Bless OTOMASI....
1 - stop the upward movement
2 - move down
3 - stop the downward movement
4 - turn to the left
5 - stop turning left
6 - turn to the right
7 - stop turning to the right
25 - set in the middle
26 - vertical "patrol"
27 - Stop vertical "patrol"
28 - Horizontal "patrolling"
29 - Stop horizontal "patrol"
On the Internet there are many articles on the use of RC boat or car with IP or Web-based camera. But most of them used a laptop or an internal router with Open-WRT or DD-WRT firmware. View the video of the RC car or boat in such projects usually implemented with a PC or Laptop. In this article describes the control crawler platform from any Android-device (tablet, smart phone, etc.), as well as viewing real-time video and rotation control pan/tilt of IP-Camera. it made Android-applications to work with the Wi-Fi IP camera.
The project is built on the Arduino. To control the car using Bluetooth channel. As an IP camera I used the popular model Foscam FI8918 (idr 875.000).
Shipdroid hardware configuration
Sistem tethering for wifi access point
As seen in the figure above, the interaction between the smart phone and tracked platform implemented directly on Bluetooth-channel, and the interaction with the camera implemented on Wi-Fi channel, but through the router. And this is a big disadvantage - because without a router, all operations with the camera will not work, for example in the street or anywhere outside the city. I tried to make a direct control via Wi-Fi, turning on Android'e mode Host Wi-Fi. In the future, I will try to make a direct interaction without a router. I have suggestion that this requires a camera with support W-Fi Direct.
IP-camera Foscam FI8918 gives a video stream in a format MJPEG (Motion JPEG), in which each frame is compressed using the popular JPEG image compression algorithm. At a resolution of the video stream 320x240, FPS is 25-30. If the video resolution of 640x480, the FPS drops by about 2 times. For Android on the Internet has been found MJPEG class for processing and display of data in activity.
FI8918 model has the function of the rotation and tilt of the camera via the web-interface. In this project, this feature is also implemented. Functions Foscam cameras are well documented (see file IPCAM CGI SDK V1.7). View video stream, control, configuration made through CGI scripts. View the video stream via script videostream.cgi with the appropriate parameters, where the user - user name, pwd - password, resolution - video resolution (8 - 320x240px, 16 - 640x480px)
To control the movement of the camera (the function pan / tilt) is used script decoder_control.cgi, and the parameter "command" set command:
0 - move the camera up1 - stop the upward movement
2 - move down
3 - stop the downward movement
4 - turn to the left
5 - stop turning left
6 - turn to the right
7 - stop turning to the right
25 - set in the middle
26 - vertical "patrol"
27 - Stop vertical "patrol"
28 - Horizontal "patrolling"
29 - Stop horizontal "patrol"
In the Android application I have used only the interaction with only two scripts, but as noted above, via CGI scripts can do a lot things:
get_camera_params.cgi - get the current camera settings. The script returns the resolution, brightness, contrast, mode 50/60 Hz mode, flip mode.
camera_control.cgi - camera settings.
reboot.cgi - reboot the camera.
restore_factory.cgi - restore factory settings.
get_params.cgi - information about the camera and the many parameters.
set_datetime.cgi - to set the time and date.
set_network.cgi - network settings.
set_wifi.cgi - Wi-Fi network.
set_ddns.cgi - set of configuration Dynamic DNS.
set_ftp.cgi - setting FTP connection.
set_mail.cgi - setting for MAIL.
get_camera_params.cgi - get the current camera settings. The script returns the resolution, brightness, contrast, mode 50/60 Hz mode, flip mode.
camera_control.cgi - camera settings.
reboot.cgi - reboot the camera.
restore_factory.cgi - restore factory settings.
get_params.cgi - information about the camera and the many parameters.
set_datetime.cgi - to set the time and date.
set_network.cgi - network settings.
set_wifi.cgi - Wi-Fi network.
set_ddns.cgi - set of configuration Dynamic DNS.
set_ftp.cgi - setting FTP connection.
set_mail.cgi - setting for MAIL.
The camera configured to work with a static IP-address. So that it can be accessed from the Android application. Although Foscam support DDNS services, so you can use a dynamic IP.
for a video from Shipdroid you can see this
thanks a lot i hope it can solved and helpful for your project.