This tutorial will guide making a Raspberry B+ case from Paper
1. Download pattern
There are many paper case pattern on Internet, one of Rasp B+ case can be download here
a. Ruler (steel stainless type)
b. Paper knife
c. A4 paper (normal type)
d. A4 paper (thick type)
3. Print pattern to A4 paper (normal type)
Stick it on A4 paper (thick type)
It is because printer can't print on thick paper (otherwise, paper will be jammed)
4. Cut the pattern
Use ruler and knife to cut pattern as in printed line
Be careful with hand-cut
Using thick newspaper to make basement for pattern before cutting
5. Getting pattern
Here it is! The pattern is cut out
6. Make trace line
Withdraw the knife, with only the nose, use the nose with ruler to make trace line for pattern
Using the nose to make trace line with ruler
Trace line will help to curve it in case-form easily
Curve it by trace line in step 6, then temporary hold it as a case
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