Include DLL files
Adding DLL files in your program is very easy. If you are using Visual Studio or Visual Basic .NET here are the basic steps.
Adding DLL files in your program is very easy. If you are using Visual Studio or Visual Basic .NET here are the basic steps.
First, when you open your Visual Basic editor and you have a project, you might something like this:
It doesn�t matter the type of project you have (Windows forms Application, console application, WPF application�).
Right click your project name and select Add Reference
You will get a window and you need to look for you DLL.
Select Browser if you want to manually find your DLL file and add it.
Example: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\<AutoCad 2011>\AcMgd.dll to work with AutoCAD Applications
There is of course other way to add your DLL in Visual Studio or any Visual Basic Express Editions. Your project properties have a tab for your reference with more options.
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