How to use Select case in Visual Basic
The switch case doesn�t exist in Visual Basic, is replaced by the select-case statement. The select case is a disguise of the IF statement. Is not very powerful and I would not recommend it. But using the select-case (switch-case) is good sometimes to use it to make your code easy to read.
Is important to know that the select-case could only evaluate basic and elementary data types (Boolean, double, integer, uinteger, char, �.). reference :
Select...Case Statement (Visual Basic)
Basically, if you want to test an expression in a TextBox1, your select-case should always start like this:
Select Case TextBox1.Text Case Else End Select |
With basic example, I hope you will be able to use the select-case.
using the select-case (switch-case) equal to something.
Select Case TextBox1.Text Case "1" MsgBox("one") Case "2" MsgBox("one") Case "3" MsgBox("three") Case Else MsgBox("enter a value from 1 to 3 in the textbox") End Select |
The previous select-case is 100% identical to the if-else statement here:
If TextBox1.Text = "1" Then MsgBox("one") ElseIf TextBox1.Text = "2" Then MsgBox("one") ElseIf TextBox1.Text = "3" Then MsgBox("three") Else MsgBox("enter a value from 1 to 3 in the textbox") End If |
Please note that the select-case acts like a if-elseif-else statement. The moment the program encounter the first valid expression, it runs whatever inside that valid expression and quits immediately. In Visual Basic, you don�t need to insert any break expression like in Java or in C#.
use the is in the select case
Select Case TextBox1.Text Case Is < 0 MsgBox("is cold") Case Is < 18 MsgBox("is getting acceptable") Case Is < 22 MsgBox("is confortable") Case Is < 30 MsgBox("is getting hot") Case Is < 35 MsgBox("oh my god") Case Is < 40 MsgBox("call 911") Case Else MsgBox("please enter a valid number in textbox") End Select |
The previous code is the same if you use the if-elseif-else statement:
If TextBox1.Text < 0 Then MsgBox("is cold") ElseIf TextBox1.Text < 18 Then MsgBox("is getting acceptable") ElseIf TextBox1.Text < 22 Then MsgBox("is confortable") ElseIf TextBox1.Text < 30 Then MsgBox("is getting hot") ElseIf TextBox1.Text < 35 Then MsgBox("oh my god") ElseIf TextBox1.Text < 40 Then MsgBox("call 911") Else MsgBox("please enter a valid number in textbox") End If |
Use a range using the TO function in the select-case (switch-case)
Select Case TextBox1.Text Case -32000 To 0 MsgBox("is cold") Case 0 To 21 MsgBox("is getting acceptable") Case 22 To 30 MsgBox("is confortable") Case 31 To 34 MsgBox("is getting hot") Case 35 To 39 MsgBox("oh my god") Case 40 To 32000 MsgBox("call 911") Case Else MsgBox("please enter a valid number in textbox") End Select |
The previous with the use of the TO inside the select-case is equivalent to this code:
If TextBox1.Text >= -32000 And TextBox1.Text < 0 Then MsgBox("is cold") ElseIf TextBox1.Text >= 0 And TextBox1.Text < 18 Then MsgBox("is getting acceptable") ElseIf TextBox1.Text >= 18 And TextBox1.Text < 22 Then MsgBox("is confortable") ElseIf TextBox1.Text >= 22 And TextBox1.Text < 30 Then MsgBox("is getting hot") ElseIf TextBox1.Text >= 30 And TextBox1.Text < 35 Then MsgBox("oh my god") ElseIf TextBox1.Text >= 35 And TextBox1.Text < 40 Then MsgBox("call 911") Else MsgBox("please enter a valid number in textbox") End If |
Use multiples expressions
Use the comma to separate multiples expressions.
Select Case TextBox1.Text Case -32000 To 0 MsgBox("is cold") Case 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 To 21 MsgBox("is getting acceptable") Case 22 To 24, 25 To 30 MsgBox("is confortable") Case 31, 32, 33, 34 MsgBox("is getting hot") Case 35 To 39 MsgBox("oh my god") Case 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 To 32000 MsgBox("call 911") Case Else MsgBox("please enter a valid number in textbox") End Select |
Don�t forget to always put the case else statement in case your code goes wrong.
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