For last year and half I have gone dark on my blog and it has been because of the secret project I have been working on. Dreaming something crazy, forming the team, making something which is not attempted before, working with huge breadth of partners, simplifying complex scenarios to make it approachable by millions of customers, shipping it & finally users loving it is an awesome feeling which building the new Azure user experience has given everyone in my team.
In some shape or form the goal was to re-imagine how cloud needs to be in the future and just before the release I spent sometime trying to build this 3 min video to give you a trailer of You can also find it on Hope you enjoy it.

In some shape or form the goal was to re-imagine how cloud needs to be in the future and just before the release I spent sometime trying to build this 3 min video to give you a trailer of You can also find it on Hope you enjoy it.
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