Whatsapp recently launched video calling feature for some people. Although, not all the people are able to get this feature because it is still in beta stage and you can get this feature only if you are a beta tester for whatsapp. And if you are wondering how to become a beta tester and how to have video calling feature on your phone, then you can get easy answer in this video.
As I said, first you need to become a beta tester for whatsapp, that is quite simple and easy task. You just need to visit this link. https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.whatsapp( You can find it in description as well and make sure you are logged in with your Play store id )
After visiting there you will get this screen that will have a button called become a tester.
Click on that button and you will get a message that will say you are now a tester.
Now wait for some time till you get alert for whatsapp update in your phone. Sometime you may need to wait for an hour or so to get this update or you can refresh playstore to check whatsapp update alert in 30 minute. Once you get this alert, just install the update and now you are good to go for the video call.
To make a video call, you just need to select the contact whom you want to call, then click on the call button and now you can choose video or voice call.
I hope it was informative and helpful for you, and you liked this information. Please share your opinion about this in comment section below.
See this tutorial in video here
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