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Allen Bradley SLC Controller Error Codes

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السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
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Allen Bradley SLC Controller Error Codes

 Major Faults/Errors can be classified as:

Non-user - a fault caused by various conditions that cease ladder program execution.  The user-fault routine is not run when this fault occurs.
Non-recoverable - a fault caused by the user that cannot be recovered from.  The user-fault routine is run when this fault occurs.  However, the fault cannot be cleared.
Recoverable - a fault caused by the user that can be recovered from in the user-fault routine by resetting major error halted bit (S:1/13).  The user-fault routine is run when this fault occurs.

If you are looking for the explanation of an error that does not appear in this table, it is probably an I/O error.  Refer to either method listed next to clear faults)
Clearing Major Errors (via status display)
Clearing Faults (via menu selection) 

Code (Hex)
NVRAM (non-volatile memory) error occurred.  This non-user error occurs at power up.
Unexpected hardware watchdog timeout.  This non-user error occurs at power up.
EEPROM memory is corrupt.  This non-user error occurs at power up or while going into REM Run mode.
A memory error occurred while in the Run mode.  This non-user error occurs at run time.
A failure occurred during a memory module transfer.  This non-user error occurs at power up.
A fatal internal software error occurred.  This non-user error occurs at power up.
A fatal internal hardware error occurred.  This non-user error occurs at power up.
The processor does not meet the required revision level.  This non-user error occurs when going to run.
Main program file #2 is missing.  This non-user error occurs when going to run
The ladder program has a memory error.  This non-user error occurs when going to run.
Either the memory module is absent or S:1/10 or S:1/11 are not set as required.  This recoverable error occurs when going to run.
Internal file error.  This non-user error occurs when going to run.
Configuration files error.  This non-user error occurs when going to run.
Startup protection after power loss is set.  Check for a retentive data lost condition if a user-fault routine was executed with startup protection.  This recoverable error occurs when going to run.
There is an NVRAM/memory module user program mismatch.  This non-recoverable error occurs at run time.
The user program is incompatible with the operating system.  This non-user error occurs when going to run or at power up.
A missing or duplicate label was detected.  This non-recoverable error occurs when going to run.
A program integrity problem occurred during an online editing session.  This non-user error occurs at run time.
A minor error bit is set at the end of the scan.  This recoverable error occurs at run time.
0021   The remote power failure of an expansion I/O rack occurred.  This non-user error occurs at run time.
0022   The watchdog timer expired.  This non-recoverable error occurs at run time.
Invalid or non-existent STI interrupt file.  This non-recoverable error occurs at run time.
Invalid STI interrupt setpoint.  This non-recoverable error occurs at run time.
There are excessive JSRs in the STI subroutine.  This non-recoverable error occurs at run time.
This non-recoverable, run-time error is caused by excessive stack depth/JSR calls for DII routine.
There are excessive JSRs in the Fault subroutine.  This non-recoverable error occurs at run time.
Invalid or non-existent startup protection fault routine file value.  This non-user error occurs at run time
Indexed address reference outside of entire data file space (range of B3:0 through the last file.  This error occurs at run time; it is recoverable when using a 5/02 processor and non-recoverable when using a 5/03 or 5/04 processor.
The indexed address is too large for the file.  This non-recoverable error occurs at run time.
This recoverable run-time error indicates the file number does not correspond to the file type of the base address or the indirectly referenced file does not exist in the user program.
Referenced indirect address element outside data file limit.  This non-recoverable error occurs at run time.
This recoverable run-time error indicates the sub-element reference to an I/O slot file does not exist, or an M-file addressing error has occurred.
Invalid DII input slot.  This recoverable error occurs at run time.
Invalid or non-existent DII interrupt file.  This non-recoverable error occurs at run time.
An attempt was made to jump to one too many nested subroutine files.  This code can also mean that a program has potentially recursive routines. This is non-recoverable and initiated by a user program instruction error.
An unsupported instruction was detected.  This is non-recoverable and initiated by a user program instruction error.
An SQO/SQC instruction crossed data file boundaries.  This is recoverable and initiated by a user program instruction error.
The LFU, LFL, FFU, FFL, BSL, or BSR instruction crossed data file boundaries.  This is recoverable and initiated by a user program instruction error.
A negative value for a timer accumulator or preset value was detected.  This is recoverable and initiated by a user program instruction error.
An illegal instruction (TND, SVC, or REF) occurred in the interrupt file.  This is non-recoverable and initiated by a user program instruction error.
An invalid value is being used for a PID instruction parameter.  This is recoverable and initiated by a user program instruction error.
A RET instruction was detected in program file 2.
Invalid string length was detected in a string file.  This is recoverable and initiated by a user program instruction error.
Attempting to write to protected data file xx.  (xx is the protected data file number you are trying to write to.)
The daughter card has an unexpected firmware revision. The daughter card firmware is not up to date with the mother board. Flash upgrade both motherboard and daughter card to the latest version to resolve this problem.
STI Watchdog timer time-out.  This non-recoverable error occurs at run-time.
Jumper J4 on the motherboard is in the "Program" position and an OS upgrade cartridge is not present. Place jumper J4 in the "Protect" position to correct this problem.
This is a general Plastics Error (5/04P and 5/05P processors only). Refer to the processor's hardware manual for error code definitions and corresponding corrective action.
This non-recoverable run-time error indicates excessive stack depth/JSR calls for event routine.
This non-recoverable run-time error indicates an invalid or non-existent event interrupt file.
I/O errors

Source: Rockwell Inc

Update Contact :
No Wa/Telepon (puat) : 085267792168
No Wa/Telepon (fajar) : 085369237896
Email : Fajarudinsidik@gmail.com
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wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Artikel Allen Bradley SLC Controller Error Codes, Diterbitkan oleh scodeaplikasi pada Kamis, 07 Mei 2015. Semoga artikel ini dapat menambah wawasan Anda. Website ini dipost dari beberapa sumber, bisa cek disini sumber, Sobat diperbolehkan mengcopy paste / menyebar luaskan artikel ini, karena segala yang dipost di public adalah milik public. Bila Sobat tertarik Ingin membuat software, membeli software, membeli source code ,Dengan Cara menghubungi saya Ke Email: Fajarudinsidik@gmail.com, atau No Hp/WA : (fajar) : 085369237896, (puat) : 085267792168.
