[indexOfChar + key];
final = final + encryptedChar;

//Display encrypted text
richTextBox1.Text = final;


#region Decode

private void Decode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string Text = richTextBox1.Text.ToUpper();
int key = Convert.ToInt32(comboBox1.Text);
string final = "";

int indexOfChar = 0;
char decryptedChar;

//Convert/decrypt each and every character of the text
foreach (char c in Text)
//Get the index of the character from alphabets variable
indexOfChar = alphabets.IndexOf(c);

if (c == ' ')//if encounters a white space
final = final + c;
else if (c == '\n')// if encounters a new line
final = final + c;
else if ((indexOfChar - key) < 0)//if the character is at the start of the string "alphabets"
//decrypt the character
//add the decrypted character to a string every time to get a decrypted string
decryptedChar = alphabets[(indexOfChar - key) + 26];
final = final + decryptedChar;
//decrypt the character
//add the decrypted character to a string every time to get a decrypted string
decryptedChar = alphabets[indexOfChar - key];
final = final + decryptedChar;

//Display decrypted text
richTextBox1.Text = final;


Note: Caesar Cipher is very easy to break, as, in the above example, there is only 25 ways to encrypt and decrypt the plain/cipher text, you can include lower case alphabets, symbols and numeric to increase the number of ways, but it�s not a secure way, because it�s too easy to decrypt using trial and error methods.

End of Caesar Cipher


Vigenere Cipher Basic

A brief history: The Vigen�re cipher is a method of encrypting text by using a series of different Caesar ciphers based on the letters of a keyword.
It is a polyalphabetic cipher based on using successively shifted alphabets, a different shifted alphabet for each of the 26 English letters. The procedure is based on the table shown in Figure below and the use of a keyword. The letters of the keyword determine the shifted alphabets used in the encoding process.

Vigenere cipher basic table

Let me explain with an example:
Let�s take a plain text: �DOTNETSPIDER IS A LEADING WEBSITE FOR DOT NET COMMUNITY� and we want to encrypt the plain text using �Vigenere Cipher�, using key/password as �PAUL�. 
So our plain text�s cipher/encrypted text will become: �SONYTTMAXDYC XS U WTAXTCG QPQSCET FIC SON YTT WZBMOYXTS�.

So how did we arrive at the cipher/encrypted text?
I will explain with a simple procedure and mathematical too.
First the simple procedure.
First you have to make the table,
The password for the above example, I have used is �PAUL�.
So from the above table only keep the sections of alphabets of �PASSWORD REFERENCE� that constitutes in the word �PAUL�(in ascending order).
That is: �A�, �L�, �P�, �U�

Vigenere cipher EXAMPLE TABLE 1

Let�s reduce the size of the table:

Vigenere cipher EXAMPLE TABLE

Now take a word from the plain text, for example: �DOTNETSPIDER�
And the password is �PAUL�.

Now refer �D� from the �TEXT REFERENCE� section of the table, and �P� from the �PASSWORD REFERENCE� section of the table,
Like this:
Vigenere cipher EXAMPLE TABLE 2

See what you get: Now replace the value of �D� with �S�

Similarly take the letter �O� from the �TEXT REFERENCE� section of the table, and �A� from the �PASSWORD REFERENCE� section of the table.
(Note: the letters if the text and password should increase by 1 simultaneously, after each encryption of the letters of the plain text)
Vigenere cipher EXAMPLE TABLE 3

See what you get: Now replace the value of �O� with �O�

Similarly take the letter �T� from the �TEXT REFERENCE� section of the table, and �U� from the �PASSWORD REFERENCE� section of the table.
Vigenere cipher EXAMPLE TABLE 4

Now replace the value of �T� with �S�

Similarly take the letter �N� from the �TEXT REFERENCE� section of the table, and �L� from the �PASSWORD REFERENCE� section of the table.
Vigenere cipher EXAMPLE TABLE 5

Now replace the value of �N� with �Y�

Now we have reached at the last letter of the password, so now we have to start over again with the first letter of the password.

