Finite State Machine is a tool to model the desired behavior of a sequential system.
�The designer has to develop a finite state model of the system behavior and then designs a circuit that implements this model
�A FSM consists of several states. Inputs into the machine are combined with the current state of the machine to determine the new state or next state of the machine.
�Depending on the state of the machine, outputs are generated based on either the state or the state and inputs of the machine.
�f: X x Q -> Y
�g: X x Q -> Q
More Links:
Finite State Machine-Tutorials and Examples-2
Mealy and Moore machines
Finite State Machine-Digital Electronics
Embedded programming-Micro controller based Systems
CONTINUE READING ��The designer has to develop a finite state model of the system behavior and then designs a circuit that implements this model
�A FSM consists of several states. Inputs into the machine are combined with the current state of the machine to determine the new state or next state of the machine.
�Depending on the state of the machine, outputs are generated based on either the state or the state and inputs of the machine.
- X represents the range of possible input values (2n)�
- Y represents the range of output values (2m)�
- Q represents the range of the possible states of the system (2k)�
- Transfer functions:�

�g: X x Q -> Q
More Links:
Finite State Machine-Tutorials and Examples-2
Mealy and Moore machines
Finite State Machine-Digital Electronics
Embedded programming-Micro controller based Systems
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