Install Windows 8
Windows 8 minimum requirement
Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster with support for PAE, NX, and SSE2 (more info)
RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB) (32-bit) or 2 GB (64-bit)
Hard disk space: 16 GB (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)
Graphics card: Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM driver
If you old PC can�t support PAE, NX or SSE2, don�t try to install Windows 8 over you old PC, it won�t work.
Install Windows 8
Launch the setup from your older Windows. The setup will evaluate your PC and determine if your computer is compatible or not. It won�t tell you if your PC is PAE, NX or SSe2 compatible. This includes Pentium 4. It works perfectly with the AMD 64 3800+.
Windows 8 official release was in middle October 2012. You don�t need to ask you setup to download or check for any upgrades. Beside, you could do it later.
Enter a valid serial number to continue the installation: Please don�t try to look for a hack or any crack for Windows 8. The upgrade is not expensive at all. If you shop a little, could find a the Windows 8 you are looking for.
Press Next when you finish. After you should see the license term and conditions form. The only problem is that you can�t print it. This is not very professional for a huge business such as Microsoft. For legal reasons, many corporation need to print a copy of their licenses and maintenance contract. You have to do a strange copy paste. Again, Microsoft should learn to do thing practical. Anyway, I hope they will hear me.
Check the small checkbox even if you haven�t read the agreement and press Accept.
The last screen shoot was an upgrade from Windows Vista Home to Windows 8 Professional. So you might not have exactly the same image than mine is you are upgrading from a Windows XP or a Windows 7. This includes Home editions, Enterprise or Ultimate.
When you feel ready, press Install to start the installation.
There is no way to tell how much time the installation will last. Please make it for 1 or 2 hours.
By the way, if you would like to get the latest Windows 8, good price are until beginning January 2013. So is time to get it.
If you want to buy and get yourself a DVD disk, well don�t buy it from Microsoft. I made some quick shopping. I found out generally, Amazon is cheaper and the shipping is extremely efficient and fast.
On Microsoft (USA), you could have the DVD disk at 69.99$ while on Amazon, is almost 4$ cheaper. And the shipping is free.
Other Windows 8 Articles:
Change language in Windows 8
Install Windows 8
Windows 8 compatibility with Intel Pentium 4
Change to classic desktop in Windows 8
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