Take the letter �E� from the �TEXT REFERENCE� section of the table, and �P� from the �PASSWORD REFERENCE� section of the table.
Vigenere cipher EXAMPLE TABLE 6

Now replace the value of �E� with �T�

Repeating the above steps you will get �DOTNETSPIDER�, using password as �PAUL�, The Vigenere cipher as, �SONYTTMAXDYC�.

Now let�s derive the Vigenere cipher mathematically:
First of all let�s assign a value to the alphabets, like we did in Caesar cipher above.

For Encryption the formula is: 
Value of cipher text letter = (value of plain text letter + value of password text letter) (mod 26)

For Decryption the formula is:
Value of plain text letter = (value of cipher text letter - value of password text letter) (mod 26)

Let�s see with an example:
Password : PAUL

The value of �D� from plain text is 3, and the value of �P� from password is 15.
So using the encryption formula.
(3 + 15) mod 26 = 18 mod 26 = 18.
Now refer to the table above, now whose value is 18, its �S�.

Similatly for �O�, the value of �O� from plain text is 14, and the value of �A� from password is 0.
So using the encryption formula.
(14 + 0) mod 26 = 14 mod 26 = 14.
Now refer to the table above, now whose value is 14, its �O�.

By applying the above formula for encryption, �DOTNETSPIDER� and using password as �PAUL�, The Vigenere cipher becomes, �SONYTTMAXDYC�.

End of Vigenere cipher basic


Vigenere cipher advance

Vinegere cipher advanced is pretty much same as the basic; the only difference is that we change the structure of the text/password reference table.
In advance Vigenere cipher you will need another password which is known as �alphabet key�.
For example:
Suppose my alphabet key is �SPIDER�
The text/password reference table will be as such:
Vigenere cipher advanced table

As you can see the Word �SPIDER� has been set at the first of the text/password reference table, hence this increases the complexity of Vigenere cipher.

�Vinegere Cipher Advanced� depends on how you set your alphabet key in the text/password reference table. It can be in any form such as : you can reverse the alphabet key : �SPIDER� becomes �REDIPS� or you can set the alphabet key at the end of the reference table. There are many way for the advanced version and surely it increases the complexity of the cipher/encrypted text. 

In Vinegere Cipher advanced, the text replacement pattern is same as the Vinegere cipher basic, that I have explained above, the only difference is the structure of the text/password reference table.

Let�s encrypt a plain text with Vinegere cipher advanced:
Let�s take a plain text: �DOTNETSPIDER IS A LEADING WEBSITE FOR DOT NET COMMUNITY� and we want to encrypt the plain text using �Vigenere Cipher�, using key/password as �PAUL� and alphabet key as �SPIDER�. 

So our plain text�s cipher/encrypted text will become: �EXKERZUMDFYT DA S IRJXNON NQCAWBR MHT EXK ERZ IRNVLEDZQ�.

Do you see it�s very different from the Vinegere cipher basic�s cipher text that we derived earlier.

The process of encrypting the plain text is same as the Vinegere cipher basic (explained above).

Let�s see with an example:
Let�s take plain text as: �WEBSITE�.
The password as �PAUL�.
The alphabet key is �SPIDER�.

So from the above table only keep the sections of alphabets of �PASSWORD REFERENCE� that constitutes in the word �PAUL�(in ascending order).
That is: �P� �A�, �L�, and �U�

So the derived table would be:
Vigenere cipher advance EXAMPLE TABLE

Now refer �W� from the �TEXT REFERENCE� section of the table, and �P� from the �PASSWORD REFERENCE� section of the table,
Like this:
Vigenere cipher advance EXAMPLE TABLE1

See what you get: Now replace the value of �W� with �X�

Similarly take the letter �E� from the �TEXT REFERENCE� section of the table, and �A� from the �PASSWORD REFERENCE� section of the table.
Vigenere cipher advance EXAMPLE TABLE2

See what you get: Now replace the value of �E� with �G�

Repeating the above steps you will get �WEBSITE�, using password as �PAUL� and alphabet key as �SPIDER�, The Vigenere cipher as, �XGPLDZY�.

