Easy install of software
I write on blog to make people�s technical life easy and for that I come up with many solution and suggestion too, people asked me many times how they can install all the software on a newly formatted machine with minimum effort and minimum technical knowledge and I always suggest them only one solution that is ninite.

Ninite is a solution by which you can not only install all the application that you want on your computer but you can be sure that it will be free from viruses and it will never install any toolbar with any product that I lover personally. I hate to have toolbars on my computer installed with applications.
For installing application on your newly build cpu you just need to select your application, get installer and run it once and ninite will do the rest, it will download latest software version from net and it will install it on your computer in silent mode, it won�t even bother you once after the initial steps and it will give you all the software in your computer that you selected for installation.

This tool has almost ever software that you might need be it a web browser or chatting solution or media players or any run-time too or compression software and even the antivirus solutions.
To get this tool go to www.ninite.com select preferred software and click on get installer from end of the page. If you think its missing something you can suggest them to add it
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Email: Fajarudinsidik@gmail.com
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