Don�t call them: If you want a quick and irritation free support form customer care, then it is a good idea that you do not call them. I am giving this suggestion because most of the customer care executives are quite dumb. Many companies actually outsource their customer support work and sometime your call could land to other continent because of this outsourcing. So, you can understand how much they will care for you or your problems. These customer care officers only care for their performance and many times they give you solution to you without understanding your problem. So, if you don�t want an annoying customer support, it will be a good idea you don�t call them.
Try the chat: Instead of calling to a customer care you should try to have a chat. These day�s almost all these companies offer you a chance to connect with customer support by chat. This option is similar to call only and the other person could be at any place, but it is still better because you can do your other work while sharing your problem. Also, in this method you share your problem in writing that makes sure other person understand it in much better way. As far as response time is concerned, you get a solution in almost same time and sometime quicker as well. Also, the customer support on chat is bit more intelligent than their counterparts on call centres. So, this is certain that you will have much better and quicker support by this method.
Send an email: If your problem does not need immediate solution or if you can wait for 24 to 48 hours for a response, then sending an email is the best option. There are plenty of benefits that you get by sending an email to them. The first benefit is that, you just spend time for writing an email and you can share your preferred time for response. They will respond to you on your given time. Also, not all the people get access for mail and it remain in the hand of only few people that have understanding and authority as well to solve your problems. They can redirect the problem to right people and you can have quick solution without any irritation or time wastage.
Try twitter: Twitter is another good way of having good support from any customer care. In present time, almost all the companies have presence on twitter and if you just send a tweet to them in open, they will do everything to solve your problem. Twitter is a tool where you share your problem to one person but it reach to masses. That scare almost all the companies and that is why they don�t stop till they resolve your problem. So, if you want a better customer support, then contacting them via twitter is another good way to do it and this is certain you will get the best support from them.
I am sure, these methods can help you get better support from any customer care and you will not have any annoying experience as well. And if you don�t get good response from one method, then you can try another method as escalation and you will get support accordingly.
I hope it was helpful and informative for you. Please do share your opinion in the comment section below. And don�t forget to subscribe for future updates as well.
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