Now let�s go to the coding part of Vinegere cipher:

The Basic look of my app is as such:
There are two radio buttons: :Basic and "Advance".

If "Basic" is checked then:
vigenere app basic

If "Advance" is checked then:
vigenere app advance

Now the code:

On form load

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
basicRadioButton.Checked = true;

private void basicRadioButton_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
label2.Visible = false;
keyTextBox.Visible = false;

private void advanceRadioButton_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
label2.Visible = true;
keyTextBox.Visible = true;

//Here I am only using characters A-Z(upper case)
//To increase the complexity of the VIGENERE CIPHER lower case"a-z", Numerics and Symbols also can be used

Remove duplicate characters from "Alphabet Key" method

static string RemoveDuplicateChars(string key)
// --- Removes duplicate chars using string concats. ---
// Store encountered letters in this string.
string text = "";

// Store the result in this string.
string final = "";

// Loop over each character.
foreach (char value in key)
// See if character is in the table.
if (text.IndexOf(value) == -1)
if (value == ' ')
//do nothing
// Append to the table and the result.
text += value;
final += value;
return final;

Encrypt using "Vigenere Cipher"

#region Encrypt using "Vigenere Cipher"

private void encryptButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
char encryptedChar;
string encryptedText = "";
int charIndexOfText, charIndexOfPassword, newIndex;
char charOfText;
char charOfPassword;
string table = "";
string result = "";
string text = richTextBox1.Text;
string password = passwordTextBox.Text;

charIndexOfText = charIndexOfPassword = newIndex = 0;

//If want to use both key and password else it will only use password
if (advanceRadioButton.Checked)
//Removes duplicate characters from the string "alphabets"
//For example: if the key is "MRINMAY"
//The string "alphabets" will be modified to "MRINAYBCDEFGHJKLOPQSTUVWXZ"
string key = RemoveDuplicateChars(keyTextBox.Text);
alphabets = RemoveDuplicateChars(key.ToUpper() + alphabets);
else// If basic radio button is selected

//look for white space in the password and discard it
//it is very that, a vigenere cipher's password should not have white space
foreach (char value in password)
// if character is white space.
if (value == ' ')
//do nothing
// Append valid character to the table and the result.
table += value;
result += value;

//password without white space
password = result;

for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < password.Length; j++)

if (i < text.Length)
//get each character of the text and the password
//Note: I have used only Upper Case alphabets
//but if you want to include lower case alphabets, add lower case alphabets(a-z) to string "alphabets"
//replace the next two lines of code with this:/* charOfText = text[i]; charOfPassword = password[j];*/
charOfText = char.ToUpper(text[i]);
charOfPassword = char.ToUpper(password[j]);

if(charOfText == ' ')// if encounters a white space in the text
//add the white case character to the encrypted text
encryptedChar = charOfText;
encryptedText = encryptedText + encryptedChar;
else if (charOfText == '\n')// if encounters a new line in the text
//add the new line character to the encrypted text
encryptedChar = charOfText;
encryptedText = encryptedText + encryptedChar;
//Get the index of the character of text from alphabets variable
charIndexOfText = alphabets.IndexOf(charOfText);

//Get the index of the character of password from alphabets variable
charIndexOfPassword = alphabets.IndexOf(charOfPassword);

//Get the encrypted character
newIndex = (charIndexOfText + charIndexOfPassword) % 26;
encryptedChar = alphabets[newIndex];

//add the encrypted character to a string every time to get an encrypted string
encryptedText = encryptedText + encryptedChar;

//Display Encrypted text
richTextBox1.Text = encryptedText;


