FLOW CODE from Matrix Multimedia is one of them.It is a very good software in terms of simplicity and time it takes for a beginners to master it and start doing his/her own designs and coding in best possible way.
"Flow code is one of the world's most advanced graphical programming languages for micro-controllers.
The great advantage of Flow-code is that it allows those with little to no programming experience to create complex electronic systems in minutes. Flow code is available in multiple languages and currently supports the PICmicro, dsPIC, PIC24, AVR/Arduino and ARM series of micro-controllers."
The great advantage of Flow-code is that it allows those with little to no programming experience to create complex electronic systems in minutes. Flow code is available in multiple languages and currently supports the PICmicro, dsPIC, PIC24, AVR/Arduino and ARM series of micro-controllers."
From Matrix Multimedia website.
We are here giving some good examples for beginners/engineers so that they can kick start their projects.
Seven Segment LED Display
Timers and Counters
ADC Programming
Pulse Width Modulation(Motors Simulation)
Servo Motors
Stepper Motors
LED and Switches
LCD(16x2) Display
Graphical LCD Display
Seven Segment LED Display
- Using Seven Segment with PIC16F88
- Counting using loops(Seven Segment with PIC16F88)
- Counting switch presses(Seven Segment with PIC16F88)
Timers and Counters
ADC Programming
- ADC Simulation In Flow Code
- Servo with ADC control input ,Flow Code Simulation
- ADC-Voltage as Float(LCD with PIC16F1937)
- ADC-Voltage as String (LCD with PIC16F1937)
- ADC Sampling and outputting to a LCD(LCD with PIC16F1937)
Pulse Width Modulation(Motors Simulation)
Servo Motors
- Servo with ADC control input ,Flow Code Simulation
- Single servo motor control with PIC16F88
- Multi servo motor control with PIC16F88
Stepper Motors
LED and Switches
- Lighting an LED with PIC16F88-FlowCode
- Masked inputs with PIC16F88
- Outputting an 8-bit value with PIC16F88
- Reading a switch and outputting to a LED with PIC16F88
- Controlling a single output pin with PIC16F88
LCD(16x2) Display
- ADC-Voltage as Float(LCD with PIC16F1937)
- ADC-Voltage as String (LCD with PIC16F1937)
- ADC Sampling and outputting to a LCD(LCD with PIC16F1937)
- Printing Number on 16x2 LCD Display with PIC16F88
- Printing and Updating Number on 16x2 LCD Display
- Printing a Two line(String) message (LCD 16x2) PIC16F88
- Printing a formatted number on ( LCD 16x2 )
- Digital Clock On LCD (16x2) PIC16F1937 Used
Graphical LCD Display
- Graphical LCD-3D Text Example-Flow Code with PIC16F88
- Graphical LCD-2 Channel Scope Example-Flow Code with PIC16F88
- Graphical LCD-Pong game Example-Flow Code with PIC16F877
- 3D Text Example-Flow Code with PIC16F88
Serial Transmission (RS232, RS485,)
Miscellaneous Project
Keypad and LED Display
- Keypad and LED Interfacing With PIC16F88
- LCD Interfacing With Keypad PIC16F877A FlowCode Microcontroller Programming
Data Types and Manipulation
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Email : Fajarudinsidik@gmail.com
No Wa/Telepon (puat) : 085267792168
No Wa/Telepon (fajar) : 085369237896
Email: Fajarudinsidik@gmail.com
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