Decrypt using "Vigenere Cipher"

#region Decrypt using "Vigenere Cipher"

private void Decrypt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
char newChar;
string encryptedText = richTextBox1.Text;
string decryptedText = "";
int charIndexOfEncryptedText, charIndexOfPassword, newIndex;
char charOfEncryptedText;
char charOfPassword;
string table = "";
string result = "";
string password = passwordTextBox.Text;

charIndexOfEncryptedText = charIndexOfPassword = newIndex = 0;

//If want to use both key and password else it will only use password
if (advanceRadioButton.Checked)
//Removes duplicate characters from the string "alphabets"
//For example: if the key is "MRINMAY"
//The string "alphabets" will be modified to "MRINAYBCDEFGHJKLOPQSTUVWXZ"
string key = RemoveDuplicateChars(keyTextBox.Text);
alphabets = RemoveDuplicateChars(key.ToUpper() + alphabets);
else// If basic radio button is selected

//look for white space in the password and discard it
//it is very that, a vigenere cipher's password should not have white space
foreach (char value in password)
// See if character is in the table.
if (value == ' ')
//do nothing
// Append valid character to the table and the result.
table += value;
result += value;

//password without white space
password = result;

for (int i = 0; i < encryptedText.Length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < password.Length; j++)
if (i < encryptedText.Length)
//get each character of the encrypted text and the password
//Note: I have used only Upper Case alphabets
//but if you want to include lower case alphabets, add lower case alphabets(a-z) to string "alphabets"
//replace the next two lines of code with this:/* charOfText = encryptedtext[i]; charOfPassword = password[j];*/
charOfEncryptedText = char.ToUpper(encryptedText[i]);
charOfPassword = char.ToUpper(password[j]);

if (charOfEncryptedText == ' ')// if encounters a white space in the encrypted text
//add the white case character to the decrypted text
newChar = charOfEncryptedText;
decryptedText = decryptedText + newChar;
else if (charOfEncryptedText == '\n')// if encounters a new line in the encrypted text
//add the new line character to the decrypted text
newChar = charOfEncryptedText;
decryptedText = decryptedText + newChar;
//Get the index of the character of encrypted text from alphabets variable
charIndexOfEncryptedText = alphabets.IndexOf(charOfEncryptedText);

//Get the index of the character of password from alphabets variable
charIndexOfPassword = alphabets.IndexOf(charOfPassword);
newIndex = (charIndexOfEncryptedText - charIndexOfPassword) % 26;

//if the character is at the start of the string "alphabets"
if ((charIndexOfEncryptedText - charIndexOfPassword) < 0)
//Get the decrypted character
newChar = alphabets[newIndex + 26];

//add the decrypted character to a string every time to get an encrypted string
decryptedText = decryptedText + newChar;
//Get the decrypted character
newChar = alphabets[newIndex];

//add the decrypted character to a string every time to get an decrypted string
decryptedText = decryptedText + newChar;


richTextBox1.Text = decryptedText;


End of Vigenere cipher advance


Note: In the above examples I have only used upper case English alphabets (A-Z).
You can use lower case alphabets(a-z), numerics(0-9) and symbols to increase the complexity of the ciphers.

************** THE END ******************

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وَ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Artikel Encryption and cipher methods (Caesar cipher and Vigenere Cipher), Diterbitkan oleh scodeaplikasi pada Kamis, 28 Juli 2016. Semoga artikel ini dapat menambah wawasan Anda. Website ini dipost dari beberapa sumber, bisa cek disini sumber, Sobat diperbolehkan mengcopy paste / menyebar luaskan artikel ini, karena segala yang dipost di public adalah milik public. Bila Sobat tertarik Ingin membuat software, membeli software, membeli source code ,Dengan Cara menghubungi saya Ke Email: Fajarudinsidik@gmail.com, atau No Hp/WA : (fajar) : 085369237896, (puat) : 085267792168.
